There have been many trials in my life that I've had to overcome.
I've had to overcome getting slaughtered by the FBI when they crushed me into a bloody pile of sludge with two military trucks.
I've had to overcome being tortured in the fiery pits of Hell and still laughing in the face of the devil himself.
I've had to overcome dueling one-on-one with Gandhi in the ultimate Pokemon match.
I've had to overcome digging the fleas out of Satan's ass after his trip to Detroit.
FINALLY, after two long years of this shit, I finally get to review.......
Ladies and Gentleman, please roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour!
Now, I must say, Magical Mystery Tour is one of the Beatles' best albums, even if it was originally not part of their official discography. But since the US already compiled the 1967 singles with the original British Magical Mystery Tour EP, it was more c
It's the holidays, and you know what that means!
....Actually, come to think of it, that makes perfect sense.
Anyways, Welcome one and all to the season three wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Here we are, folks. The penultimate episode. Next week is the last episode of season three, and will be my last review of the year before taking my holiday. Therefore, you'll get three weeks of rest before having to put up with my shit again,
Welcome, one and all, to the season three wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
I know what some of you are thinking.
Didn't you just write a review like 9 and a half minutes ago?
Yes, and I'm glad you're able to count. Anyways, I figured, since "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was supposed to be uploaded last Friday but was cut short by my modem committing suicide, that this entry should at least be uploaded as scheduled. So here we are, and there you are, and we are all to
So my internet decided to shut off last week when I was in the middle of writing this. Luckily I saved what I'd written so far, but still, what I thought would be a temporary weekend problem ended up stretching out over the course of an entire week for a variety of fucked up reasons. No internet for a week was a lot like living in Hell. It's boring, shit never gets done, and the only passtime is masturbating your siblings. Anyways, time to act like the next few paragraphs were written at the sam
So I just realized that it's been a year since I first reviewed "Crusaders of the Lost Mark".
Anyways, I think it's time I made up for the sick-day I took on the November 4th, so that's why there's a Monday review. Remember when I used to do Monday reviews? Way back in 1963? Hell of a time. Henceforth, let's gallop onward with "Spike at Your Service". Spoilers ahead!
So, there wasn't a review last week, and I haven't really explained why until now. I was sick with a bitching cold between last Friday and this past Tuesday, and a combination of that on top of the hours I had to work near my "recovery" prevented me from really doing much of anything online aside from a passive game or some shit. I figured, since it was so close to the next deadline when I was able or wanted to write a review, to just wait the extra day or two instead. Therefore, sorry I haven't
Oh. Hey. I'm just watching South Park. A long-running series that hasn't gone to shit.
Sorry, the news regarding the seventh season's just really got me down. I need to make some decisions as to how long I intend to watch the show, let-alone review it. Hopefully, after this episode, I can make that decision. It's not Friday, but I figured I'd do the review today because this Friday's going to be a very busy day. Since the Dark Qiviut army ate all my closet bodies, I need to restock.
20+ seasons of this motherfucking shit.......................................
......................I don't think I can hold out that long.
I always assumed that this show would last four seasons max, until there was a season five, six, and now seven. The direction of my review columns are heavily reliant on the direction of the series, but what if this series never fucking ends?! What the fuck am I gonna do then?! I can't go on forever! I can barely deal with shit I have now!
When the bad seeds are planted.......and you dare shed a tear.......that's when you know the end will be near..................
Dad? What are you doing writing shit on my review column?
IIIII don't want to know. Just get out.........and stop using my Hell Transporter. I don't want your "evidence" in the battery compartment.
So, it's com
Too many Pinkie Pies?
Impossible! Complete fallacy. There can never be too many Pinkie Pies.
Unless....."pies" mean boobs..........................actually, it's still true in that case. Spoilers ahead.
This episode begins with Pinkie Pie (big shocker) tackling Twilight, which causes her to shoot a magic blast at a bird, turning it into a flying orange. This
Previously on My Little Stony: The Recap I Did for "A Canterlot Wedding (Part 2)" Was Better
Punk-Ass Decepticon: "When the bad seeds are planted, and you dare shed a tear, that's when you know that the end will be near"
PryamidStriker: "Who the fuck wrote this on my computer monitor? Better yet, why in red sharpie?"
