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Your Nightly Spectre

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----[Roleplay start here]-----


Dark Star, an elite and respected member of the Feather Pub Gang sat down at one of the old benches by a small round wooden table. Soon the Pub-keeper came up and gave him his order, a nice good old cup of water. He didn't want to get drunk, he thought that he would like to stay with reality then get himself killed while doing something uncontrolled by him. The only time he had alcohol was only if the company he was in requested of it or he felt it would be fitting to order such a drink. 


The Stallion wore a dark cloak. He was a simple guide. Knowing most hidden passages and corners of Canterlot. Getting ponies from one side of the city to the other with a small pay that he used to humbly live his pathetic life by. 

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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A crimson red stallion quietly looked out of a window of a house he had found days ago. The street looked empty right now and that was the way he wanted it to be. He looked the other way, making sure there was really nopony there. After waiting for a few more seconds before stepping into the light, revealing his majestic hair. The stallion was also wearing a blue bandana around his mouth to prevent infection. On his right wing he had tied a cloth around a wound which he had gotten while flying around, grounding him. Brown boots, which he had found in a house, covered his hooves. The stallion's name was Redstorm, a lone survivor, running to house from house after the infection spread.

Hoofsteps sliently echoed through the street as he started moving, hoping to find some water somewhere.


As he moved, a mare appeared at the end of the street. Just when Red was about to greet her, two guards pulled her inside a house and left seconds later, grim looks on their face.

"What has this world come to..." Red muttered, starting to walk to the city center.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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The stallion sat there, enjoying his time off. Waiting for possibly another assignment or mission.  

After all it was either he gets it in time or he starves to death. Sadly he was low on money at the moment. Hardly enough bits to pay for a single meal. He had about until tomorrow or he knew he would start starving. And going on anything with an empty belly and weak is not good, especially when your life depends on it. 


Then again, him being a respected member of the Feather Pub had some sort of privileges. But even after all they offered to him, he usually rejected the offers. Even if it came to him starving to death, he did not want to use them. 

All he wants is to be treated as if the whole plague never happened, where the only privileges you get are the ones given by and worked for yourself. 


But reality was reality, the plague took over. And the world around everyone is crumbling apart. The Guard says they have it under control. Yet district falls after district. And where are the princesses? Our once beloved princesses were nowhere to be seen. Did they leave to escape the plague or something other, all we know is that they abandoned us. Also what we know is that they are alive, since the moon and the sun still moved the way they should, possibly the last thing left in balance in this world. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Raze entered the pub, finding a stool and sitting near the bar. A schiavona sword was dangling at his waist, and a flintlock pistol kept near his chest, both of which he found on the body of an infected gang member. He didn't mind the other gangs as much as he did the plague, but he knew the gangs were just as deadly, sometimes even worse than the plague itself. Like the Cravers. Those guys freaked him out.


He saw that Dark Star was in the pub as well.


"So, find anyone to smuggle across the city?" he asked, striking up a conversation.



Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"I sadly did not, I am feeling bored. And quickly running out of bits. " Dark Star tugged himself in his cloak like a blanket. "And winter is coming" He said clearly quoting from a book called Song of Ice and Pony. 


"So, what have you been up to lately? Did anything interesting?" 

  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Raze adjusted the sword on his waistcoat. "Besides avoiding the plague and getting ambushed by various gang members, I've done nothing else, really. The gangs never learn. Majority of the time one of their members cross blades with me, they usually end up

dead. Yet they still send more people to try and kill me..."



Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Well, I don't get that problem. Because I usually avoid being seen. And combat is the last resort, which I usually end up coming out of alive. I might avoid combat but I am quite good at it if I can say so myself.  Years of magic studies pay off. " Dark Star took a sip of his water. And cleared his throat. "I heard the blocked off Celestial District, owned by us, was taken by the Cravers yesterday.

And that the Dead-Watch are staying awfully quiet, I don't mind it, but it is a bit suspicious. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Trench Club mad his way though the once proud but now crumbling city of Canterlot. As Trench walked though the streets, that still had ponies trying to make living by selling things like weapons, clothing, odds and ends even meat, he could feel that there were many eyes staring at him. He couldn't deny that he did stand out a little, black duster wearing pony with a large club in a holster. He wasn't really trying to be subtle.But lucky for them that they didn't try anything. After a bit he started to feel thirsty so he decided to head to a bar for a drink. The closest bar we could find was one called the Feather Pub. He then head inside and took a seat at the counter  and asked for a glass of lemonade.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Gareth wandered the streets of Canterlot, waiting for something to happen. Being one of the guards, he knew he had to make some difficult decisions, choosing between those who live and those who die. The only way he could keep himself sane was to remind himself that the gangs were breaking the laws of the land and the infected only suffer and those around them suffer as well. Preening a few feathers on his wings, Gareth stared up at the watch-towers of the town market center. "Something needs to happen tonight or I'll bore myself to death..."

