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101 Reasons Why I Love Applejack

Sugar Cube


Well, Applejack Month is just about over with and I wanted to do something to show my appreciation for my favorite pony, so I decided to put together a whopping 101 reasons why I love her so much! No, that's not a typo. I have 101 reasons! (Some are similar to one another, but that can't be helped!)


I've broken down everything into categories and I tried to give a little bit of depth to each reasoning without going overboard scratch that, if you know me at all, you'll know I can write all day about Applejack, so expect this to be pretty huge! I've provided plenty of links to some fun screencaps from the show so you get precise examples as to what in the hay I'm talkin' about. I also posted a few videos for your enjoyment as well. I don't expect anyone to read every word, (free apple cider if you do) but next time someone asks me why I like AJ, I'm gonna point them straight to this.

Applejack's personality traits and virtues that I admire:

1. She's honest. This is a no-brainer. Applejack represents the element of honesty, and she lives up to it very well. While she has lied occasionally, it is seldom for any reason other than to spare another pony's feelings.

2. She's dependable. Her friends can count on her to do her best whenever they need her, regrdless of the situation.

3. She's supportive. Whether it's her family or her closest friends, Applejack is always quick to encourage others into being the best that they can be.

4. She's mature. Applejack is very much a grownup. After all, she had to grow up quickly and take on a lot of responsibility once her parents moved on.

5. She's intelligent. Forget the "dumb farmer" stereotypes, Applejack is very intelligent. She's an expert at her craft and has plenty of worldly wisdom.

6. She's a workhorse. She nearly single-hoofedly does all of the hard labor involved in running her farm, after all Granny's too old an Apple Bloom has school. Big Mac is her only major assistance, but Applejack pulls her weight.

7. She's family-oriented. The other Mane characters hardly ever interact with family, but Applejack lives with and dedicates herself to her kin.

8. She's content. There's not one ounce of bitterness in her heart for any tragedy or hardship she has had to face in her life. She doesn't take anything for granted and she makes the most of what she has.

9. She's stable. She's the only pony of the M6 to never have a major meltdown. (Sleep deprivation doesn't count). It would take a lot to make a tough nut like Applejack crack. As AJ would say, don't sweat the small stuff!

10. She's down to earth. Applejack is very practical, realistic, and logical in her thoughts and feelings making her the go-to pony for almost any kind of advice.

11. She's loyal. Loyalty may not be her element, but when she says she's the "loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies," you better believe that she means it. Applejack knows that the best way to overcome an obstacle is to face it as a team.

12. She's self-confident. Applejack is very comfortable in her own skin and she believes in herself.

13. She's courageous. Whenever faced with danger, Applejack conquers her fears. Saving Spike from a pack of Timberwolves is one of many examples.

14. She's playful/sporty. Whether she's bobbing for apples with friends, going on a camping trip, or participating in the Sisterhooves Social, rodeo, or Iron Pony Competition, Applejack loves to have fun with others.

15. She's outgoing. Applejack was quick to give Twilight a very warm welcome and even consider her as being part of her family. She's very charming and charismatic, and she has most of Ponyville smitten with her.

16. She's sentimental. Despite her tomboyish tendencies and somewhat rougher exterior, AJ is not shy about initiating hugs or other means of affection. She even called out Spike for being "just like a boy" when it appeared as if he was sickened by the ponies' group hug. (Oh AJ, don't stereotype!)

17. She's empathetic. Whenever somepony is down and out, Applejack is always the first to notice and express concern. ie: Twilight worrying about her brother, and Scootaloo's nervous behavior.

18. She's bold. She wrote a letter to Princess Celestia saying she learned nothing. Celestia specifically asked her humble subjects to write only when they learn a new lesson - what Applejack did took some serious gall!

19. She's selfless. AJ believes in putting the interests of others above her own. She didn't want to go to the Gala just for her own gain - she wanted to help fix her family's farm and replace her Granny's bad hip.

