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Ask Doctor Whooves and Derpy


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its basicly the story of dr who reincarnated as a horse. he travels back in time to london some time i forget what year exactly. then defeates the cybermen that were there then gets back on the TARDIS.


its in french but you get it

"That's amassing, the day was saved" Doctor said.

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Yup! and this story was made by 3 of us who wern't really bronys at the time :)


but we are now well pegasisters lol

"That's also amassing writing a story that soon changes the life of others, that's interesting" Doctor said.

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So Doc. Do Derpy's eyes work against Weeping Angels?

"Don't tell her this but it's a good thing her eyes are they way there are when it comes to Weeping Angels/Pegisi because she can look at two of them at the same time, well just as long as they aren't to far apart from each other" Doctor said.

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That was my favorite part of the games.

"I thought the best part was the pegises race" Derpy said.


"I liked the ice archery, but did anypony else see Discord Whooves" Doctor said.


(If you watch closly you'll see Discord Whooves on the train and getting off the train))

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Have you two ever been to Manehattan, and if so what is your best memory of going there?

"We have been to Manehattan, but it wasn't very fun" Derpy said.


"There was lots of equines there that I talked to, and they were really into fashion" Doctor said.

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'Paradoxes'- DW


Well there is already those Dr. Whooveses that Shenron mention but... There are DIFFERENT. Derpies too!


Like at winter wrap up, there was a Red maned, purple maned and 1 color I forgot!


Also I think Pinkie broke the TARDIS again.

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'Paradoxes'- DWWell there is already those Dr. Whooveses that Shenron mention but... There are DIFFERENT. Derpies too!Like at winter wrap up, there was a Red maned, purple maned and 1 color I forgot!Also I think Pinkie broke the TARDIS again.

"Hey Doctor" Derpy said.


"Yes Derpy" Doctor said.


"What's going on" Derpy asked.


"I think a paradox" Doctor said.

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"Hypno-what" Derpy asked.


"Hyponotism, well it's possible, but be careful, aww Derpy is flustered again" Doctor said.

Remember... Winter wrap up... Paradox...Pootis...






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