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[Radioplay] Grossly Incandescant - MLP/Dark Souls Crossover - VAs needed.


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Greetings everyone, how are you all?

Why am I doing this?: This was originally a reading I had promised but now that it has been revised and redone, I decided that instead of just me doing both narration and voices I would prefer having other people join. Cause in reflection about a project I am part of, I was thinking it was better to help other people who wanted to try VA but could never get into projects because of finding other voices and possibly get experience for it...

This story is currently not complete but three chapters have been completed as of this moment and will be updated along with it.

Story can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/60344/grossly-incandescent by Crack Javelin

Blurb: Thrust headlong into a strange new world, Solaire of Astora must make amends before he can continue with his mission. Unbeknownst to them all, a shadow from his past approaches.

The story involves Solaire landing in Equestria after casting the miracle Homeward, returning to a bonfire in Twilight's Library. There is action involved and might have swearing involved in the future.


Name: Solaire of Astora, Knight of Sunlight
Age: Unknown (Undead).
Bio: He is a cheerful and powerful knight who does not let the crumbling world affect his mood. He speaks of willingly becoming an Undead so that he could search for his own sun. Jolly Cooperation, what else? [T]/? Praise the Sun!
Voice Type: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc5vOUnLRB0 Light and cheerful, yet grim in a dark and dying world.
Audition Line 1: *Chuckle and laughs*

Audition Line 2: *chuckle* You were talking about fish of all things, and how they don't realize they need water until they're sucking air... until its too late. It's magnificent, the things we remember. A century's worth of memories, and this is what I recall.
Audition Line 3: After asking you those questions, I suppose it's only fair that I give you something in return. Very well. The truth, Adria... is that I chose this. I chose to become cursed. *smiling* I chose to become undead.
Audition Line 4: Serious - I won't let it happen, Adria. Not to me. Not to you. I promise you this, I will not let you hollow.

Other Notes:
He wears a helmet both in-game and in the fanfiction so he does sound a bit muffled. If you can, feel free to add an effect to that or send in just your voice and I'll try to make the voice effect.


Name: Undead Lady Adria
Age: Adult (Undead)
Bio: (Main Character that appears in Chapter 1 and 3 at the moment)
Voice Type: Broken and questioning of her companion Solaire's motives, yet behind the veil can hide a deceitful and sinister nature.
Audition Line 1: Smirking - And you sound too happy... considering the circumstances.... Does the thought of slaying a god fill your heart with excitement?
Audition Line 2: It was our light, our strength, we relied on it for everything... and now it's gone. Fish can't survive without water, Solaire, and we can't survive in a world without magic. So here we are... floundering in a shallow, dirty pool in the middle of a never-ending desert. The land is dry and cracked. Where there was once an ocean is now just dust and scattered puddles.

Audition Line 3: Close to crying, desperate and scared - When the school found out I was cursed, afflicted, everything I had accomplished there suddenly meant nothing. Yes, I was one of the most talented students in my section, but that didn't stop them from slapping me in chains and sending me here. Dragged from my home, from my parents. Forced to cling to my last bits of sanity in a land without reason. Wh-What kind of life is that?
Audition Line 4: Whispered, concealed shock and cautious - You're a darkwraith.

Name: Twilight Sparkle (Major Character)
Age: Teenager.
Bio: Unicorn who becomes an alicorn. Highly logical and intelligent, loves knowledge.
Voice Type: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7A3VwuBaW0
Audition Line 1: This is a speech - What is a soul?...Is it the well that we all draw magic from? Is it what defines us as ponies? Or is the soul something greater? The very source of life in us all?
Audition Line 2: This is a speech - Why do our cutie marks disappear when we die? *pause* 'Cutie Mark Dispersion Phenomena.' Another riddle that we are no closer to solving than our ancestors were. You know, I'm not exactly a right-brain thinker but I find it strangely poetic. We enter this world blank, and we leave it in much the same way.
Audition Line 3: Scared, afraid to offend - I-I'm not saying that's what you were feeling!...But, but if that were me in your situation, I think I'd be more disappointed in myself than anything, a-and that's why I said that stuff...

Audition Line 4: Reflective and sad yet determined - I had to become stronger. I had to become better. If I could prove that the soul existed and somehow harness it then maybe I could prevent anypony else from getting hurt in the future.
Audition Line 5: Angry, Annoyed and determined - Yeah..Tenacious, hard-working and stubborn. If you won't budge then I'll just teleport past you.
Audition Line 6: Firm but grim, proclaiming a new discovery. - I've successfully crystallized a piece of my soul.


