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Evils of "Homosexuality", "Gay Pride", and Liberals

Titan Rising


I trust a mod won't delete this without reading through it first.


I would love to see some of your liberal faces after reading and clicking on this blog lol. And before I get the generic obligatory ignorant liberal matter-of-fact responses let me just set and define a few things here:


-When I say "Evil" I simply mean "not good". No I don't think "gay" people are under the influence of satan.

-No I don't hate "gay" people or liberals. I don't hate anyone.

-No I don't think they're going to hell nor would I condemn anyone to an eternity of hellfire burning their souls a hundred thousand miles below the surface of the planet, no not Adolf Hitler either.

-No this belief of mine is not founded in any religion


Now first off your probably wondering: "Hollowshield... Why would you say something as controversial as 'homosexuality is evil' ('evil' meaning 'not good' as I read the first part of your blog)." Well my friend there is a very good reason for this - it's because the term itself sets the precedent that people can only be one way or the other. People will say you are either straight, or gay, or a bisexual or pansexual (whatever that means I don't even know....). This is a blind assertion in itself; and I would be willing to wager that it is not the case. I would say that anyone who desires sex enough will go to whatever length they have to to get it. Case in point - don't drop the soap in a prison shower where what some people might call the "personal preference" flies right out the window and the source of the pleasure becomes quickly irrelevant.


So right now you might be saying "Okay Hollowshield what's your point...? Whats this even have to do with someone being homosexual or not? You're just referencing dirty desperate criminals."


The point is when someone who cares only for the pleasure desires it enough and becomes desperate enough they no longer care for the source. The only difference between them and someone who labels themselves a homosexual is that a homosexual has the freedom to choose the source. See what I'm getting at? A little? Not at all? Okay read a little further.


I'm gonna be blunt on this cause I'm getting a bit bored typing it out. "Gay Pride" - what is it? It's pride in the fact that you become sexually aroused by the same gender. Am I painting a picture yet? The homosexual lifestyle and gay pride message is centered around the belief that sex should be used for pleasure - not necessarily for the sake of reproduction. They then spout bigot at anyone who believes otherwise. Well I believe otherwise and thus I am against homosexuality - no not because some religion told me to but because it's what I think is right. Whether or not you wanna hate me for it and call me a bigot as if I have no reason to be against your belief is your choice and I don't really care.


"Well Hollowshield... What about liberals?" Oh yeah liberal socialists... Well I suppose I can't speak for all of them, but generally from my own experiences they're the ones that constantly support the mindset that sex is the end all be all reason for existence and act as if it's the most important thing an individual can achieve in life. And this applies to both "straight" and "homosexuals" and everyone else by the way.


So tell me, am I wrong to say any of this?

  • Brohoof 4


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I see where you are comming from, but I still disagree. I don't consider you a bigot, you have a perfectly reasonable stance against homosexuality (well, compared to people who hate Gays because of some 2000 year old book).


You seem to view sex as a means of reproduction and nothing else, while reproduction is obviously its primary purpose, sex for pleasure isn't nessisarily a bad thing.


I think it's fine if you're against homosexuality; just don't have sex with men. I do think it's wrong however, to expect others to think like you do. If homosexuals want to be happy together, then they have every right to.


Relationships shouldn't just be about reproduction. Is it wrong for a heterosexual couple to be together if they're steril? They can't reproduce sure, but they still love eachother. Sex can be an act to express that love.


I can level with you that I think it's wrong for people to view sex as a sport. It's not a life achievement, it's something you do when you find the right person.


Also, I happen to be a Liberal/borderline socialist, and I don't think sex is the most important thing ever. I've had it, and I think it's very overrated.

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't have a problem with people who use one of those words to describe themselves; it can help one identify their preferences more closely and better understand themselves. However, the use of those words to glorify one's social position - like a homosexual having "gay pride" - russles my jimmies. It's as if the fact that such preferences aren't "normal" make it better or more acceptable to be proud of. I don't think you're trying to argue about such a topic, though.


In response to your seventh paragraph, straight people have sex for pleasure, too, it's just that there's the chance of having a baby, which is countered by several types of birth control. If you only have sex with those of the same sex, what else can you gain from it besides enjoyment? I'm not going to guess what homosexuality means for a gay person, however, because I'm not gay myself.


In my opinion, sex is the reason for our physical existence, because it's needed for our species to continue existing. I don't think everyone has to be bound by it, though.

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I think it's fine if you're against homosexuality; just don't have sex with men. I do think it's wrong however, to expect others to think like you do. If homosexuals want to be happy together, then they have every right to.


First of all thank you, I'm happy the first comment on this blog is someone who can actually understand (to a degree) where I'm coming from and doesn't just get angry over the premise.