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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Steel a grey pegasus clad in blades of smallish sizes was in the market place he seen Gareth, and knew he was in the guard.

Grell a white unicorn was opposite steel on the other side of the road he also seen Gareth and sighed it could stop the plan.

Soundwave an electric blue unicorn was walking towards Gareth wondering when steel would give the signal.

All three are known to be in the dead watch gang.

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Atlas walked the streets of the damned city. The few ponies out kept to the shadows trying not to be noticed. A guard stands nearby keeping a lookout for anyone infected, his sword in clear view. Atlas thought back to his life before the plague struck. He was the go-to pony for any museum that needed a artifact in a spot they were scared to go to. He was well known in the Griffon Kingdom for his help to the peasant. He even had Celestia at one point personally ask him to find something. Now... Now he was practically a thug. If somepony had the bits he would go do a job for them. Steal something, escort ponies, smuggle something illegal. He even beat up a pony to pay a loan once. His life had become routine. Sleep, eat (If he had the bits), do a job, drink, repeat. Ever since his grim profession began he had become a depressing pony. It took a lot to get a simple smirk out of him. Then again most of his friends were dead and he had a lot. His family was dead. His once fulfilling and happy life was gone. Just as the city he had lost his splendor. The only thing bright about him was his fez. The sole reminder of his past life. He kept walking a permanently dull expression plastered onto his face. He needed a drink.


After more walking and avoiding guards he found his way to the Lonely Feather Pub. He was a regular. When he wasn't on a job he was here drinking his worries away trying to forget his past yet at the same time remembering it in all it's happyness. 

"Give me the hardest stuff you got. I need to forget"

Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As Red walked down the streets, more and more stalls came up.

*I must be close now...* He thought to himself, ignoring all of the desperate ponies who were trying to pull him towards their merchandice.

After pushing away a stallion in ragged robes who was threatening to cut his head off, he continued to walk towards the actual marketplace. Red could see the fortress now, stone walls, guards guarding the gates... he liked it more when it was free from all that.

Making his way towards the gate, one of the guards stopped him.

"Hey, what's the cloth for?"

"So I wouldn't catch the allmighty disesase you're all worried about?" Red answered in a confident tone. No guard hadn't stopped him like that and he could feel his heart tickling from the inside from excitement for some reason.

"Hmmm.... you know what, I know that you're infected." The guard suddenly said, a slight grin on his face.

"What? No, I-"

"Let's say I turn a blind eye if you hand over 50 bits right now, will ya?"

Red's heart started pounding. This was outrageous!

"What!? I don't have that kind of money, plus I'm not Inf-"

"Aaah... excuses, excuses... better make sure those bits get to me in two days or I'll have the whole garrison after you!"

The guard walked away, leaving Red with his mouth wide open. The other guard tapped Red slightly on his shoulder, asking for his attention.

"Oh, and what do you want? 20 bits to let me inside?"

"No, no... I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. He does that to ponies. And he is right about sending his pals after you."

"Right,  right... thanks for the info." Red muttered as he walked inside the marketplace.

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Stellar Nova watched from the top of the marketplace walls, above one of the four gates, down upon the marketplace below. As the gate grinded open, she first heard its winches, and then felt the vibrations. They ran through her legs, and up into the plate armour she wore. A lone pony strode through below, with a crimson coat, and neon mane and tail. She watched him curiously as he made his way to the sad excuse of a marketplace. As he mingled with the small crowd of people down there, she let out a bored sigh, and turned to her back him. Looking out into the empty street, pitiful street, which had once been bustling with the ponies of Canterlot. She shook away the unwanted memories, and focused on keeping look out. 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Regrets...So many regrets....


Atlas sipped his alcohol trying to forget his old life. The Griffons, his friends, his family. All he wanted was to know now. He took another swig. The effects of the beverage began to take him. He missed it all. He thought of the day he learned one of his closer friends, Done Deal, had died of the illness. He had walked to his house in the richer part of Canterlot. A group of guards blocked the door. They claimed not next of kin was alive and they took the property. That was a lie. Done Deal had a colt somewhere in the country. Even if he had died Atlas was in the his will to take his estate if the rest of his family was dead. 