Name: Celestia (Left)
Age: Ageless, she is a goddess.
Bio: Alicorn pony and the co-ruler of Equestria alongside her younger sister, Princess Luna. Raises the sun, also the mentor of Twilight Sparkle.
Voice Type: Motherly and calm, but can be wrathful if needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbUAyrQE3X4
Audition Line 1: Silent fury - Twilight, anger does not even begin to describe it... Your research. Crystallizing a piece of yourself. What in the world was running through your mind when you thought that was an idea worth exploring?... You're a mare grown, Twilight Sparkle, and I realize this, but that does not mean you are entitled to destroying yourself. If even one thing went wrong...
Audtion Line 2: Sad and reflective - A cut is instantaneous, Twilight Sparkle. The coat is severed, the skin breaks and eventually, the blood flows. Only when you look down do you realize that you have been cut. As you're struggling to find a bandage, the pain sets in. The tears come, and no matter your age, no matter the severity... everypony wishes that someone could come and kiss away the hurt.
Audtion Line 3: Sombre - I believe that Sombra's banishment was what drove my sister to twist her soul, what drove her to become Nightmare Moon. Just as Luna changed herself to change the world, I had to change myself to save it. I had to become stronger. I had to become better.
Audition Line 4: If you had known, then we would not be having conversation." Celestia peered down at her, an almost pleading look in her eyes. Do you regret your research now that it has led you here? Led you here atop this tower?


Name: Rarity (Chapter 2)
Age: Teenager (just like the show)
Bio: Fashion designer and as a seamstress at her own shop in Ponyville, the Carousel Boutique.
Voice Type: Prim and proper.
Audition Line 1: Self loathing - Soul magic...I knew something was wrong, but... maybe I should have seen this coming.
Audition Line 2: Worried about Twilight, tired,but thankful for Applejack's presence. - So thank you, Applejack...For being just as scared as I.

Audition Line 3: Suprised - Princess Luna! My word, how long have you been there?
Audition Line 4: Hesitant - That's blood.
udition Line 5: Trying to be self-assuring - And I know for a fact that this is more important...I think I should be grateful, really. I wanted to speak with Twilight right after her lecture, but I...I lacked the courage.


Name: Applejack (Chapter 2-3)
Age: Teenager
Bio: Earth pony farmer
Voice Type: Southern
Audition Line 1: Uneasy and worried, whispered - Where's Twilight?... Where's Twilight Sparkle?
Audition Line 2: Informative and offhanded - Earth pony.
Audition Line 3: Grim and whispered - Ain't no need... Ain't no need for a party.
Audition Line 4: Not really, no. She's takin' this real hard, Twi. Known her all my life and this is the worst I've seen her shaken up. *sigh* I know you never intended for this to happen, but... I think you two need to have a talk when she wakes up, and don't get me wrong, not just about what's happened here tonight, but the past two months. A real serious talk.
Auditon Line 5: No, listen to me, Twi. Me, Fluttershy, we...we ain't unicorns, yeah? That whole lecture of yours flew over heads, but Rarity? I-I think she understood. Well enough anyway that you really put a fear into her....She told me she couldn't sleep, you know. That she was scared for ya. Only reason I asked her to come along with me to the tower was because I saw the lights under her door.
Audition Line 6: Controlled anger and concerned - You see this, Twi? Maybe I'm stubborn, but this is you being too goshdarn impatient to realize that we want what's best, too! And do you honestly think Celestia hasn't thought of this either? I don't.." Applejack gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. "If you're leavin, go ahead and do it. I might not look it but I'm at the very edge, so please do not push me anymore.


Name: Luna (Chapter 2) (On the right of Celestia Picture)
Age: Ageless, another goddess.
Bio: Formerly Nightmare Moon. Alicorn pony, the younger sister of Princess Celestia, rules Equestria alongside her and raises the moon, dreamwalks and monster-hunter by night (according to the comics).
Voice Type: Archaic having recovered from corruption after 1000 years, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O5ilBPAua0
Audition Line 1: Feigning innocenence - Eavesdropping is such an ugly word isn't it? I dislike ugly words, especially this one. It implies that I was spying on you: gathering classified information using subterfuge and back-hoofed tactics. When I sat here tonight, I had no prior knowledge that you and Applejack would show up as well. Besides, is it really my fault that you didn't check who else was in your presence before you so freely started speaking?
Audition Line 2: Nonchalantly - Almost nothing, but I appreciate his candidness. He rarely speaks and he's often blunt about things, but I value his opinion just as much as you value Twilight Sparkle's. Besides, I know he won't faint at a grisly sight.
Audition Line 3: I hope it's not a common occurrence that you go around showing corpses to your student, dear sister.
Audition Line 4: Nothing that stands out, Rarity was on the verge of tears. Emotions were running high. If our Solaire had a message to impart, it was drowned out by his need to comfort the unicorn. Strange, considering he was the one doomed to die.
Audition Line 5: No, that wasn't a conversation. That was a cold recital of fact, a painful reopening of your past. I’ve remained behind so that you might feel, ah...human...
Audition Line 6: Symphathetic - Because you are alone. Alone in this room, alone in your mind. Alone in undeath. I know well enough what you must be going through.
Audition Line 7: Do not assume that just because I am princess, I have never once experienced suffering. I have seen that vacant stare you wear, it's a look I'm very much acquainted with. Just as you do, just as that woman from your dream, I understand a thing or two about nightmares...


