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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


"I'm gonna go grab something quickly"Sunset said before running away, he came back with a note pad and a pencil .Sunset started to write something down, then stared to draw the greenhouse from a birds eye view, when he finished that sunset flipped the page over showing another design done in the same way but with names of apple seeds on the page, Sunset compared the two pages then tried to hide the note book while Quickrose and Drill Horn were busy

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


Sunset stood there feeling a little bit embarrassed that Quickrose had seen his notebook "oh, uh you saw that ?"Sunset asked "well I just..." Sunset stopped for a moment and started to think "well, I..." Sunset wanted to tell Quickrose what he had been doing but couldn't explain it without feeling weird .He decided to avoid the question "okay, I will plant some more apple trees"Sunset said waiting for Quickrose to give him some seeds "could I set up a little section for myself? I have a little plan" Sunset asked feeling even weirder as he said it

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"sounds good" said Quickrose giveing him some seeds "were you drawing a plan in your notebook? that's admirable. i couldn't draw a plan that would even remotely look like what i came up with later." she smiled not showing the hurt that Sunset didn't trust her. it would take time she thought.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy



"thank you, and yes they were my plans, you have probably been the only person who has seen then or seen that I have an interest in this sort of thing, well you two are one of the only people i have had an actual conversation to in years" Sunset said smiling at them then getting his designs out and putting them down "you can have a look at them, i guess, it feels better to know you are into gardening" Sunset said as he started to try and fade away, afraid of what Quickrose might think of them

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"woah these are really good Sunset however the tree placed here will be too tall for the slant of the roof and will therefore will either be damaged or damage the roof." Quickrose sat down, lightheaded from her very long scentence. "but otherwise its fine" she fainted

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


Sunset slowly started to look back at Quickrose after he asked "you really think they are good?" he looked at Quickrose and started to notice something "Quickrose, are you okay?" her silence started to worry Sunset, he started to quickly check Quickrose again, Sunset didn't know what to do, he started to make sure she was okay

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QuickRose lay uncontious on the ground with David pinned underneith her. "Can't...move" said David. "Sunset help me!" he tryed to move and failed. "looks like her blood pressure is really low today." he explained "QUICKROSE WAKE UP!" he yelled in her ear which was quite close to his mouth the way she'd landed on him. "yup she's out of it."

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset started to move Quickrose, he then turned to David looking a bit upset but feeling a little awkward having to talk to David "is there anything we can do at the moment?" Sunset asked, hoping Quickrose would be okay, but also a bit unsure what would happen to Quickrose

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"well she'll be ok eventually" said David "but we might need to take to to the nurse here or to a hospital just to be safe." David had gone through situations such as these before and had figured out the procedures. "are you strong enough to move her or should we call an ambulance?"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset suddenly seemed a lot less worried, he then started to pick Quickrose up in his hooves but struggled a little "do you think an ambulance would be quicker? I can carry her, i think, but if it is faster then we will be able to help her quicker " Sunset asked before looking back at Quickrose

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"Ambulances can take HOURS! i just wanted to make sure you can carry her." david said a little annoyed. "come on we'll take her to the nurses office." he knew she'd be fine at least he hoped so. David scuttled over to the greenhouse door and stood beside it because he couldn't open it.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset put Quickrose down and wedged the door open, he then went back to Quickrose and carried her out, Sunset closed the door behind them .They eventually got to the nurse's office "could you knock?" Sunset asked as his hands were full, he then rested against a wall for a moment

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David knocked on the door. the nurse opened it with a smile then knoticed that there was an uncontious pony on her doorstep. she frowned slightly then said promptly "bring her in." she turned and moved to let the other ponys in. "put her on the table." she was very professional. she sat down in the chair beside the table.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset started to pick Quickrose up again while he stood up, as he carried her out into the room, he soon laid her out on the table, he started to feel her fur for a second then went back to the nurse "can you help her?"Sunset asked with a sound of hope in his voice

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"hmmm it seems like she's fainted because she doesn't have enough blood. odd because there are no wounds but explained by low blood pressure." she pulled up QuickRose's stats out of a fileing cabinet. "mmmhmmm....yes....." then seemingly out of the blue she asked "what's your bloodtype sir?"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset paused for a moment, trying to think to what his blood type was "I think it was A-, why do you need to know?" Sunset asked a bit nervously "are you going to need my blood?"Sunset asked again, Sunset started to look at Quickrose, then at David for a moment then back at the nurse 

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"Yes actually. QuickRose is A- as well and she needs blood or she'll get worse." The nurse paused "you arn't squeamish are you?" The nurse gave him a look that only nurses doctors and librarians can possibly can. David looked as worried as a plant, talking or not, could

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset stood there "if it will help Quickrose, then I will give her blood"Sunset said while feeling Quickrose's fur and looking at her face, he then stopped for a momen "shall we start now?" Sunset asked feeling a bit nervous but happy that he could help his new friend

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"Yes as long as you won't freak out as soon as I bring anything near you." The nurse looked as though the last time she had done this something had gone terribly wrong. "Please sit down here." She pushed a chair towards his that was tall enough so that he could see QuickRose. The nurse pulled over a machine and explained to Sunset what had to happen.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

Sunset seemed a bit nervous again but Quickrose's presence claimed him down "lets get this done"Sunset said as he held his hoof out, at one point he started to study David's connection to Quickrose but went back to looking at Quickrose " I would do anything for you, Quickrose" Sunset whispered to himself once before looking at the nurse an feeling a bit weird

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The nurse hadn't seemed to hear him. "I'm going to insert the IV now" she said. She quickly but precisely inserted the IV into sunsets foreleg. She then agent to the other side of the machine and put another IV into Quickrose's foreleg. "Now you'll have to wait about 10 to 20 minutes for the procedure to be complete but I can't verify when she'll wake up." David Tryed to climb up to QuickRose and failed. Miserably. The nurse picked him up and placed placed him on the table beside QuickRose without a glance and then began checking Quickrose's blood pressure. "Now if you get at all dizzy I want you to tell me immediately."

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

"I will"Sunset replied before going into a trancelike state, staring at Quickrose with a smile of his face occasionally Broken, but it didn't take long to start smiling again .Around 7 minutes into it Sunset started to move and look at David for a moment and his relationship with Quickrose, this time without a smile, he soon look at his hoof and started to smile again as watched Quickrose again.

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at the 15 minute mark the nurse took the IV out of Sunset's forleg. "she's stable now," said the nurse "so she'll be fine once she wakes up." David wiped a leaf across his head. "phew" he said,"that was cuh-lose!" just then QuickRose's eyelids fluttered. David waited in anticipation. "she's comeing around" said the nurse.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


"thanks Davi..." Sunset stopped as his face filled with joy as he hurried over to her as fast as he could, Sunset stood there in anticipation, Sunset had never been this excited, his hooves around the edge of the table, staring at Quickrose, waiting for her to wake up

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