20. She's modest. As confident as she is in herself, it's rare that AJ brags or boasts. She said she wasn't much for giving speeches in The Last Roundup.

21. She's traditional. Applejack does things the old-fashioned way. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

22. She's a good sport. When Dashie and Pinkie pulled a prank on her, Applejack laughed and smiled. And while she's competitive at times, she's never upset about losing (unless ya cheated!)

23. She's protective. If her friends are in any danger, AJ's quick to take action. When Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense revealed that Fluttershy might be in danger at Froggy Bottom Bog, Applejack immediately went to go look for her.

24. She's not afraid to get dirty. After working on a farm for years, mud and dirt is second nature for this apple. She's perfectly fine with getting doused with grape juice just for fun.

25. She's kind. Applejack is docile, personable, warm, compassionate, and understanding. She's the get along'st pony yer ever gonna meet! After all, she's the apple of Ponyville's eye.

26. She's a problem solver. AJ has a can-do resolve and enough horse sense that can fix almost anything. She's a handy pony in a pinch.

27. She's a leader. She's the second pony in command after Twilight, as she has often called out orders to the others when Twilight is not around.

28. She's genuine. Applejack is 100% real. What you see is what you get. There's nothing fake or phony about her. She knows who she is, and she's sincere.

29. She's generous. Letting Rarity keep two apple fritters for free when she needed the money? Stuffing Twilight's belly with some of her signature baked goods? Wanting to use her prize money from the rodeo to fix Ponyville's Town Hall? AJ is very thoughtful and considerate of the wants and needs of others.

30. She's full of integrity. All in all, Applejack has great adherence to moral and ethical principles. Character is something that she takes pride in.


Her interactions with other characters that I enjoy:

31. Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have always been a very dynamic friendship to watch. Applejack is the one who can best keep RD in line when she's acting up. The two butt heads every now and then, but they respect each other and care deeply for one another. I love the competitive spirit these two share.

32. Rarity. Rarity is perhaps the polar opposite to Applejack. These two have almost nothing in common, but they are still able to embrace their many differences, and the two play off of each other so well. It's adorable when they do get along.

33. Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie and Applejack make for a great comedic duo, with AJ being the straight mare, and Pinkie of course being the whack job.

34. Twilight. Twily and AJ are quick to confide in each other, and they usually seek out each others help first, making for a very powerful and deep friendship.

35. Fluttershy. Although these two have not interacted one-on-one a whole lot, they've still had their fair share of endearing moments. AJ volunteered to take Fluttershy around the mountain another way, and Fluttershy helped Applejack with the flood at Sweet Apple Acres, proving that the two lean on each other for help when needed.

36. Apple Bloom. Applejack is not only a wonderful older sister to Apple Bloom, but she's almost like a mother figure as well. These two have an extremely tight bond. While they enjoy playing and working together, they do have moments of friction as well.

37. The CMC. Even Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have had their fair share of interesting encounters with Applejack. AJ expressed a lot of care and concern when Scootaloo was acting strange during the camping trip. Sweetie Belle learned about the joys of having a big sister and was able to make amends with Rarity through AJ's help. AJ is usually the one to keep a watchful eye on the CMC like any good responsible adult.

38. Spike. Applejack understood Spike's delicate situation of having to honor his Dragon Code. Everypony else wanted to come up with schemes and ideas that would make Spike feel as though he had repaid his debt, but in the end, Applejack knew she had to be straight-shooting with Spike and tell him how she felt about the situation. AJ and Spike have had a number of other amusing interactions: (Spike's birthday blanket that AJ gave him, his reaction to being given a Gala ticket, and his nearly kissing Applejack!)

39. Big MacIntosh. Big Mac's quiet wisdom and gentle nature makes for a nice contrast to Applejack's headstrong and outgoing personality.

40. Granny Smith. Applejack is a helpful, responsible, and reliable member of the family, but there are still moments when Granny's pearls of wisdom and comfort do justice in guiding her, as seen in Apple Family Reunion.


