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Top 10 Favorite video games ever(10-6)

I've been thinking about this for a while, but I've finally came up with a definitive, top 10 list of games that I can comfortably call my favorite. I've put this off long enough, time to get it going. 10) Tales of Symphonia I dunno why I put off putting this game on my list for so long, but recently replaying this game, I realized, yup, it definitely belongs here. My introduction, along with many others, to the "Tales Of" franchise of Action RPGs(more or less serving as the Tale


Megas in Gaming

Best and Worst of the IDW MLP Comics

In about another week, the final issue(that we know of) of IDW's MLP G4 comics will be released and it's...uh, been incredibly rocky to follow to put it lightly. A real rollercoaster, the comics have put out both some of the absolute best, and some of the absolute worst the generation's had to offer. The comics have gone through a lot whether through original stories, sequels to episodes, the movies, Equestria Girls, specials, events, and crossovers all with varying degrees of success. So I thou


Megas in My Little Pony

The Wonderful World of 3rd Party Transformers Part 1(IMAGE HEAVY)

So I for the last couple of years I've ran into a new hobby, collection 3rd party Transformers. For those who aren't familiar, 3rd party Transformers are unlicensed toys of Transformers often aimed at high-end collectors(those who usually collect Masterpiece TFs), however they are not knock offs, knock-offs are usually counterfeits and bootlegs of existing official toys, some times try to get away with it by oversizing them in hopes of getting away with it. 3rd Party figures, while unlicens



The IDW and Equestria Girls Curse

Given how much bad luck these two put together seems to bring in, I figured it needs to be talked about. So Equestria Girls, that franchise that had a ho-hum start as a spin-off and then changed everything with a very well-loved sequel in Rainbow Rocks and the rest is history until some bone-headed toy decisions in it's later years caused Hasbro to get cold feet and put an end to the franchise in a bit of a whimper(Now Holidays Unwrapped was actually a pretty damned good special but it's obvious



I paid money for this(My worst video game of 2017)

2017 was an outstanding year for gaming, from the releases of strong Playstation exclusives like Tales of Berseria, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Nier Autonoma, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc., to the return to form with Resident Evil 7, to the release of Nintendo's biggest hit in a while, the Nintendo Switch, to rave reception on top of releasing juggernauts like Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, among others. But like every year, there's always the shitshows trailing it, such as the gross and gr



My Top 5 Best/Worst Friends Forever comics(Spoilers)

Today marks the end of the IDW Friends Forever comic line featuring Princess Luna and Celestia as the last pairing and while...it's not the worst comic ever, it easily could've been so much better, considering it's the final comic in the line, and considering it's a comic about the sisters, it could've been much more This just got me to think back to the comics, namely which ones were dumpster fires and which ones managed stand out and shine Worst 5) Granny Smith and the Flim Fl



Final Thoughts on Season 6(something I need to get off my chest)

If anyone has been following me in the past few weeks you'd know that I haven't been very fond of Season 6 as a whole, and while I can't say it was a total loss, as it still delivered on a few things, and had plenty of good episodes, but after giving it much thought though, my feelings towards it still haven't changed, in fact my feelings have actually worsened, and if I was suddenly allowed to live in a universe where S6 didn't exist I wouldn't miss it at all. This is the worst I've ever felt w



Grand Theft Auto Springfield - Simpsons Hit & Run(PS2/Xbox/Gamecube/PC) Review

For how long The Simpsons has ran on TV, you'd expect them to churn out a bunch of games. And they did, and unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, a lot of them turned out to be crap, with only a small handful of games worth trying. The Simpsons Hit & Run is part of that weird era from 2000-2007 where they try to parody what ever was popular at the time before going all out with The Simpsons Game. We had Simpsons Wrestling(an awful parody of Wrestling games), Simpsons Skateboarding(an awful paro



Totally Not Crazy Taxi - Simpsons Road Rage Review(PS2, Xbox, Gamecube)

There was a point in time(between 2001 to 2007) where the Simpsons began churning out a few games that were very unsubtle rip-offs/clones of other very successful and popular games at the time(like wrestling games, Tony Hawk, GTA, etc.) with mixed results to say the least, ranging from great, like Hit & Run and The Simpsons Game(2007), to outright abysmal like The Simpsons Skateboarding and Wrestling. The Simpsons Road Rage is very different on the other hand, it's easily the least subtle ri



10 Wrestlemania Matches that were better than their main events

Despite being the WWE's biggest show of the year, not every Wrestlemania can turn out good, and there's bound to be some stinkers. This also holds true for the show's main event, which needs to hold the responsibility of ending the show with a bang, but there are some main events that ends the show on a whimper. This also increases the chances for other matches to shine, hell there's also those times where a 'Mania will always have a show-stealer whether it be a better wrestling match or just mo



