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Dear Steven Universe SJWs on Tumblr: My blog. NOW!

Dark Qiviut


There's activism and there's performing the very same evil you claim to be against. What happened with a Steven Universe fanartist named Zamii070 falls into the latter.


I may not know the full story, but from the evidence I gathered, Zamii070 was being constantly trolled, bullied, and terrorized by Social Justice Warriors on Tumblr for several reasons, from posting fanart of characters drawn by a person she didn't know was a sex offender, posting ignorant language about people who were trans or fat, and drawing a supposedly chubby Steven Universe character a little skinny. Whatever the case is, I don't know. But for the past year, SJWs, especially ones in the SU fandom, stalked and bullied her. In fact, several hate-blogs (called "receipt" blogs or callout journals) chronicled her posts. Consider the fact that she was online to get away from the abuse she suffered in real life.


Lately, because of a fanart that SU SJWs got into a tizzy and shredded her with hate, Zamii couldn't handle it anymore and attempted to take her life. Three days later, she posted this video telling everyone she survived and was getting help. You can find a lot of the drama covering why she attempted suicide here.


For the past few months, I've seen some really sick stuff.

  1. Recently, trolls bullied a two-year-old boy because his father build for him a kitchen playset. The bullying was sexist, transphobic, and homophobic (trolls called the boy a "faggot"). Garbage like this is why "don't feed the troll" doesn't work: There should be no tolerance for trolling, period.
  2. For the past month, there's been a rise of a very demonizing anti-Lauren Faust conspiracy theory here. The claim is that Faust joined Mane6, felt the fandom didn't cherish her inspiration and creative wealth while she worked on the show, and responded to a ten-year-old girl whose letter was destroyed by a Hasbro office as a way to be a greedy, profit-seeking, passive-aggressive, whiny bitch to Hasbro and Friendship Is Magic. How anyone can believe such bullshit is beyond common sense. There's a way to be critical of Faust without looking like a dick! But this isn't criticism of her. This is character assassination. A perverted vendetta. Nobody deserves it!
  3. During the summer, a transwoman in Michigan was slandered by a woman who claimed a man was in the Planet Fitness locker room. Because PF refused to do anything about it because the woman identified as such, the ciswoman spewed BS around claiming they allowed men in the locker room. What do you guess? The ciswoman was banned from the Planet Fitness. A website called GenderTrender posted transmisogynist crap all over it, from the post itself to the comments. A TERF named Roslyn Holcomb (an African-American romance author and vocal activist in the black community) wrote in a comment that if she saw the transwoman in the locker room, she'd immediately kill her. Transwomen aren't going into the women's locker room to get into your pants. They go into the locker room because they don't identify with the opposite gender. Locker room privacy for trans* people is an imperative civil rights issue, and Planet Fitness understands this.
  4. Public shaming of kids, notably a depressed girl who committed suicide soon after her father shamed her by cutting off her hair and making the school announce that she wouldn't run for a very important student body. Only a sicko would think of humiliating a child as punishment, and only a sicko would think of applauding such garbage.

As far as Tumblr "justice" is concerned, this crosses the line into one of the sickest displays of evil that I've ever seen. This is far beyond being a "gatekeeper" to prevent bronies from being a fan of the show (including one SU SJW who "rallied" to commit cyberterrorism against them, only to run after getting chewed out) or chasing a writer of the show from Tumblr. This is 2000% worse.


SU SJWs, I don't give a fuck what your grudges are towards this girl. I don't care if she said some stupid things in the past. This girl is as much a human as you and I. She was clinically depressed and went online as a way to escape from the abuse her family gave her in real life. The Internet provided a gate to share her talents and be happy.


There's ZERO excuse to bully anyone, period! Your grudges don't entitle your privileged asses to stalking her, threatening her, chronologically recording every single damn thing she wrote and drew in her blog, and telling her to kill herself! Let me repeat it again, you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone to kill themselves. To tell them this is the same as sending a death threat. To send a death threat is terrible enough; to send one who was mentally ill is beyond demented!


And over what? Fanart of a Steven Universe character?! I normally don't like saying this, but Steven Universe is just a show! There's a major difference between taking a show seriously and taking one obsessively to the point of being personal. Guess where this falls. SU SJWs, you don't exclusively own the show. It belongs to everyone! Yes, including incoming fans.


Now that she tried to take her life, you had the gall to gloat over it, save face by wiping out your accounts, and put the blame on her?


Y'know, this reminds me of what happened with Chris-chan. Trolls/bullies/terrorists from 4chan stalked him, posted every single thing about him online, and doxxed him. He actually spent some time offline because it was too much for him to deal with. To make it worse, there are people who literally say he deserved to be trolled. To blame Chris-chan for any of the trolling regardless of the crap he says is to blame the victim, and you have to be a complete sicko to think of blaming him.




Thank you, Social Justice Warriors, you've achieved a low equivalent to the 4chan trolls on Chris-chan.