Applejack's character flaws and weaknesses that I find realistic, relate-able, and endearing:

41. Her stubborn pride. Applejack's pride is probably her greatest weakness, as it not only cripples her better judgment at times, but it's the root of her next great weakness - her stubbornness. Applejack is very headstrong and she does not like to be wrong. She will work really hard to prove she can do something so as to not feel like she is bringing shame upon herself or those she cares for.

42. Her blunt honesty: While Applejack has told fibs in order to avoid hurting another pony's feelings, she's also been known to be pretty frank, such as when she scolded Twilight for using magic on Winter Wrap Up Day, which left the purple pony running away in tears, or whenever she has called out Apple Bloom for disobeying her.

43. Her impatience. Applejack has been known to lose her patience, namely when the Cutie Mark Crusaders drive her crazy, or whenever Rainbow Dash toots her horn "louder than the brass section of a marching band."

44. Her rudeness. Applejack has no qualms about chewing on s'mores with her mouth open and then burping. You'd probably have to force a "pardon me" out of her.

45. Her messiness. Applejack is so used to getting herself dirty that she's bound to walk into someone's home with mud on her hooves.

46. Her perfectionism. Applejack detests the prospect of disappointing others. She tried too hard to make her family reunion the best one ever. Sometimes AJ needs to settle down and stop working herself to the bone when she can make a big impact without overdoing things.

47. Her over-protection. Applejack can be downright bossy to Apple Bloom if she thinks her little sis is setting herself up for trouble. And when Spike's life was threatened by Timberwolves, AJ was willing to do anything to protect him, even though her life was at risk once she got stuck under a boulder.

48. Her dislike of fashion. Applejack refuses to wear anything that's too "froufrou-y" and she has zero interest in mud masks or keeping her hair nice. Fashion is not one of her top priorities, to say the least. Despite that, she has worn some pretty neat outfits.

49. She doesn't pay attention to detail. Applejack thinks she can get anything done, and often times she resorts to doing something without thinking about the consequences. THIS comes to mind.

50. She's rough and tumble. A little aggressive at times, Applejack is easily provoked if her pride is challenged in any way. Applejack is known to instigate others as well - she was the first to try to show up Trixie, and she was quick to challenge Rainbow to a "hoof wrassle" for the right to keep the ticket to the Gala.


Applejack's quirks and charms that I love:

51. Her association with all things apples. Apples are a wonderful fruit, as they're both delicious and healthy! Not to mention you can make so many different things with them.

52. Her Southern accent. Having an accent gives her some uniqueness, and makes it easier to identify her upbringing and culture.

53. Her figures of speech. Applejack's Southern jargon has always been a popular subject of MLP related memes and fan fictions. Her colloquialisms stick like caramel on a candy apple!

54. Her terms of endearment. Does my username ring a bell? wink.png

55. Her hearty appetite. She has the appetite of a full-grown stallion and after a hard day of work, she's certainly not picky about what she eats, but it's usually something hoof-lickin' good!

56. Holding wheat in her mouth. It's a minor detail, but it adds just a touch more coolness to an already cool mare.

57. Her winking. It's another trademark of hers that she does quite frequently, and it's adorable.

58. Crossing her legs. From as early the very first scene of her in the first episode, we see her "cross her legs," and she's been doing it ever since.

59. Her hat gestures. It's adorable whenever Applejack covers her face with her hat in times of distress, worry, and shame. She has also been known to take it off and hold it over her chest when sharing her thoughts and experiences, and she's also thrown it on the ground a time or two, proving that her hat is truly an important part of her.

60. Her association with all things country. I'm not the type of person who sits around blaring depressing country songs on my radio or music device, (I do like some country music) but I have always had a fascination with the cowboys/girls of the Wild West and all of the stories and attributes that go along with them, and AJ has always alluded to those kinds of themes. The music that plays whenever Applejack shows up on-screen, her rodeo participation, the Western theme present in a few episodes, and all of her country gal quirks in general are just really enjoyable and intriguing.