Bayoformers - Transformers Devastation Review(PS3/PS4/360/One/PC)

Back since the franchise was first created, Transformers and video games never meshed as well as it should have. Despite a few great games here and there, such as the two Cybertron games by High Moon Studios(War/Fall of Cybertron, both of which are fantastic) and even the PS2 game(which I've never played, but has been recommended to me several times), Transformers games are usually expected to be pretty bad. However, last year just before E3, it was revealed that Platinum Studios, the mastermind



Gaming Mysteries: I wonder if anyone ever knew that Disney had an E3 press conference in 2007

Just gonna leave this here. If you thought Sony 2006, Nintendo 2008, Microsoft 2010, Konami 2010, PC 2015, or a majority of Ubisoft/EA conferences were awkward, you haven't seen nothing yet     An Unknown and hard to find video clip of different moments of an E3 Conference Disney had in 2007. The info of the conference has been recorded, but footage of the conference itself is incredibly rare. As far as I know, this is the only video of the conference there is, but if anyone knows where t



Fall of the Roman Empire(Royal Rumble mini-review/rant)

So 2016 starts for WWE with their first PPV of the year, the Royal Rumble and for the first time in a long time I loved it, both the match and the overall PPV as a whole. It had a lot of great spots and nice surprises, and lots of great set-ups for future feuds. A lot of the wrestlers had their moments to shine. Seeing Braun Strowman eliminate Kane and Big Show put gave me relief that they weren't gonna pull the same shit they did last year with those two. AJ Styles was great to see and looked a



Late random thoughts on Star Wars The Force Awakens(Spoilers)

- Excellent use of returning cast - Loved Rey, Finn, BB-8 and Kylo Ren(more on him soon). Great additions to the Star Wars Universe - Fin in particular is my favorite new character - Kylo Ren is very scary and intimidating - Also not hot on Snoke - Fuck you BB-8, why do you have to be so adorable? - Out of all the armies(including the old stormtroopers, clones, etc) I love the First Order Stormtroopers the most, both intimidating yet funny - But for the love of Christ please keep you mask on, yo



Was gonna make a list of 2015's gaming controversies....

But my computer shat the bed right when I finished, deleting everything I worked on, and discouraged me from redoing the entire thing...   Besides it's mostly Konami, so here's instead another blog post with a bunch of Konami related pics     Also, in case your interested, other things on that list include: - SJWs ruining games - EA messing up Star Wars - Activision with a lot of money to burn - An example on how not to do kickstarter - Nintendo hating youtube - Sony screwing up B



Xenoblade X has finally arrived!

I lucked out on getting the Special edition of Xenoblade X, but I'm glad I did because it's awesome(and I'm gonna show it off because I'm such a show-offy sack of crap anyway)     Everything that came with it(USB drive with all a few notable songs, artbook, art-card and the game obviously)     At first I was sad it didn't come with the Steelbook like the EU version did, but the reversable cover more than makes up for it     The art-card is smaller but nicer than expected. A pictur



Top 10 worst final bosses ever(Warning: Spoilers!)

When a game comes to a close, they often end with a final, satisfying challenge, often in the form of a boss fight, with the player using everything they learned to overcome it. Unfortunately even the best games can deliver a final boss the is completely underwhelming compared to everything else you've gone through throughout the game. Sometimes the ending can be satisfying enough for you to forgive it, but more often than not, the boss fight can sour your opinion of it.   Just like every othe



Things Cloud's inclusion in Smash Wii U/3DS has taught me

Ramblings of a Smash Bros and Final Fantasy fanboy, GO!             Anyone is possible   Ok, so maybe that's not entirely true. I'm sure suggestions regarding characters like Spongebob, Goku, Shrek, etc., are regularly thrown in the garbage. But the point is, absolutely NO one expected Cloud to appear in Super Smash Bros, prompting one of the biggest surprises in the series since Snake's reveal in Brawl. Hell no one though we would get another "Snake" but here it is.   Cloud's noto



"Let the Bloodshed Begin!" - No More Heroes(Wii)

The Wii was an...interesting console to put it best. It was the one 7th gen console to come out without banking on power like the PS3 and 360. On the contrary, it was severely underpowered compared to the other consoles, I'd say it was a little more powerful than the OG Xbox(or 2 Gamecubes taped together, as many people would say). It was all intentional as the Wii's main selling point was the Wii-mote and its motion-controls, which had varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, this would cause



The scariest creepypasta ever

I once watched an episode of a children's cartoon. For some reason it was grimdark and shit was hyper realistic.   Then I went outside. It was also hyper realistic



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