Now look what happened:

  1. The Steven Universe fandom's reputation is now damaged, and possibly beyond repair. The show is great, but no one will want to venture into a fandom with a solid portion being so verbally violent.
  2. Tumblr's already terrible reputation is now worse. One of the earlier great things about the website is the ability to spread messages of good, bad, and ugly, and being proactive about it. But over the past few years, Tumblr's been infested with disgusting displays of Social Justice Warriorism. You claim to fight for social justice, yet you're no less sexist, racist, and homophobic than the people you claim to be against.

    And seriously, who in the hell would want to be a part of a website that's so toxic and mob-like, they fear that their lives will be ruined if they write something stupid?
  3. You claim to be gatekeepers to prevent bronies from "infesting" the fandom with R34. Guess what? Too fucking bad!! Bronies have been SU fans and vice-versa long before you started pulling such shit! Thousands of SU fans have already uploaded porn, and there's a good chance several of them aren't even bronies. You won't stop bronies from becoming a part of the SU fandom. You won't prevent Steven Universe fans from drawing or writing R34.
  4. You created a very disgusting stereotype of how every SU fan is an overly sensitive bigot. Do you know who this will hurt the most? Upcoming fans of the show. Fans who have no idea this drama even existed. Fans who will be bashed the second they proudly admit they love the show. The passersby will be big targets to a lot of bullying because the Tumblr SJWs in the SU fandom helped drag the fun out of sharing to the fandom in the first place. Now imagine if the upcoming fan being bullied is a kid who doesn't go deep into the fandom.

Seriously, do you have any idea what you just did? You and your evil made someone consider taking her own life. Now, imagine if she succeeded. You'd be on the news because you thugs murdered her.


I can see the comments now:

  1. "Don't feed the troll."
  2. "If she ignored the bullies, none of this would've happened."
  3. "Grow a thicker skin."
  4. "She's weak for attempting suicide."

Don't! Even! DARE!

  1. What happened to Zamii is far beyond a pest annoying her. Zamii was being bullied for a year by hundreds of people, many from the very fandom of the show she loved, before she tried taking her own life. It's one thing for an experienced adult in a profession trying to ignore it. It's another for a fan, one much younger than many of us here.
  2. Imagine having to go online every day and try to ignore abuse by hundreds of people who mock you every day of the week, harass you, and stalk you beyond the Internet. All the while trying to not think about the abuse you endured in real life and battling mental illnesses that affect you every day. Do you have any idea how tough it is to ignore it? How tough it is to think that one comment with unfortunate implications could cause a mob to harass and maybe doxx you?
  3. Anytime you say "grow a thicker skin," you're not being mature. You're saying, "It's your fault you're being abused." Much like the other two above, this is classic victim-blaming. You don't look cool, tough, and adult when you say it. You look pathetic. Instead, why not be an actual adult show actual empathy?!

    Often, when we think of abuse, including domestic violence, we think of physical violence. Verbal violence exists, too. Words are weapons. Words can hurt. Words kill. They're not empty. Think about it.
  4. No. Just…no. Do you know why many people attempt suicide? Because they feel trapped. Many targets try to take their own lives because they see it as the only way out of their bubble of horror. Depression is an illness; we don't talk about it without exploiting it. It's a very serious issue, and we take it for granted.

    Do you know how many comments it takes for someone to attempt suicide?
    Zamii had to sift and ignore hundreds of shitposts and hate-blogs dedicated to her, and she attempted suicide because she felt it was the only way out. She has to live through their sociopathy online every day for at least a year, and there are still plenty of people verbally abusing her after she posted her suicide note and vlog from the hospital. Everyone has a breaking point, and we don't know where or when it is.

I've seen so much fandom drama over the past ten years. Alongside the terrible infestation of sockpuppets flaming young authors on Fanfiction.net because they wrote poor-quality fanfiction and the 4chan trolls stalking Chris-chan for eight years, this easily ranks as one of the worst. This isn't cute or funny. This is a hivemind that went completely out of control, and now Tumblr and the Steven Universe fandom as a whole may be paying a steep price.


There are no words to accurately describe how heinous this whole thing was. Nobody deserves abuse, much less a twenty-year-old.

  • Brohoof 10


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I don't even want to begin spreading stereotypes of the Steven Universe fandom because I have friends in it who are and aren't fans of MLP, and they are self-respecting people who are working to build great lives for themselves. However, it really takes a special kind of entitled, tribalist hypocrisy to subscribe to the tired old stereotype of a Brony as a basement-dwelling, middle-aged, R34 artist with autism while believing that actions like this can't similarly taint a group that claims itself to be "progressive" and challenging "heteronormativity". Dehumanizing in the name of stopping discrimination. I'd rather drink a whole six-pack.

  • Brohoof 3
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Jesus Christ.