The reason I view sex as nothing more than a means of production is because that's what it is. I feel using it as a tool for pleasure is nothing more than another way to escape reality, along the same lines as gorging yourself with food or even taking drugs. I can not see this as a way to express love.


I also do not expect others to think the way I do, but I want them to so I write stuff like this even though I know it's not likely to change people's minds.


No I don't think relationships are just about reproduction either, I hope this blog didn't come off like I think that way either lol. I think just the opposite really

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I can not see this as a way to express love.


To many people, sex can be a way of expressing love by means of making the other person feel physically good. Many people value different things, and some value physical pleasantries on a higher note than you.


My views are easily relayed by Eljordo's post, though mine would be slightly differently worded.

  • Brohoof 1
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To me, "I'm gay and I'm proud" is on the same level as "I combed my hair differently today and I'm proud!" Do you want a rubber medal or a chest to pin it on?

So you prefer people with the same tool set. Good for you. You're still just a person to me.

This applies to all sorts of things besides LGBT people; religions, fandoms, gym card holders...


Also, sex for pleasure, as has been said, is an amazing thing. It can strengthen the bond between two people, bringing them closer and, in some cases, making them better people to be around.

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To many people, sex can be a way of expressing love by means of making the other person feel physically good. Many people value different things, and some value physical pleasantries on a higher note than you.


Yeah I understand that and I think its shallow false happiness so I've made it my mission to set out and enlighten people! So far no luck...

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Yeah I understand that and I think its shallow false happiness so I've made it my mission to set out and enlighten people! So far no luck...

You sound somewhat hypocritical, here. Going out to enlighten others on your views is kind of like how "Gay Pride" stands, as they try to prove themselves right/correct/deserving of respect.


It comes to the cut and dry deal of who believes what is right and what is wrong, which, by no means, will ever be settled, ever.

  • Brohoof 1
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You sound somewhat hypocritical, here. Going out to enlighten others on your views is kind of like how "Gay Pride" stands, as they try to prove themselves right/correct/deserving of respect.


It comes to the cut and dry deal of who believes what is right and what is wrong, which, by no means, will ever be settled, ever.


Well there is the difference of them trying to force their beliefs on others through legislation but that's not what this blog is about.


But you're right, someone could call me evil for saying sex for pleasure is wrong and I wouldn't complain about it. And you're right that unless God comes down to Earth and tells people what's right and wrong it's something that will never be settled as fact - but that does not mean that I can not try to seek out what's right for myself and try to enlighten other people along the way.


And if it is right and there is truth to what I believe then I have enough faith in humanity to get there even if it takes a really long time

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The only reason I condemn this article is the clear attention grabbing title (as evil has connotations more powerful other than "not good"). Quite over the top. Yes, I'm a hypocrite, but damn it, [reason].


First of all, I applaud you for writing this. It's a very controversial opinion and to risk public shunning is admirable to say the least.


Anyways, let's get onto your article.


1) The Earth diameter at it's largest (as it's not a perfect sphere) is around 7000 miles, I believe. So, if I'm a hundred thousand miles below the planet...well, I'd be in space. No joke here, just ad homoneim.


2) Thanks for calling me a friend, friend.


3) Tich was right when she said that it's an analouge scale. We just put arbitrary points down as to where people are homosexual and where they aren't. The scale is called the kinsey scale. You should look it up.


4) Pansexual means everything, so the mainstream genders (ugh, so mainstream) and other things like hermaphrodites. Funnily enough, you're article seems to state that we are all pansexuals.


5) When you say a homosexual has a freedom to choose the source, do you mean they have the freedom to have sex with women? I think we have the same freedom to have sex with men, if that's what you're saying.


6) Actually, I thought gay pride was about equality for homosexuals and having equal rights. It;s about equality rather than the defense of hedonism.


7) Just saying, sex is also for genetic variation.


8) Liberals don't have to be socialists, ya know. Course, I'm a socialist (not completely though), but I know of capitalist liberals.


9) Really? I find most liberals (which is essentially me) to be about doing whatever you want that makes you happy, as long as you aren't hurting someone else.


10) Are you wrong? Well, that's morality, and really, no one is wrong. Are you bigoted? Not in any way. It's an opinion, and as long as you don't prevent gay equality, you're cool. And were you wrong to say this? Nope. Freedom of speech and all that.


I think it's fine if you're against homosexuality; just don't have sex with men


Personally, I don't like this argument. It's just an attack really, with no real substance.


Is it wrong for a heterosexual couple to be together if they're steril?


I don't think he's telling "relationships are just for sex" as much as sex is just for reproduction. Under his view, a couple can be together. The real question is, should they have sex?


Sex can be an act to express that love.


Well, for come people yes. Having sex is a big trust issue (at least for me) and to have sex is almost like getting married, in that it's essentially, giving yourself and all your imperfections to someone, without censorship.