Things I love about Applejack's design:

61. Her hat. AJ's signature stetson cowgirl hat that is notoriously missing from all of her main merchandise is just another feature that helps her stand out. (Hasbro, what do you have against making any toys with an accurate hat? *Rage*)

62. Her freckles. Another feature that she doesn't share with too many other characters is her freckles, which is a definite cuteness booster.

63. Her mane. AJ is a pony who wears her mane like a ponytail! Plus it's yellow, which makes her easy to envision as a blonde female human. (The fanart of Applejack as a human is always my favorite).

64. She's an Earth Pony (and proud!) The contents of a pony's character are more important than their race. It's AJ's philosophy, and it's a good one!

65. Her green eyes. Those beautiful emerald eyes. Okay, so they're a moderate sap green, but they're lovely all the same and deserve my appreciation. xP

66. Her orange coat. This apple loving pony probably doesn't care much for oranges, especially since her Aunt and Uncle Orange left a bad impression, but the color of her coat is as orange as Big Mac's mane, and I love it. Seeing as some horses actually do sport coats that look somewhat orange, I appreciate AJ's more realistic colors, for whatever it's worth.

67. Filly Applejack. Dem freckles. She's just adorable. Enough said.

68. Foal Applejack. Her little apple hair clips, that messy face, those button eyes, that itty bitty diaper, and above all, that sweet little voice that's enough to make Pikachu blush! *Insulin shots are recommended.


Applejack's abilities, hobbies, and interests that I find appealing:

69. She's athletic. She's a ten time rodeo "champeen" with more blue ribbons than anypony in Ponyville! Even Rainbow Dash thinks her athleticism is "So. Awesome!"

70. She's excellent at cooking/baking. She can bake anything from fritters to pies in the blink of an eye. Pinkie Pie has called Applejack the "best baker ever!"

71. She's skilled with musical instruments. Applejack loaned Pinkie Pie her harmonica once. She's also skilled with the fiddle and banjo.

72. Her herding and animal skills. Cows stampeding towards Ponyville? Got a problem with Parasprites? Pinkie Pie cloned herself again? Just give Applejack a holler and she'll round up these critters before you can say "lickety split!"

73. She's amazing with her lasso. Applejack's lasso can certainly come in handy at times. After all, how else would the ponies have ever caught Rainbow Dash when she was discorded? Plus, she can do some seriously flashy stuff with that rope.

74. She's a farmer. In a way, it's Applejack and her hard work and effort that feeds Ponyville. Apples are important to any pony's diet, and the citizens of Ponyville can't get enough of the iconic fruit. Applejack's job is not fun, glamorous, or even totally healthy. It's back-breaking work. And it deserves recognition and appreciation.

75. She's physically strong. Well, all of that hard work does have its benefits. Applejack is the powerhouse of the Mane Six. Years of applebucking have given this mare a pair of hind legs that hit harder than a train.

76. She loves dogs. Winona is one adorable little border collie. Not only that, but she's a helpful and loving member of the Apple Family. Now if only she had some breath mints!

77. She enjoys reading. A very minor point, but Applejack enjoys a "bang-up tale" from time to time.

78. She's artistic. In addition to her many musical, athletic, and physical talents, AJ even has a bit of a knack for art. Namely, she can ice sculpt really well. She's even a budding writer if Rainbow Dash's comments about an "unfinished novel" are accurate.

79. She's simplistic. Straightforward and easy to figure out, Applejack is not one for complications and she is definitely a bit more on the unsophisticated side.


Other random things I enjoy about Applejack's character:

80. Her name. Applejack. It doesn't sound very feminine, but it fits the cowpony all too well. Consider the hard alcoholic beverage of the same name. Both the pony and the drink are very strong. However, most kids won't think of the alcoholic beverage, they'll think of a certain cereal they ate for breakfast that for whatever reason never tasted a thing like apples. Applejack is also the name of a few other things, including a kind of cheese and a

making for a fun name in general. Shortening it to AJ only adds to Applejack's adorability (is that word yet?)

