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private PGA 3: Angel Academy (RP)


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Stark Angels stared up at the building that was Angel Academy and smiled widely. His greatest accomplishment in his life, and he was only 29! Letting out a happy sigh, Stark strolled casually into the school, hands in the pockets of his coat and stopped in front of registration table. "Can I help you sir?" "Hilarious. Where's Ms. Line, Storm?" Stark looked around for his Meowstic secretary that doubled as the woman who directed kids to their dorms. "She's in the bathroom I think. Just wanted to let you know I was here already." "I gathered that when you weren't home when I woke up. Get to your dorm before Ms. Line comes back please." "See ya then." Stark smiled slightly and shook his head as the Manectric gijinka sped off towards Dorm 7, just as the Meowstic secretary rounded the corner. "Oh hello Mr. Angels. Good morning to you too." "Good mor- Hehe, I somehow forgot about that. Well you came out just in time. The kids should be heading in here right about-" As if on cue, several students poured in, followed by several other groups. The secretary most likely would not be able to immediately answer the questions of the students coming in after these ones (Meaning she'll be busy when you guys come in). Stark smiled at the first group but quietly walked off without another word, retreating into his office for the time being. Once there, he opened the window of his office to it's fullest, and a large bird Pokemon flew in like a bullet, wings folded to it's sides. The Staraptor let out a powerful screech in the air before landing on it's own designated table. "Good morning to you as well, Orion. Today's going to be a good day."

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Apisves shuffled forward, shuddering as he heard the Staraptor's cry. He sneezed hard, a fit of coughs racking his body before he took out his inhaler.


"Why mom, why dad?" he moaned, already wishing he was back in bed in his comfy home. The Kakuna gjinka nervously hardened his skin as a force of habit. It barely made a difference, but it made him feel safer. "Hello, anyone know the way to a bed?" Apisves asked, already feeling tired

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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As if on cue, and seemingly out of nowhere, a female voice came out from the now even larger crowd at the front. "Apisves you're in dorm 10! You can head over there now! Luke Tanner you're in dorm..." The Meowstic gijinka was seemingly calling out at random to anyone in the crowd, on cue of when they began to wonder where there dorm was. Most kids tried not to think too much of it.


Meanwhile, Storm sat on his bed in his dorm. He was against the wall with his arms on his knees, waiting for someone to come.

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Fey tended to stay near the back of crowds, trying not to draw attention to herself. She breathed heavily and tried not to let the crowd if students  get to her. She had her hands inside the sleeves of her dress and held close to her chest as she looked around. 'Why did mum and dad send me here? They know I absolutely hate crowds!' Fey thought to herself as she tried to figure out where to go. It appeared that most of the students where heading towards their dorms.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Apisves panted like a dog as he made his way to his dorm, already exhausted from the short walk. "Huff, huff, man, I wish I knew Teleport" Apisves panted. He made his way over to the 10th dorm and opened the door, practically flopping into bed. The bag he carried was mostly filled by products of his poor health, all sorts of medicines to keep him healthy until he finally evolved. "Don't see what's so good about evolving, I like my life" Apisves mused, laying back on the bed and letting his tired body recover

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jared heard the sound of a screeching bird as he entered the building. He adjusted the blue rose bloom he wore on his jacket and checked his acceptance letter. 'Dorm 9.' He thought. He picked up his bags and headed towards the table where the room keys were distributed. He saw the one with a tag on it labeled 'Jared Desjardines' and stashed it in his pocket, before making his way towards the dormitories.


Unlocking the door, he saw that nobody had arrived yet, so he began unpacking, placing his clothes in the dresser nearest the door and put the suitcases underneath his bed. He dug through his second case and grabbed a small gardening kit, containing a trowel, a pair of gloves, a hand rake, a pair of knee pads, and a few packets of seeds and placed it on top of the dresser. He'd hoped he'd put it to use soon enough. For the moment, however, he decided to lay on his bed and rest. It had been quite a trip and he was tired.





Rune had already been on campus for a few days now. He liked to arrive early to anything. He figured that since he'd be teaching, he should probably start putting up maps and such in his classroom and readying is dormitory, which he would share with his wife when she arrived. It was more of a small apartment, actually. Equipped with a king-sized bed, a small kitchen, and a full bathroom, the only thing it really didn't have was a living room, but that role was taken by the staff lounge that was nearby the staff dormitories.