But some people have sex just for pleasure. Like he said, I guess.


The reason I view sex as nothing more than a means of production is because that's what it is. I feel using it as a tool for pleasure is nothing more than another way to escape reality, along the same lines as gorging yourself with food or even taking drugs. I can not see this as a way to express love.


Well, just saying, but so what if it's escaping reality? Does that matter? I do a lot of things to escape reality. I mean, you watch MLP! That's essentially escaping reality. We are a bunch of hedonistic pigs and realistically, we'd do what gives us pleasure.

  • Brohoof 3
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You're not a bigot, you're just a little bit stupid.


First off you make sexuality look like a either or thing, while many psychological research has shown it is actually a fluent scale where people can go from completely straight to completely gay but have any level in that as you can. You can subdivide it and start making cutoffs for your labels as homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual. but the thing is, it doesn't stop the scale from being analogue. And many straight men have slight homosexual tendencies as much as gay men have heterosexual ones.


And if it's just a little it is enough to decide to do that rump in the prison shower.


A second thing is, humans are among one of the only animals on the planet who derive pleasure from sex, many other species it is either a thing driven completely differently. And sometimes is fairly cruel, and animals have evolved to have different strategies for reproduction. And I agree, sex has a primary purpose of reproduction. However, looking at the chemistry of sex, it does have many mental health benefits, Most importantly, it tends to make people happier.


I would say that homosexuality is the ultimate contraceptive if you want to keep the population in check. There is definitely nothing wrong with wanting lesser mouths feed. Yet still reeking the benefits of the pleasure of sex.


The bottom line is, no one is forcing sex, but can we lighten up about it a little, and not be so uptight? There are so many taboos about it.


I can only agree, we don't need Gay pride, however, there shouldn't be as much of a taboo surrounding it either, we should eliminate the need for it. And not involve ourselves so deeply in how other people live their lives, especially destroying their happiness.


Last thing, if you ever again imply homosexuality is a choice. You are subscribing to the following story:


All men starts off as straight, but at some point some consciously and knowingly ween themselves onto cock. Makes perfect sense.

  • Brohoof 5
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Well there is the difference of them trying to force their beliefs on others through legislation but that's not what this blog is about.


I am going to force my views through legislation that blacks should get equal rights as of whites.


I am going to force my views through legislation that gays should have equal rights as of straights


That's what gay pride is about.


And people, don't take the word gay pride literally. It's not saying "I'm gay and that makes me awesome!", it's about not being ashamed of being gay, and being open about it.


God comes down to Earth and tells people what's right and wrong it's something that will never be settled as fact


Well, even then if God goes against me, I'd call him evil. Morality is just putting a reference point on an idea. There's no innate morality.


And if it is right and there is truth to what I believe then I have enough faith in humanity to get there even if it takes a really long time


No truth. Can be none. Morality is subjective.

  • Brohoof 2
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writen nice, sadly, i think you are an idiot ^-^

theres being gay, and theres doing sex with the same gender as desperation act

being gay is being attracted to the same gender (bi is for both, a-sexual is not being sexually attracted and pan sexual is somewhere between a and bi [hard to explain])

doing sex from desperation is just a try to be pleasured with out the right measures

now, the fact gay people attracter to their own sex doesnt mean they are the cause for sex for fun, people did sex for fun for ages, why do you think people (especially poor) had so many children back in the 18 centery and such? prophylactic invented before homosexually became somewhat acceptable in our sociaty, because people did sex for fun


sorry for my english

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I don't feel like writing a lot of stuff right now, maybe I'll do later...


but I'm just gonna say that I'm really dissapointed on you Hollowshield

  • Brohoof 5
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Question. Why the hell do you care what people like to do? Why is it up to you or anyone to decide who can and can not be happy. If men wanna go have a little fun with other men than NO ONE should be allowed to say "Its not right for two men to do THAT!!" Its not up to them, my Advanced US history teacher said something similar as you. Her argument was "Gay men, can be gay without having a little piece of paper in their hands that says they're married!"

ENN wrong answer. Gay men dont only want it for the principle of the thing, its the fact that they are denied health benefits, life insurance policies, and other things straight couples get for being married. I think that marriage is marriage and no one should be allowed to tell you who you can and can not fall in love with. I think that this blog was a tad bit ignorant, and quite frankly dumb. Being gay is not something you choose it is something you are, its like having blonde hair, you can dye it whatever color you want but its naturally blonde and it will be natural blonde until you age and the color fades due to pigments failing yadayadayada. Also sex is subjective. Some people use it to bring a child into this world others use it as a tool to feel happy and enjoy themselves. Once again I dont care what people do with their sex and neither should you.

  • Brohoof 3
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Gay men dont only want it for the principle of the thing


And even if it was still a matter of principle, they would be right. Think about it. I mean, marriage is essentially social recognition of a couple. Why can't gays have that?