81. She can silly. When she's not rolling around in a barrel of grapes with her little sis, she might be found reading bedtime stories to her prized apple trees. I think an

is surprisingly fitting at times.

82. She can be witty/sarcastic. Applejack has a dry sense of humor and she is known to be very sarcastic and witty, even towards her friends. Recall one classic quote:

Rarity: How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?

Applejack: The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond.

Rarity: I thought we agreed never to speak of that again.

83. She's a business pony. Applejack, being a farmer, is constantly in pursuit of making some good sales. Applejack is very smart about her business. She knows how important cider sales are during the winter. She even used Fluttershy's popularity as a model to help boost apple sales. ;)

84. She has no use for math. Fancy mathematics are always muddying up issues. I share the same weakness (and hatred) for math as my partner AJ. Did you know AJ actually had to do a mental head count of her friends in Suited For Success? :/

85. Her barn is constantly getting destroyed. The major running gag of the series is that Applejack's barn is almost constantly getting destroyed or taken down in some way. This is a minor thing, but I enjoy a good

because Applejack has had some very different reactions to seeing her beloved barn getting totaled, ranging from grief, to anger, to sheer disbelief.

86. Her speaking/singing voice. Her accent is one thing, but her actual voice is another thing altogether. Ashleigh Ball gives so much life to Applejack's character. I've never found AJ to sound forced, but rather very natural. And anytime she sings I am one happy pony.

is one of my favorite songs for a lot of reasons, but mostly because of AJ's singing.

87. Her poor fashion sense. Applejack wanted to wear galoshes and a pair of overalls at a fashion show. How cute!

88. Her home. I've always had a fascination with the country life, and Sweet Apple Acres has always been one of my favorite settings in the show due to the color and detail of it. Anytime an episode takes place on the farm for any period of time, it's always a lot of fun.

89. Her deadpan acting skills. Oh no! I seem to have got my hoof caught in between two rocks! I cannot run away! I am a damsel in distress! Her inability to act is due to the fact that she's too genuine and honest to be able to to put on a convincing act which is unsurprising, because we know Applejack is a bad liar as well!

90. Her facial expressions. This show is full of lively character expressions, and even Applejack has had her fair share of funny and adorable facial gestures.

91. Her parents are deceased. The confirmation of her parents being dead adds a lot of intrigue to Applejack's backstory, and opens up a lot of potential for her character. And it makes sense that Applejack is so mature, responsible, and motherly. She had an awful lot of growing up to do in order to hold her family together.


From a character critiquing point of view, I love Applejack because:

92. She's well-rounded. Applejack is probably the most balanced character in the show. She doesn't suffer from a lot of extremities in her character, but she is as multifaceted as you can hope for in a character.

93. She's a great supporting character. Being that Applejack is the most grownup and experienced of the Mane Six, she is in a comfortable position of being able to shed some wisdom on her friends. She brings out the best in others and is more than capable of conveying important messages to the audience in her informal but warm way.

94. Her episodes make for quality entertainment. I find her episodes of focus to be excellent entertainment. 20 years from now I can imagine myself looking back at episodes like Applebuck Season, The Last Roundup, and Apple Family Reunion as timeless classics.

95. Her journey of self-discovery. Applejack wasn't always the content cowgirl who never complained about her routine life. There was a time where she wanted to be a sophisticated pony, which was something she just wasn't meant to be. When she realized that the demanding lifestyle of a high-class pony wasn't for her, she made a stunning realization about the life she had and was quick to resort back to the life she took for granted, learning an important lesson about herself along the way. AJ's cutie mark story is by far my favorite. Applejack basically wanted to be Rarity when she was little. How crazy is that?

96. She's best background pony. Applejack packs quite a bit of depth as far as her upbringing, culture, and family are concerned. Best background pony? Darn tootin'!