"Give me something light. I need to remember" The bartender poured him some cider. Where was Deal's house? The Old district? Yeah. That's the place. He wondered how Zecora was doing... Knowing her she might still be alive. Maybe... He brushed her out of his mind. She was gone. He'd never get out of this city. Just like the rest of his family and freinds one day his body would surcumb to the plague and he would die. He waited for that day. The day he would have no worries. The day he could be free from this horrible place. He began to hum an old tune. One that no matter what he did would stay with him. The song of the Griffons. In villages across the Griffon Kingdom they would sing this song. They would huddle around fires in their homes and village halls and sing the song to ward off the cold and hunger. What those poor peasants didn't have in food or proper arrangements they had in fellowship. He remember the first time he heard that song. He was in the Griffon Kingdom for the first time. He was staying in the village hall that the elders had generously offered him. He woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of their singing. He found a group of them around a fire singing the song. Most of them were clearly starving to death or were almost to that point. Just a few hours ago he had received a full meal from the village. They had offered him up enough food that would have gone to ten others. For the rest of the night he too sang the song with them. 

That was the day he made a vow to help any in need even if it meant that he wouldn't eat or he wouldn't have a place to stay for the night or he would take a beating. He had broken that vow. His once honorable word meant nothing to himself anymore. That vow was his basis for years and it was shattered ever since the plague struck. He flinched as he remembered. The number of times he had pushed a beggar away just wanting a single bit or a single crumb of bread was uncountable. Atlas silently cursed himself for it. He didn't need to dwell on his former oaths and hopes. They were the past him; whispers of his old life. He didn't have a job for tomorrow and he had no extra bits. Time to ask around.



As he eavesdropped on any around him he over heard one talking about the Canterlot district and how his group lost the area to the Cravers.

"Overheard you talking about the Cravers. Name's Atlas. Have gun and sword. Will work for bits" He gave his usual and dull introduction to potential clients. Something about this pony poked at him. Something... He pushed the idea away. He was just a pony that may need work. He invited himself to take a seat next to him.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The stallion turned to the new visitor. 


"Work for bits do you? Well to bad that I don't have any. I am also not the one responsible for taking back that district. I work as a guide. You should speak to the Feather-Pub leader. " 


Dark Star checked the pockets of his cloak to check for his bits. That is when he got an idea. 


"Actually, I could use some bits too. And the gang is in a rather desperate situation... I will go speak with the leader, maybe he will offer us some bits if we help take back the district. " He finished his glass of water. "I might not enjoy combat but by tomorrow I will start starving. So, anyone else here with me?" He turned to the other pony he was talking to previously. 



Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Raze stood up from the bar stool. "Yeah sure, why not? Not like I got much else to do anyway. As much as I hate the Cravers... we need to take the district back." He took the pistol from his chest and twirled it around a bit.


"So..." He put the pistol back on his chest. "When do we start?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"We will see" Dark Star spoke, slowly moving away towards the leaders office/room. Disappearing behind the wall. 


About 5 minutes later he came back, seeing everyone in their same places. Not really all that happy. 

"Good news and bad news. And I won't bother asking which one to say first." The stallion fixed his cloak and checked his arsenal of weaponry under it. It contained a small stiletto and a flintlock that he had around in case his magic would not be of any use. 

"We will leave to the district in four days. Until then we are to prepare. The leader wants you two to go to scavenging to the long closed Equestrian Hospital. I doubt any of you have been there before lately, but I will just tell you that place is crawling with... ponies with the plague" He cringed while saying the last words. He didn't like calling them infected. He still thought of them as ponies. Ponies in incredible pain.... Ponies who needed help.


"Anything valuable you find you may keep. You are to look for medical supplies, really of any important sort. The leader will pay 5 bits for each piece you find. And maybe paying extra if he finds it worth the money. " Dark Star finished and took out a compass. "As for me I will be staying at the inn of really stupid reasons... While walking down the stairs because I went a floor too high... I fell down and broke one of my legs...yeah... quite useless for any mission. I will just have to stay and rehabilitate, hopefully with some magic I can be ready by those 4 days." 


He handed his compass to raze. "Just head exactly North/west and you will find the hospital."


Dark Star said his goodbyes and left towards his room, trying to conceal the pain coming from his front right leg. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Gareth flew up onto one of the watchtowers, landing next to a yellow unicorn mare. "How goes the watch? Anything unusual yet? Anything usual?" Gareth reached to his hip-flask, taking a swig of the vodka. "I didn't actually see anything going on at all on my way this time." Gareth scanned the marketplace, checking everypony for any suspicious activity. "Pleasant change if you ask me."

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As Red walked inside the marketplace, a shoe merchant stood out in one of the corners. Not because of the shoes he was selling though, it was the merchant's snow white fur, that kind of glowed in the damp marketplace.. Red walked up to him and simply put his boots on the table.

"How much for these?" He asked, ignoring the merchant's angry look.

The merchant picked one of the boots up, looked at it closely, clearly paying attention to detail. This went on and on when the white unicorn finally put the boots back on the counter.

