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Dangerous to be a brony



As it states, in my town I can no longer visit a fucking mall without getting beaten up by two or more swagfags due to being a brony.


I was in the parking lot of the local mall, my hoody up and music blaring in my ear and being rather cheery with myself for buying a little Fluttershy figurine thingy.

Half way to the exit some one snuck up behind me and yanked my shoulder bag off and proceeding to tip it contents out on the ground and yelling in sneering triumph when he saw the figurine.


He started throwing insults and stuff about me being a pedophilic gay bastard or something along lines, I was more focused on getting my stuff back, I stuck my hand and demanded it back, at which point he throw it on the ground and started stomping on it.

I pushed him and in return he punched me in the chest like a retard. It turned into a fist fight which was kinda in my favor.

I was about to back off and collect my shit and continue on my way, when I suddenly I get tackled from behind by his buttbuddy, and then kicked in the stomach.

Myself being a idiot who doesn't like admitting defeat, tried to stand back up despite the Rainbow colored tulpa in my head telling me to stay down and for my effort got kicked in the stomach and in the balls.

They kicked my stuff around and threw more insults and then left. Around and minute later of me laying on the floor, an old lady came up and made sure I was alright and constantly apologizing for not being able to help.


I went back in the mall and bought a coke and some painkillers and dragged my feet 3km home


I fucking hate swagfags, they are a inferior subspecies of idiotic baboon that cant win a fight without 3 or more of their brain dead shit flinging friends to back them up.



  • Brohoof 18


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Oh my god, so sorry that happened to you! :o


I've honestly never heard of 'swagfags' though, but those guys who beat you up sound like real assholes. >_>

  • Brohoof 1
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Damn, that sounds horrible..  although I'm not afraid of anything like that happening to me, this is one reason I don't show or tell people that I like MLP.

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Really sorry that happened to you. I know ''swagfags'' are a bunch of punks and the stupidity of this world. You didn't deserve to get beaten up. They were pretty much punks.

  • Brohoof 1
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I understand how you feel I wear a LED vinyl scratch hoodie at work and have several pin-on buttons attached to it I've had several ppl (mostly guys in there 20's) throw insults at me, but I've never had a violent situation occur and all I can do is smile and thank them for shopping at Wal-Mart (id get fired if I say what was on my mind)  to this day I still wear all my mlp merchandise with pride will soon be getting more buttons to put on my beanie xD anyways,I hope your situation improves and brohoof for standing up for yourself.

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Sorry to hear you got beaten up, man. :( I know the kind of people you talk about, luckily I've never had a run in with them, though. It's a shame you got crossed by these thugs, but good on you for defending yourself. :)


I know it sounds bad, but being able to defend my bronyhood is one of the reasons I'm working out so hard, so I could handle myself if this ever happened to me.

  • Brohoof 1
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WTF is a swagfag?

A idiot who thinks being a asshole is awesome



 wear all my mlp merchandise with pride

God, if I did this I would get attacked before leaving my driveway


 one reason I don't show or tell people that I like MLP.

I haven't told any one, I just had the extremely bad luck of being caught admiring the pony section.

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That's real sad :(


It's so god damn sad that our community is one too bee so hated by (some) outsiders >:( 


God damn swagfags...

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but those guys who beat you up sound like real assholes. dry.png





But yeah, that's horrible. I despise people who would treat anyone like that...fucking assholes...

  • Brohoof 2
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It's ridiculous what people do to other people who's in a fandom they hate... "swagfags" are by far the worst people around... and I despise them. Mostly because of how act around other people, and how they look. 


I really hope you're alright man... 

  • Brohoof 3
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bloody swaggots I tell ya, only thing they're good for is speed bumps. I've had them throw insults at me, but nothing like this, maybe because of the balisong I keep in my pocket at all times XD 

aaaaaaanyway, I hope you're recovering good

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@Chigens and Kay You carry a knife? Evil freak! :P I kid of course. I prefer to use my fists, since I can deal more pain with them, although I've never had a violent altercation for being a brony. Luckily for me most people don't care.


@OP It's pathetic that you're getting beaten up for something so bloody trivial. They are an utter disgrace to the human race.


For people wondering, swagfags are the devolved subhuman apes you see walking around with Hollister gear, skinny jeans, snapbacks etc. They tend to love saying things like swag, yolo and other douchebaggery things. They also like Lil wayne and believe their 'swag' is amazing.  Local authorities (me) advise to stay away from swagfags, but if you come into contact with one, shoot it, then douse yourself briefly in bleach to purge the parasitic swagness.

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my policy if someone tries to get in a fight with me, you better be fucking ready to beg for your life.


GRRR this makes me SO MAD TO READ THIS!!! i want to go find those ****ers and just beat the **** out of them, that might not be loving and tolerating however, don't tolerate assholes trying to physically harm you not only that but they ganged up on you!!!! i am so mad right now!


you have my sympathy a strangers might not mean much but i truly am sorry man 

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I'm with Chigens and Kay, carry a knife.

Also, I've found that if you get equally up in their face and yell and swear and shit, they'll back down faster.

I've never had to pull my knife on anyone, but I can only imagine it'd help, especially if you already kicked one of their asses.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm with Chigens and Kay, carry a knife.

Also, I've found that if you get equally up in their face and yell and swear and shit, they'll back down faster.

I've never had to pull my knife on anyone, but I can only imagine it'd help, especially if you already kicked one of their asses.

I knew a guy who, whenever he was confronted, would absolutely shout the roof down, I mean he would get in their face, flit all about the place screaming every obscenity ever known, and every time he did that the guy he was shouting at would back down/run away. Funny thing was, he had never been in a fight, and would never want to hit someone.

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WTF is a swagfag?



I've honestly never heard of 'swagfags' though


They are jerks that use the word "Swag" constantly. They wear snapbacks, spend their entire life at social networks, ranting about stupid crap and listens to crappy music (Pop and rap)

  • Brohoof 2
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That is why I always carry a knife on me ^^

Funny thing is I usually do carry a knife. I just lost it a few days ago.


Also, I've found that if you get equally up in their face and yell and swear and shit, they'll back down faster.

That would be kinda awkward for me. I'm one those people who barely speak, let alone yell.I usually just try and use my size to intimidate, or looking like I want to tear someone's head off when angry  

  • Brohoof 1
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My God, I hate swagfags with a passion. They're all around my school like they own the place, pissing off teachers most of the time in class and try getting cheap laughs by chucking random shit in the ceiling fan.

Sorry to hear about your encounter with them :/ The future of being a swagfag will just be living in jail for the rest of their filthy lives and think they're cool.

  • Brohoof 1
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