97. She challenges gender norms/stereotypes. Applejack is a woman who is strong, self-confident, sporty, loud, and she does hard, dirty work as opposed to being the traditional homemaker. Unlike the stereotypical female, Applejack does not care about physical appearance and looking pretty. She has a lot of technical skill and is capable of fixing things. On top of that, she's no damsel in distress. She can handle herself in almost any situation and she knows how to take charge.

98. She is a more realistic and lifelike character. Despite the fact that AJ is often censured as being the boring character of the main cast, she is perhaps the most authentic. While the other five all have well-pronounced character quirks that can seem over-the-top and cartoonish at times, Applejack stands out as being a character with a consistent and vivid sense of realness. I've met enough people who remind me of Applejack in one way or another (as you'll see). The others, not as much.

99. She challenges conventional storytelling structures. Applejack isn't a pony who follows a path of destiny, nor does she have any major ambitions or dreams. She doesn't need these things to be an interesting and entertaining character. Applejack presents both the joys and blunders of an everyday life which is why she is perfectly fit for this slice of life show.


And finally, two personal reasons:

100. She reminds me of my father. This sounds silly, and perhaps it is, but Applejack somehow makes me think of my father who passed away when I was 14. My dad wasn't perfect, but he believed that people should be people and live honestly. He was the type who'd give the shirt off of his back to someone in need. He grew up on a farm in the Midwest and had a bit of an accent in his voice. He dressed like your typical "redneck" and he enjoyed watching shows like bull riding and old Western movies (usually to my chagrin) and listening to the same 10 country songs that the radio would play everyday. I used to watch cartoons with my father, and while he detested most of the stuff I grew up with back in the 90's and early 2000's, I can safely say that if he were with me to view an episode of MLP, he would appreciate the show for its retro humor and enjoyable stories and characters. Heck, I'm sure he'd love 'old Applejack, just not as much as me. :3


And the #1 reason I love AJ:

101. She inspires me. I probably identify with Fluttershy's personality the most, but Applejack is the pony who I look at as someone I would want to be like. She's always putting others above herself and she has such a confident and healthy personality. She's a a hard worker, a wonderful sister, and simply the best friend anyone could hope to ask for. Since I started watching MLP, I've taken a lot of Applejack's virtues to heart. Sometimes, it's not about what character you can connect with on a personal level, it's about which one leaves an impact on you. Simply put, Applejack is a role model to me.



Whew! I think I just earned my cutie mark in Applejack obsession! *Looks at flank* Heh... that's totally not a picture of Applejack on my flank right there.... Nope, nothing to see here! ^-^;


Well, I think I just about covered everything! If I forgot anything, consider it listed, because I would feel bad if I forgot something about AJ.


I hope everyone had a great Applejacktober! Have a safe and fun Nightmare Night y'all! As always, thanks for reading! :D



  • Brohoof 30


Recommended Comments

That is one huge post! And I totally agree with all the stuff here.

Well, have a great Nightmare Night, I'm stuck at home doing math homeworks lol.


(I don't know how you do, I wouldn't survive losing my father...)

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Administrator

Not yet finished reading, but so far this entry is great and I agree with points You made so far :)

  • Brohoof 1
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That WAS long, but it was worth taking the time to read every single point.  While your report covered the whole gamut of great Applejack attributes, I noticed that a lot of them stem from Applejack's most overriding personality traits: She knows that life is short and tomorrow is promised to no one. That's why she tackles everything she does with such zest and consistently puts others' happiness ahead of her own. :)


One thing I was not expecting to see was reason #100. Like Applejack, me, and many others, you lost a parent at a young age. That's a great loss to anybody but its impact is especially deep on minors. Your upbringing may have been "sheltered" but it was by no means free of tragedy. Finally, I found this segment to be a moving tribute to your dad. :)


And of course #101 is worth touching on too. When we pick a favorite character in a book, movie, or whatever, it's someone we either are like or want to be like. And with all the fantastic virtues and talents Applejack has, who wouldn't want to be like her! :D

  • Brohoof 3
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Read the whole thing and I must say... this post in particular brought me a heap-load of respect for the orange-coated country mare.