  • Brohoof 2
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I think I agree with you? At least on some things. I don't wish anyone to death, but you can't reproduce with another man... so technically it's against humans very design. It's not like they get to choose or anything so I don't really blame them. It's just one of those things thats a bummer and will hopefully be eliminated once technology improves. I see Gay Pride as something similar to Cancer Pride, except you don't ever see the later. I hate Gay parades not because it's for gays, but because it blocks the damn street and you don't see straight parades. Same with school clubs. You see Black and Asian clubs, but I have yet to see an white club.

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All men starts off as straight, but at some point some consciously and knowingly ween themselves onto cock. Makes perfect sense.


I laughed pretty hard at that.

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Holy hell, Hollowshield... I read this and realized, "Holy crap, I'm not the only person with the balls to have an opinion on something!".

  • Brohoof 1
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I wish people would stop making these types of blog posts. Viewpoints are incredibly insignificant, and the ones that are posted are generally very weak in substance.

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You're not a bigot, you're just a little bit stupid.


Coming from you I take that as a compliment.


Last thing, if you ever again imply homosexuality is a choice. You are subscribing to the following story:


All men starts off as straight, but at some point some consciously and knowingly ween themselves onto cock. Makes perfect sense.


Not so much a choice as much as simply doing whatever you like for your own satisfaction.



writen nice, sadly, i think you are an idiot ^-^


I'm sorry you feel that way, but you really think it was written well? Thanks lol, I'm pretty critical of myself when it comes to things like writing



but I'm just gonna say that I'm really dissapointed on you Hollowshield


Please don't be. If you really care then give me a reason as to why I'm wrong.



Question. Why the hell do you care what people like to do? Why is it up to you or anyone to decide who can and can not be happy.


Why do I care? I want to find the truth for myself and I want to enlighten others. The reason I wrote this was to share my thoughts, that's all. I have no intention of deciding who can be happy, that's something people can decide for themselves.


And this has nothing to do with gay marriage.



Well, just saying, but so what if it's escaping reality? Does that matter? I do a lot of things to escape reality. I mean, you watch MLP! That's essentially escaping reality. We are a bunch of hedonistic pigs and realistically, we'd do what gives us pleasure.


I watch it for the experience, I don't really consider it escaping reality. I might consider it escaping reality if I watched it over and over again without any real reason


No truth. Can be none. Morality is subjective.


I'm sorry you feel that way


Holy hell, Hollowshield... I read this and realized, "Holy crap, I'm not the only person with the balls to have an opinion on something!".


I very much admire many of your posts as well lol


I wish people would stop making these types of blog posts. Viewpoints are incredibly insignificant, and the ones that are posted are generally very weak in substance.


No ones forcing you to click and read them lol

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First of all thank you, I'm happy the first comment on this blog is someone who can actually understand (to a degree) where I'm coming from and doesn't just get angry over the premise.


The reason I view sex as nothing more than a means of production is because that's what it is. I feel using it as a tool for pleasure is nothing more than another way to escape reality, along the same lines as gorging yourself with food or even taking drugs. I can not see this as a way to express love.


I also do not expect others to think the way I do, but I want them to so I write stuff like this even though I know it's not likely to change people's minds.


No I don't think relationships are just about reproduction either, I hope this blog didn't come off like I think that way either lol. I think just the opposite really

THIS! I have already posted something similar to this a while back

Can't tell if serious or sarcastic.


For me the reason why I support straight marriage so much, is because to me it just makes sense. It seems humans nowadays are way into the pleasure factor, we want what pleasures us most, but take away sexual stimulation and what do you have? You have the ability to create life still but you have no pleasure from having sex. So in this scenario it would make sense to have relationships between a man and a women just for the sake of having children and continuing the human race. Now I realize this has little to do with emotions like love/lust but to me it just makes sense. Obviously whoever/whatever created us, be it evolution or god, wanted us to have relationships between man and woman or else he/it would have given both sets of genitalia to everyone.


But LGBT marriage is becoming ever more popular as of late, so what I personally believe matters not. Because with something this big, it is only a matter of time before LGBT marriage is completely legal. Everyone knows it, why oppose it? I am for it simply because I know it is inevitable.

I have the same views as you do. I feel that sexual deviance has become a norm in this society, and it kind of sickens me. I feel sad that this world is ruled by sexual pleasure, but there is nothing I can do about it but share my opinions.

  • Brohoof 1
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If you really care then give me a reason as to why I'm wrong.

hmmmm no ...why would I waste my time trying to write a really well-thought long ass post, when you said that you don't care of our beliefs.

And basically the majority of the ponies who posted disagreed with you greatly, and I am one of them, but it's always good to know what is on people heads every now and then.

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