Twilight Sparkle: "Sarah, this is an intervention. We're concerned about you."
"When the bad seeds are planted, and you dare shed a tear, that's when you know that the end will be near".
Who the fuck wrote this on my computer monitor? Better yet, why in red sharpie?
Well, folks, it seems I have a freeloader in my house trying to fuck with me. I'll have to multitask for this review. Watch the episode, write down the events and take notes, and polish my shotgun. I promise that's not a euphemism this time. Meanwhile
Recently on A Possession of Mine Which is Small and Resembles an Undersized Equine: The Relationship of a Person Whom is Acquainted and Contains a Mutual Bond With Results in the Occurrence of Supernatural Forces
The Best User on the MLP Forums: "This is it. The finale of season two."
Princess Cache: "Bitch?! What the HAAAIILL is this shit?! The HAAILL you think this is 'stablishment is? I's abou ta smackaya umpsidejahedd, nammmsayin?"
Princess Celestia: "Bitch, don't be such a fuckt
Welcome, one and all, to the season two wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
This is it. The finale of season two. After facing disappointment with the previous episode, I'm beginning to doubt whether this finale is as good as I remember. Alas, let's delve into the completion of this season, "A Canterlot Wedding (Part 1)". Spoilers ahead!
This episode opens up with a gorgeous picnic
So I watched The Legend of Korra...
Anyways, Welcome, one and all, to the season two wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
This is it. The final episode before the two-part finale of their second season, "A Canterlot Wedding". Let's see if the lead-in to the conclusion is worthy. Spoilers ahead.
So this episode ope-wait, shit I forgot to lock my car
Welcome, one and all, to the season two wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Yes, I'm a day late again, but Friday became unexpectedly busy earlier in the day to the point that when I did have free-time to write a review, I had completely forgotten that I had to do it. This was followed by having to be at work within the next hour, so I decided "fuck it" until tomorrow night. Anyways, let's see if this episode was worth the wait. This is "Ponyville Confidential".
Welcome, one and all, to the season two wrap-up of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
We've only three more episodes to go before the finale. Will these final few episodes be the best of the best, or will they all suck Cranky Doodle Donkey's Skanky Noodle Honkey? Let's find out with tonight's episode: "Hurricane Fluttershy".
So this episode opens up with Ra
Oh, GOD.
I can't believe it! I'm OUT OF COOKIE DOUGH!!!
Motherfucker! That was my favorite MLP-watching snack, and now I have to get through this episode without it! Maybe if I down enough booze I'll make it through.
Shit...I'm not old enough to drink booze. And booze tastes awful any goddamned way.
*Spots the Dark Quivit Army*
Oh, you guys are here? I thought y'all were done comin' 'round these parts after I sh
So I do editorials now. Spoilers ahead.
This episode opens up with Spike showing Rarity his chocolate rocket ice cream house. I'm as stunned as you are. That's when we reveal it's all a dream sequence once Twilight is heard pacing the floor. You see, a tragedy has just occurred. While
"Putting Your Hoof Down"?
So...are you killing your hoof? Or are you being told to put it down because it was raised but nobody wants to hear your answer? In either case...
Spoilers ahead.
Walter dies on the floor at the end of Breaking Bad.
What? I di
It's a wonderful thing when your Hell Transporter works and you can come here in advance as opposed to the review starting without you. You can have delightful conversations with Hitler, help wipe out an entire race of people, and still make it back in time for Pinkie Pie's Pony Parties. Speaking of Pinkie Pie, this episode has her shit written all over it. "A Friend in Deed". So let's not delay, and crack into what "A Friend in Deed" a friend in needs.
*Saves Vwarp Draft*-uckin' anus.
Ah, this place ag-*VWARP*
*VWARP*-enis in my drink?!
Son of a motherfu-*VWARP*
Damned pricks. Weekly Wife Slaughtering Ceremonies back home are not worth all this constant frantic teleportation shit. I've been to the stone age and the stoner age and
*SNAP*SHIT my headphones broke!
You've got to be kidding me. How the hell am I going to produce my music, let alone listen to my audio books from Audible where I can choose from over 100,000 of the best sellers for a 30 day free trial?!
Son of a bitch. At least we have "Read It and Weep" to cheer me up....barely. So, friends, fuck me as we get delve into this spoilers review of a fan favorite.