It's funny, at first I didn't find Applejack the least appealing, but that was because I was watching the show like a child and not exactly respecting each individual character as relatable individuals and inspiring beings... to me, they were just a bunch of colourful pony characters that made up a cute and fun kid's television show. 


But now that this new light has been shone on Applejack and all her uniqueness and individuality (and the part about the heart-wrenching fact that her parents are deceased).


Applejack helps her grandmother bake, clean, sell, ect; basically had to raise Applebloom (hence the very close bond they share) and was already the best darn-tootin' and hard-working companion Big Mac could ever have, which is a true blessing. 


Though I still can't say she's my absolute favourite pony, I nonetheless have strong appreciation and love towards Applejack and am really looking forward to what she has to offer in future episodes.


Thank you for this post and have yourself an awesome Nightmare Night. 

  • Brohoof 2
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How does this not have more brohoofs? 

Thanks! I would say 13 is pretty darn good! ^-^


Read the whole thing and I must say... this post in particular brought me a heap-load of respect for the orange-coated country mare.


It's funny, at first I didn't find Applejack the least appealing, but that was because I was watching the show like a child and not exactly respecting each individual character as relatable individuals and inspiring beings... to me, they were just a bunch of colourful pony characters that made up a cute and fun kid's television show. 


But now that this new light has been shone on Applejack and all her uniqueness and individuality (and the part about the heart-wrenching fact that her parents are deceased).


Applejack helps her grandmother bake, clean, sell, ect; basically had to raise Applebloom (hence the very close bond they share) and was already the best darn-tootin' and hard-working companion Big Mac could ever have, which is a true blessing. 


Though I still can't say she's my absolute favourite pony, I nonetheless have strong appreciation and love towards Applejack and am really looking forward to what she has to offer in future episodes.


Thank you for this post and have yourself an awesome Nightmare Night. 

Thank you very much for reading it all. Those were some kind words! biggrin.png


That WAS long, but it was worth taking the time to read every single point.  While your report covered the whole gamut of great Applejack attributes, I noticed that a lot of them stem from Applejack's most overriding personality traits: She knows that life is short and tomorrow is promised to no one. That's why she tackles everything she does with such zest and consistently puts others' happiness ahead of her own. smile.png


One thing I was not expecting to see was reason #100. Like Applejack, me, and many others, you lost a parent at a young age. That's a great loss to anybody but its impact is especially deep on minors. Your upbringing may have been "sheltered" but it was by no means free of tragedy. Finally, I found this segment to be a moving tribute to your dad. smile.png


And of course #101 is worth touching on too. When we pick a favorite character in a book, movie, or whatever, it's someone we either are like or want to be like. And with all the fantastic virtues and talents Applejack has, who wouldn't want to be like her! biggrin.png

Thank you very much for those kind words Wingnut! I agree with everything you said. smile.png


And many thanks to everyone else who read it, commented, or brohoofed. I got more than enough feedback to make me happy. ^^

  • Brohoof 1
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I shall show this to every person who wonders why Applejack has fans



Wow, mission accomplished! Thanks Stella! :D

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That was an amazing read. Thanks for posting, SC! I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Applejack the same way again. 

  • Brohoof 1
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And with that I think it's safe to say that you've stolen the lead on these forums Sugar Cube as #1 Applejack fan (though I'm sure come season 4 Stella will be more than happy to give you a run for your money).  Well done, well done indeed, capital bit of awesomeness on your part.  Lovely to read in such detail why a particular character means so much to you! :)

  • Brohoof 2
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That was an amazing read. Thanks for posting, SC! I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Applejack the same way again. 

That's so awesome. If I can make people think even slightly differently about Applejack, then I feel I did the pony very proud. Thanks a bunch!