Name: Fluttershy (Appears in Chapter 3)
Age: Teenager.
Bio: Animal caretaker>
Voice Type: Soft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A4
Audition Line 1: Concerned - Hurt? A-and this is the same fire that that put you in here? Maybe he fell because the poor dear was so blinded by the pain, I-I can't even imagine it. It's so awful.
Audition Line 2 - Reassuring - It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay, Twilight.

Audition Line 3: Trying to be calm - Um, the body, I'd, if it's okay, I'd like to see it. H-he passed away lonely and confused and I don't think that's fair. He shouldn't be buried the same way.

Audition Line 4: Resolute and focused - If you let me, Princess, just a small ceremony. A few words to ease his soul.



Name: Pinkie Pie (Appears in Chapter 3)
Age: Teenager.

Bio: energetic and sociable, baker/caterer/party organizer.
Voice Type: Hyperactive and high-pitched.

Audition Line 1: Feel free to interpret this one, it's after Twilight explains finding Solaire's body.- You didn't get a name, did ya Twilight?
Audition Line 2: Excited then disappointed in a cheerful way - Our mystery guest! A name, you didn't get one...
Audition Line 3: It's like this, Miss Sparkle! Your crystal was like a bad batch of muffins! You poured your metaphorical heart and your literal soul into that pretty crystal but then you told us you didn't want it anymore, right? So you threw it away!
Audition Line 4: Obvious - You betch'er blue flank I'm in!

img-2321100-8-3030921-4523344331-Rainb.pName: Rainbow Dash
Age: Teenager.
Bio: Ponyville Weather patrol, Wonderbolts trainee
Voice Type: Scratchy and low.

Audition Line 1: Disbelief - Care to run that by us again?... I know things can get pretty weird around you, but this is like 'whoa', you know? A whole 'nother level if you catch my drift.
Audition Line 2: Annoyed and frowning - We could practically see the gears turning in that head of yours, Twi. Care to fill us in?
Audition Line 3: So let me get this straight. This Solaire guy, he's a zombie, right? But he kills other zombies. I know that's like a small part of it, Twi, but if I'm gonna be super-honest, that-that's all I really got from your thing.

Audition Line 4: Angry then suprised - Twilight! What the hay are you-Princess? How long have you been here?


Name: Captain Rook (Chapter 3)
Age: Not young, aged but not old.
Bio: Nothing much is known about him at this moment though inference pertains to a person who has seen many injuries and combat.
Voice Type: Deep baritone (according to story), so feel free to play around with it, he is a soldier so he is serious sounding

Audition Line 1: And you are Twilight Sparkle. I hear you are a mare of unmatched wit and intellect. I look forward to working with you, Miss Twilight.
Audition Line 2: Nonchalantly but reflective - I've seen this before... Creatures that live and die by claw and teeth are more often than not covered with scars. The price you pay for fighting your whole life.
Audition Line 3: Informative - Word travels fast in this city. Miss Twilight proved the existence of the soul.
Audition Line 4: Confused as being left out of conversation but respectful - Your Majesties. Please forgive me, but I do not understand.


Name: Kirk, Knight of Thorns (Darkwraith) (Chapter 3)
Age: Ageless but mature (Undead)
Bio: A black phantom who appears in the actual game three times to try and kill the player. Kirk, also known as the Knight of Thorns, is an infamous knight belonging to the Darkwraith faction (Although in reality he is actually a Chaos Servant; which is why after his 3 defeats the body can be found in the same room as the Fair Lady). He has only one goal in life, apart from stealing Humanity, which is to make his prey bleed from nasty cuts inflicted by his gnarly weapons and armor. In the story he finds Adria.
Voice Type: Definitely not high-register. He has no dialogue in-game. Preferably something sinister like Knight Lautrec of Carim.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnvBVLMFtfE) According to the story; he sounded as if his throat were crammed with razorblades. But feel free to be creative on that interpretation.
Audition Line 1: You're lucky that I'm the one that found you.
Audition Line 2: *harsh grating of a laugh, Dark Souls style*
Audition Line 3: Indeed. When I saw you slain in that tomb, I knew that he had betrayed you as well. That man prattles on and on about being a righteous beam of light in this black hellscape of a land, but he's no different than the rest of us. He's a hunter, a killer, a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing and he will stop at nothing until he gets his way. *Pause* He's even killed you.
Audition Line 4: Just who do you think I am, lady? Knight Solaire fights for abstract concepts and philosophical stupidities. But me? I fight for something real, something tangible, something that I place above all else -  *Pause* I fight for myself, and whether you know this already or not, we're all monsters on the inside. The only difference between you and me is that I've willingly embraced the beast.