After everything was prepped, his spare clothes hanging in the closet, the bed made properly, and the kitchenette neat and tidy, he decided to rest until his wife came bounding in the door, cheerful as ever. He still remembered when he first met her. He laid on the bed, reminiscing of their time together in the academy. They had been dorm-mates then, and they would be dorm-mates now, only this time, he wouldn't get in trouble for sharing a bed with her. He couldn't wait until his darling Synthia would arrive.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Genesis cut through the crowd, shoving her way through and ignoring the remarks of the other students. She could care less, all she wanted to do was get to her dorm and possibly take a nap.


She opened her assigned door and kept it propped open with her hip before chucking her bag inside. Genesis eyed Storm wearily "Your my new bunkmate right?"

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Melissa yawned and covered her mouth as she walked towards her dorm. She was glad that she arrived on time and wasn't late like the first time she arrived at the old academy. It wasn't her fault running took so long! Shaking her head from side to side made her actually focus and not stumble around like an idiot. Getting to her dorm door, she opened it up with the provided key, stepped inside and closed it behind her. Resting her back against the door, Melissa closed her eyes and sighed in relief. Thinking that she should probably help other students settle in, she threw her bag on the bed and walked back out, locking the door behind her.


Fey gulped as she saw a student shove her way through the crowd. She whimpered even though the girl didn't do anything to her. Breathing in and out slowly, she carefully made her way to her dorm and noticed that the girl that shoved her way through was next door. Closing her eyes and calming herself, she then opened her eyes so that she could open the door. Fey stepped inside and, leaving it open, she sat on one of the empty beds with her bag held close to her.

Edited by XANA



What else am I meant to put here?


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Storm looked up and gave the girl a quick once over before smiling. "I would assume so. I'm Storm." He spoke quietly and almost monotonously, but the smile on his face conveyed how friendly he was trying to be. He didn't realize that being so blunt might seem a little rude to some people, so Storm made sure his expressions and body language enhanced the emotions he was trying to convey. 

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"Nice to meet you Genesis. I'm more of a morning person. I'll try not to bother you by it." He gave a short chuckle that betrayed his almost bored sounding voice. Storm had begun to tap his finger on his knee, and he subconsciously increased the speed until the one finger he was tapping sounded like a roll of two fast fingers. "I think I'm going to be going to the track in a bit." Storm need to let lose some energy, and running would be the best way to do it. Maybe he could try working on his electrical powers as well.

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(OOC: Sorry if I'm a little late to the party! I've been out all at and only just back to posting! :P )


"I'm gonna be late! Not good!" cried Kage, as he sprinted up to the building, one of his bags of belongings in each hand. The first day at the Academy, and he was going to be late! He slowed down and caught his breath when he neared the building, seeing others were still making here way inside, and he could take his time.


Following the crowd, he went inside, eager to see where he'd be spending the whole school year. It would certainly be a place he could fit in! He'd never seen so many other gijinka in one place! He stopped, a little puzzled. "Hmm... Now where do I go..? Is there a sign for dorm 10 anywhere?" he asked himself as he looked about him.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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Jared heard the sound of a screeching bird as he entered the building. He adjusted the blue rose bloom he wore on his jacket and checked his acceptance letter. 'Dorm 9.' He thought. He picked up his bags and headed towards the table where the room keys were distributed. He saw the one with a tag on it labeled 'Jared Desjardines' and stashed it in his pocket, before making his way towards the dormitories.


Unlocking the door, he saw that nobody had arrived yet, so he began unpacking, placing his clothes in the dresser nearest the door and put the suitcases underneath his bed. He dug through his second case and grabbed a small gardening kit, containing a trowel, a pair of gloves, a hand rake, a pair of knee pads, and a few packets of seeds and placed it on top of the dresser. He'd hoped he'd put it to use soon enough. For the moment, however, he decided to lay on his bed and rest. It had been quite a trip and he was tired.





Rune had already been on campus for a few days now. He liked to arrive early to anything. He figured that since he'd be teaching, he should probably start putting up maps and such in his classroom and readying is dormitory, which he would share with his wife when she arrived. It was more of a small apartment, actually. Equipped with a king-sized bed, a small kitchen, and a full bathroom, the only thing it really didn't have was a living room, but that role was taken by the staff lounge that was nearby the staff dormitories.