And with that I think it's safe to say that you've stolen the lead on these forums Sugar Cube as #1 Applejack fan (though I'm sure come season 4 Stella will be more than happy to give you a run for your money).  Well done, well done indeed, capital bit of awesomeness on your part.  Lovely to read in such detail why a particular character means so much to you! smile.png

Capital awesomeness? Aww, thanks Batbrony! I dunno what to say! :P


I'm definitely not competing with other AJ fans on the forum, I'm just doing my thing! ^-^

  • Brohoof 2
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That has to be the most complete list of reason to like AJ or anypony for that matter I have ever seen. The list of reasons I have keeps growing too, but when am I ever going to find the time to write a wall o text like that? I could always just do it little by little. The main reasons why I like Applejack are that she is a very real and genuine pony, she shows that honesty is not just about not telling lies but that it is also about true to yourself which is something I have always strived to do even though I have often been misunderstood. I see quite a bit of myself in Applejack. I admire Applejack's courage, determination, strength and guts. I like her commitment to her family and friends and she reminds me of my mother. My Mom is still alive, but with all the deaths I have had in my family I can't afford to take any of them for granted anymore. Other ponies remind me of people I know too, Pinkie Pie reminds me of my Dad who passed away last year and in large part because of that she became the second pony I started to like (AJ being the first).

  • Brohoof 3
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Believe me, it took a lot of time to write that. I started it on October 9th, and it took me the rest of the month to finish, but I was determined to have it done before October ended. I still feel like I could have went even more in-depth, but I think I got my point across pretty successfully, so that's enough for me. smile.png


Thanks for sharing that! It's great that Applejack reminds you of your mother! I've always thought she was reminiscent of many people in my life as well.

  • Brohoof 1
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That was an awesome blog. As an Applejack fan myself, I found myself agreeing with pretty much all of your reasons. I think Applejack is a character whom I can respect, because even with her flaws, she always tries to think of others. There are so many things I admire about her.


Once again, excellent blog :)

  • Brohoof 1
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That was an awesome blog. As an Applejack fan myself, I found myself agreeing with pretty much all of your reasons. I think Applejack is a character whom I can respect, because even with her flaws, she always tries to think of others. There are so many things I admire about her.


Once again, excellent blog smile.png

Thanks, I am thrilled that you liked it! :D

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I love this post :). I was just talking to my partner yesterday about how, for me personally, Applejack is the best role model on the show, being so loyal and loving and kind. She always tries to be reassuring to everypony, even when thing go wrong. In short I love Applejack and I love this list, thanks for sharing :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Without any hyperbole whatsoever, I can honestly say that this blog post is by far the most spot-on, sincere, and well-deserved salute to any underappreciated character (or heck, any character, period) I've ever read. It's positively brilliant from start to finish, and if this straight-from-the-heart assessment of AJ's character doesn't make you her number one fan, then your only competition for that title would be...well, her friends.


...Stay awesome, Sugar Cube!



  • Brohoof 2
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I dunno what to say... the self-proclaimed No1 fan might in fact be the actual No1 fan... I only rushed through this post and it still took me quite a bit of time to get through it... Mind=Blown...

  • Brohoof 1
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You had me in tears. This is a truly beautiful sentiment about your Dad and Applejack. I love Applejack and I have a deep respect for your father. He clearly did an amazing job raising a very special person. 

It takes wisdom to understand how amazing Applejack is and how she brings the show up to the level of brilliance it's known for. 

Your Dad is beside you always (I'm a Dad with a 16 year old daughter) and he is very proud of you. 

Keep up the wonderful work and writing! 


  • Brohoof 2
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OMG! I love it, you did a great article about AJ. 😯 as you know, AJ is my favorite character too, the reason I put MLP FiM on the first place of my most favorite animation list is because of AJ, I love her so much!! 😘😘🍎 It's amazing! AJ also inspires me a lot, she is also my role model. I'm also sad, because I can't watch her next adventure again since "The Last Problem". 😭😭😭😭

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