Such pure, unbridled hatred over something so insignificant. The anger coming off of most of those posts, I don't even know what to say. It's extremely unsettling to say the least.


I'm convinced that Tumblr and 4chan are basically the same place (or at least parts of them). It's such a toxic environment that demands conformity at the tip of a sword. It's an echo chamber of shouting voices and pointed fingers. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Call me jaded but I'm hardly surprised to hear about this. People will turn into self-righteous, vindictive monsters if they believe to have a good excuse for it.


We like to call ourselves civilized but we never really left the jungle. Only this time, the term applies in the abstract and the predators are not deadly creatures but rather they are fellow human beings.

Tread carefully, everyone.

  • Brohoof 2
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That one link about how you can't be a SU fan if you're a cis straight male...


Who the FUCK would write that? How does that even make sense on any psychological level?

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm sorry, but the point of 'character assassinating' Lauren Faust I feel is not only out of place in this otherwise excellent call out on the offending SU fans responsible for nearly causing Zami to commit suicide, but I feel it is simply you venting of how you didn't like how many such as I feel that Lauren's behavior towards Hasbro after she left is rather unprofessional to say the least as I know you admire Lauren greatly. What we're doing isn't 'character assassinating' her but rather discussing her actions and how we felt about those actions she had committed and how we perceive it as such. Some more positive towards her such as you, others more negative such as I.


As for what the SU fans on Tumblr have done, honestly anyone who thinks that bronies are worse either is ignorant of what is going on, or refuses to believe that they were fed lies by the morons on Tumblr especially. This isn't the first offense SU fans from Tumblr have committed as they have:


1. Tried to bully Calpain from EQD to stop his plan on hosting a SU fan website Beach City Bugle that led to the 'baby war' between Bronies and Steven Universe fans until it ended with Calpain hosting the website anyway after much prodding, and the Crewinverse making their first callout to the fandom where they told SU fans to stop harassing bronies.


2. Bullied another fan who created a fanimation of his male gem OC that got kudos from the Crewinverse but got attacked by SU Tumblr fans as they didn't like seeing a male gem. 


3. Policing and controlling what fan content is acceptable and unacceptable where they have bullied many known artists simply because they drew or cosplayed the characters differently or not to their tastes on Tumblr. This is part of the reason for why Zami was in such a situation on Tumblr. 


4. Gave a real version of that motel in the show negative reviews as a joke that damaged not only that business but greatly soiled SU fans reputation considering they tried to hurt a business for lulz. Fortunately many in the SU fandom did called many out and did tried to fix and report any false reviews.


5. Bullied a writer from the Crewinverse off of Tumblr simply because they didn't like this one episode that had them be 'ooc' that he wasn't even the writer of.


6. Are right now engaging another feud with the crewinverse where many on tumblr do not like how crewinverse is trying to encourage artists to draw the SU characters however they wish in a retort to Zami's near suicide, they're even trying to pin Ian as someone encouraging child pornography art for his broad statement.


7. And of course, nearly caused Zami to commit suicide simply for drawing art they disagree with.


Honestly, I feel the SU fandom if they wish to right their fandom back on course and in good graces with the crewinverse they need to stop feeling so entitled of the show's content, behave much better in all regards, and to especially stop bullying people for any perceived slight they feel that doesn't conform to their beliefs of the characters. Really, they're setting themselves up as a perfect example of how a fandom should not behave and that is a really bad spot to be in the circle of the Internet and the world in general. I wish for these to happen, but I feel that unless something drastic happens like CN threatening to cancel SU if the fandom doesn't behave better or Tumblr goes into a full purge mode of SU content because of SU fandom behavior, I feel all of this will fall on deaf ears.

  • Brohoof 2
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When people prioritize their ideologies or ambitions above compassion, they cease to work toward justice and charity. Unfortunately, these voices often carry the day by drowning out dialogue. The internet is fertile ground for such activity.


All fandoms have dark corners, but the SU fandom's darker side is especially obnoxious. It hijacks discourse about social barriers and demeans the participants. Childish behavior nonetheless has very serious consequences. Again, the internet, having combined general anonymity with an instant response, provides the conditions for this perfect storm.


I don't envision what the ultimate solution may entail, but the first response should entail compassion. If nothing else, this is at the heart of Steven Universe: love isn't easy, and it can be exploited by manipulators, but entering the cycle of hatred is the road to self-destruction.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't know what SU fandom is like, but I certainly hope this isn't representative of majority of people of that fandom. Toxicity on internet is nothing new to me. As one made observation before, 4chan is where everyone is offensive and Tumblr is where everyone is offended. I considered in past to join Tumblr, but SJW association prevented me from doing so.


Because fuck SJWs.


There is one fundamental aspect of SJWs that would makes me hate them more than people who directly claim that they are in fact racist, sexist, etc. SJWs try to make themselves appear to be victims and make others guilty, but reality is that they're actually malicious and use their supposed defensive position to attack others.

  • Brohoof 2
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