If you are free, feel free to read the fanfiction to better understand the context. It's a dark world for even the brightest of lights shines the dimmest.

Chapter 1 is obviously the most important. So take your time in doing and trying (and reading) the lines. Other characters and chapters will be updated when I have time.

Send auditions here: pyroguekenesis_101@hotmail.com in .mp3 or .wav format with the email naming 'MLPForums_'DisplayName'; so I can identify where you guys are reading this from or just put here in this thread.

The choice is yours.


I'm pretty darn sure you know what the MLP characters sound like.


[Redited to complete all character auditions and fixing the weird programming text display.]


Deadline: 31st March.


Recieved Auditions


Ruben Calvo (Unknown origin)
Sonic Lightning



NLR Information Minister?

Edited by Everae
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Are you looking for British accents?

Actually, I don't mind. It's only as long as it can work with the character, so if you want to go for Rook or Kirk I certainly don't mind accents, just that you can pull off the performance as the character and have a fitting voice for it. Like, if you're going to do a British accent, I don't think it's a good idea to try it with Applejack since she already is known for her southern drawl, Rarity might work but only in a way...


Also, unless you have a good falsetto, don't try for the Mane6 if you're a guy.. :D

It's also an incomplete story at the moment so I would think there is still possibilities beyond just those listed above to try out for!

Edited by Everae
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Sounds fun. I'll submit auditions for the male characters this evening.


EDIT: I did about 2/3 of it, and hope to finish and submit it tomorrow.

Edited by NLR Information Minister



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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I finally got my auditions sent in, I hope to hear from you soon. Oh and good luck getting a cast together.


Edit: I'll be getting a new microphone soon, a nice Blue Snowball. So in about a week I'll be able to record in HD.

Edited by MeeBeAndrew
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When I see these kinds of things, I normally just read through some lines in a voice I would see fitting, just for practice. But I love Dark Souls, and when I tested out some of Knight Kirk's lines, I really liked them. When I get back from my trip Im going to ask to borrow my dad's mic, and try to do some recording. No promises I'll get anything in, but we shall see what happens.


EDIT: *sigh* I totally didn't even see the 'Captain Rook' character on the list. Seeing as how I go by 'Checkmate Rook' on some internet locations, perhaps I should give that a go as well.

Edited by Yarne


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Adria, Twilight and Celestia and I kinda need them cause they are in the majority of Chapter One. But do feel free to try for any of them since I've only gotten a few auditions so far, it'll be nice to have a variety...
Kinda not my thing to have 4 characters voiced by one person... having more Mane 6 auditions would be nice.... I'm not sure where else to look for people besides VAA...

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Is there a specific deadline you have in mind?

As soon as possible. But, you know what, I think I wll make it end of March... might be generous with it but yeah, not many people auditioned for females which I need...

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Heh...gonna get off my ass and submit my audition already :P


Some of the male voices required very intimate mic work, which meant I had to go out and get a new pop filter and other gear. Anyways, I'm still in the running, and might be able to talk Gaz into auditioning as well.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Still needing auditions or more just wanting some auditions for all the female character, I've only recieved one so far for everyone except those who actually appear in the first chapter - Twilight, Celestia and Adria...

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My audition is done.  I've submitted an MP3 via email as well.




Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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My audition is done.  I've submitted an MP3 via email as well.


Eeyup. Recieved it. And will review it soon... I do like the echoey laugh.



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Thank you veryone for the auditions so far! Some have been great,some have been interesting and most of them are male... *facepalm* :lol:  But I am liking the variety I am getting.


However, I am still in need of females, those in particular being Celestia and Luna, for which I have nothing. As for the Mane 6 I have only recieved one from Sonic Lightning for Rainbow Dash, and all of the Mane 6 from Miss. pinkiepieupcakeparty.

some Rooks would be nice as well.

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im not sure if ill be any good but if i can get my comps mic working i might audition for solaire and kirk, those guys pissed me off alot tho, and also   PRAISE THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if your looking for guys still that is

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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