After everything was prepped, his spare clothes hanging in the closet, the bed made properly, and the kitchenette neat and tidy, he decided to rest until his wife came bounding in the door, cheerful as ever. He still remembered when he first met her. He laid on the bed, reminiscing of their time together in the academy. They had been dorm-mates then, and they would be dorm-mates now, only this time, he wouldn't get in trouble for sharing a bed with her. He couldn't wait until his darling Synthia would arrive.

Synthia was busy splitting her own shafts in the archery range. Once upon a time, that would've bothered her but she had gotten herself to the point that arrow creation took less than a minute. Twirling her bow a little, she exited the range and checked her watch. No new messages? But Rune is awake by now! Oh... maybe he didn't see the note in the shower to check the fridge... maybe I shouldn't use tape near aqueous fixtures. Hmmm... Maybe he'll see the hilt gleam from under the couch. I strategically placed it so that at around 11 o'clock, based on the windows position, the sunlight would connect rather strikingly. Carbon fiber hilt, stainless steel crossguard, and as a bonus, you can change the blade! It took me a month to design it... I wonder what he got me for our anniversary... it's a nice coincidence it's the first day of school. It should help him remember. At this point, she was keying into the room at 10:57. Edited by Nightwing


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Mathias sprinted up the steps in front of Angel Academy, clutching a guitar case with one hand and his book bag with the other. He stopped for a moment at the door to catch his breath, then pushed it open and walked inside. Looking around, Mathias noticed one of the largest crowds of gijinkas that he had ever seen! Making his way through the crowd, he found a table with labeled room keys. He located his name, made out the dorm number and then looked around confused. "Where the heck would dorm #9 be?"


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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After a few minutes of searching, Kage finally found the door with the words "Dorm 10" on it. "I wonder if my roomate's already here...?" he thought, as he set down his bags to open the door. "I wonder what they'll be like?" Opening the door and going inside, he noticed a part Kakuna gijinka lying on one of the beds in the dorm. He grinned at him. "Hey! You must be my roomate!" he said cheerfully to the other guy. "I'm Kage! I guess we'll be roommates huh?" Setting down his luggage, he jumped onto the second unoccupied bed. "So what's your name?"

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After a few minutes of searching, Kage finally found the door with the words "Dorm 10" on it. "I wonder if my roomate's already here...?" he thought, as he set down his bags to open the door. "I wonder what they'll be like?" Opening the door and going inside, he noticed a part Kakuna gijinka lying on one of the beds in the dorm. He grinned at him. "Hey! You must be my roomate!" he said cheerfully to the other guy. "I'm Kage! I guess we'll be roommates huh?" Setting down his luggage, he jumped onto the second unoccupied bed. "So what's your name?"

"Apisves" Apisves grumbled back, barely able to lever himself into a sitting position. "So, what half are you?" Apisves asked, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "Actually, unless you can do something cool, don't tell me. I like surprises" Apisves mumbled, his head swaying lazily about

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Mathias knocked on the door to dorm 9 before entering. Looking around, the riolu gijinka noticed someone in a grass type-themed outfit laying on one of the two beds. "Hey there roomie!" He said with a smile. Matt set his guitar next to the door, tossed his bag on the other bed and walked over to the room's other occupant, giving him a handshake. "The names Mathias, but feel free to just call me Matt. Who might you be?"


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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Mathias knocked on the door to dorm 9 before entering. Looking around, the riolu gijinka noticed someone in a grass type-themed outfit laying on one of the two beds. "Hey there roomie!" He said with a smile. Matt set his guitar next to the door, tossed his bag on the other bed and walked over to the room's other occupant, giving him a handshake. "The names Mathias, but feel free to just call me Matt. Who might you be?"


"Well hello there. My name is Jared Desjardines." He replied, returning the handshake. "You wouldn't happen to have bad allergies, would you? I only ask because I like to keep flowers and they might be a bit irritating to those with active allergies, to say the least." Jared warned.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Apisves" Apisves grumbled back, barely able to lever himself into a sitting position. "So, what half are you?" Apisves asked, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "Actually, unless you can do something cool, don't tell me. I like surprises" Apisves mumbled, his head swaying lazily about

"Nice to meet you Apisves!" Kage replied, before chuckling. "Does this count as cool?" he asked. Still in lying back with his hands begin his hear, he began to levitate off the bed. He grinned at Apisves. "I find it pretty useful at times! So you got any cool tricks?"