Red heard the words that made him angrier than before: "I'll give you five bits for each."

"Hehe... nice one. No but seriously, tell me the actual price."

"I told you, five bits for each."

"Really? And how much for these... things?" Red angrily said, pointing at the shoes the merchant was selling that looked more like a couple of towels.

"Fifteen bits for a pair. Why are you asking?"


That did it, Red took back his boots, knocking the merchant's ones "accidentaly" down from the counter. One of them got knocked even further by a passing pony.

The white unicorn started swearing and cursing at Red, finally turning his back and looking for his most expensive item.

At this point, Red just pulled his boots back on and walked away, but not before looking at the merchant's earnings.


He couldn't believe his eyes! Under his counter was four small bags of money. Each must've contained at least fifteen or so bits. Atleast that was what the crimson pegasus thought. What Red did next was something he wasn't completely proud of. Quickly looking for the merchant, that was nowhere to be seen, he ducked under the counter and took two smaller sized sacks, quickly stuffing them in his boots and walking away like nothing happened, though his heart was pounding even harder than before. Maybe it was from the stealing or the fact that he was sure of that one of the guards saw him stealing....


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Trench drunk the rest of lemon aid, payed and got up. As he left the pub he thought of something he could do to earn some bits. He could be a bodyguard for one of the shops or he could do some odd jobs for the guard. He didn't know. All Trench knew how to do was fight and he didn't like that. @@RedStorm, As he was walking his prosthetic stepped on a rock and fell, bumping into a red pegasus stallion, accidentally knocking his bits out the sacks from his boots. Trench recovered and picked up the sack, ready to give them to the stallion.

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She'd turned back to look upon the marketplace once again, when Gareth swooped down, landing beside Stellar. He tried to make small talk, before took a swig of vodka . Stellar glanced at it disapprovingly, but did not take her eyes of the marketplace below. "You shouldn't be drinking when you're on duty," She said sternly, she paused for a moment "Who is your commanding officer?" She let the threat sink in for a bit. Before Gareth could answer though, something caught her attention below. The red stallion she'd seen enter had knocked several pairs of shoes off a counter, and the stall owner was cursing, and swearing loudly. Most people knew better to turn to stare, and continued about their business, unwilling to interfere in other ponies business. He was quick, Stellar gave him that. If she'd not been looking carefully she would have undoubtedly missed it. Taking a quick, sideways glimpse behind the counter, and around him, he swooped up two bags of bits, before stuffing them in his pockets and trotting away. Quick as a flash, Stellar rushed past Gareth, and took the spiralling steps down the gatehouse two at a time. When she broke out through the wooden door at the bottom of the gatehouse, she swung her head searching for the thieving pony. She found him, he was with another pony now who held out the money in both of his hooves. She cantered towards them, all the ponies in the marketplace jumped out of the way, knowing better to get in the way of a royal guard. Her armour jingled as she ran, creating a small tune as her chest rose and fell with her heavy running. She got to the thieving ponies side as fast as she could, and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, she pointed her horn threateningly at the other pony who held the sacks of money. 

"Hold it right there, by the power of the Canterlot City Guard!" She shouted, as best as she could still recovering from the run. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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@@RedStorm@@Gloomfury, @@Dovashy

Gareth saw the theft from the watchtowers above and swooped down onto the scene of the crime, backing up the mare. "You right there? You know I could have done it, then you wouldn't have had to tire yourself like that." Gareth turned towards the offenders, raising his chest, presenting himself proudly. "Halt, by the order of the guard! For if you do not, we will be forced to take action upon you!"

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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@@Dovashy,@, @@RedStorm

Trench was so confused, you could tell cause it was written all over his face. 'Do they think I'm trying to still the sacks?' He thought. He was never one to cause trouble, so he thought it would be bust to do what they say. "I wasn't trying to steal his sack, I swear. I was only trying to return them after I bumped into him." He said in his light Zebrican accent.

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@@Dovashy, @, @@Gloomfury,


It all happened so fast. One moment someone bumped into Red, the other a guard had grabbed him by the neck, probably ready to slit his throat. Red could feel other ponies starting at them, including the merchant.

"No... no..., it's not what it looks like..... tha- that guy!" He exclaimed and pointed towards Gareth. The town jail was one place Red wasn't ready to go, as there he was sure there was a high chance of catching the plague. Were these guys the guard's friends? If so, they would never listen to him accusing that pony.

"He... he threatened me! Told me if I didn't steal bits from this merchant, he would gut me in my sleep!" Red manage to spit out, heart racing like never before. Sweat was running down his forehead. Clearly, he was surprised and scared at the same time.

"Come on... like... I can't go to jail for this!"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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