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"Nice to meet you Apisves!" Kage replied, before chuckling. "Does this count as cool?" he asked. Still in lying back with his hands begin his hear, he began to levitate off the bed. He grinned at Apisves. "I find it pretty useful at times! So you got any cool tricks?"

Apisves's eyes bulged. Despite his laziness, he could move when he wanted to. Faster than most people, he curled up into the fetal position before his skin briefly glowed. It was now slightly harder...not enough that a pushpin still wouldn't go through, but enough that it'd take slightly more effort.


"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Well hello there. My name is Jared Desjardines." He replied, returning the handshake. "You wouldn't happen to have bad allergies, would you? I only ask because I like to keep flowers and they might be a bit irritating to those with active allergies, to say the least." Jared warned.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Jared! As far as allergies go, I'm scott free, so flowers are totally fine!" Mathias grinned then turned to examine their room before stepping towards the windowsill. "If you mind me asking, is your pokemon half Roselia maybe? It's just with the flowers and your sweet getup, i sort of put two and two together."


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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"Well, it's nice to meet you Jared! As far as allergies go, I'm scott free, so flowers are totally fine!" Mathias grinned then turned to examine their room before stepping towards the windowsill. "If you mind me asking, is your pokemon half Roselia maybe? It's just with the flowers and your sweet getup, i sort of put two and two together."


"That'd be correct." Jared confirmed. "And thank you for the compliment. I'm assuming you're half Riolu with longer ears and the general coloration." He rested his hand on his chin. "On a completely unrelated topic, I'm wondering where I could get window boxes out here. It'd certainly make it easier to raise some flowers than just having them right inside the dorm, plus it would alleviate some potential messes."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Kage laughed as his new roomate went wide eyes with shock, and watched as he curled into a ball, glowing. "Hey now, that's pretty cool!" he said, before laughing again. "I didn't realise I was that scary though! I'll try not to do that if you don't want me to, but what about this?" As he grinned again, he slowly started to vanish, with only his wide toothy smile remaining.

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Synthia was busy splitting her own shafts in the archery range. Once upon a time, that would've bothered her but she had gotten herself to the point that arrow creation took less than a minute. Twirling her bow a little, she exited the range and checked her watch. No new messages? But Rune was awake by now! Oh... maybe he didn't see the note in the shower to check the fridge... maybe I shouldn't use tape near aqueous fixtures. Hmmm... Maybe he'll see the hilt gleam from under the couch. I strategically placed it so that at around 11 o'clock, based on the windows position, the sunlight would connect rather strikingly. Carbon fiber hilt, stainless steel crossguard, and as a bonus, you can change the blade! It took me a month to design it... I wonder what he got me for our anniversary... it's a nice coincidence it's the first day of school. It should help him remember. At this point, she was keying into the room at 10:57.


Rune heard the lock click. Synthia had finally arrived! He had been able to get the ingredients for her favorite pink poffins and put them in the oven. He wasn't exactly the most creative gift-giver, but he felt it meant a bit more that he made them mostly from scratch, while having to still prep their home for the next few months and the classroom. As the door opened, he got up and went over to the door. "Synthia my dear! Welcome to our home for the next few months!" He said, hugging his wife tightly. "How are you doing?" Rune asked, relaxing his grip a bit.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Kage laughed as his new roomate went wide eyes with shock, and watched as he curled into a ball, glowing. "Hey now, that's pretty cool!" he said, before laughing again. "I didn't realise I was that scary though! I'll try not to do that if you don't want me to, but what about this?" As he grinned again, he slowly started to vanish, with only his wide toothy smile remaining.

Apisves was too busy fainting to see. Many had compared him to fainting goats...they weren't exactly wrong. He recovered seconds later, part of the Shed Skin ability was that he recovered from stuff pretty quickly, though he was still prone to diseases. 


"You're a ghost type, of course you're scary" Apisves huffed as he came back to the world of the living

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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