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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. It could be her Parents or it could have been the princess'. I personally would like to believe it was her parents showing how proud they were of her. But thats my sappy side.
  2. She looked over at Vinyl who had watched all of this in a state of shock. She gave her an apologetic expression and snuggled under the covers. "What are you doing here? How did you find?" She felt cold...she felt empty. All she wanted to do was disappear. She came here to learn control and yet it seemed she couldn't even be around other ponies without losing control. She had full memory now of what happened that night..the things Nightfall did in his lust and Parso did in his drugged state. She thought of the thing she let them do to her, wanted them to do to her and yet now, after the potion had left her system, she just wanted to be sick. She knew, from when she was in her out of control state, that she was pregnant. Her hoof moved to her belly and she began to cry all over again. "Whirlwind....theres something you need to know."
  3. His touch must have been what did it. It had been years since last she felt his touch. She knew the danger of him being this close and yet he was here, with her, even though it could have destroyed him. There was a sudden deep imploding kind of sound as all that magic just shot back inside of her. It hurt. Alot. But it gave her the energy her body needed to keep going. She gasped and coughed, her breath easily seen before the room returned to normal. The frost over her body faded, melted by Whirlwinds act of bravery. She cried. She broke down. What she had become, what she did to Nightfall....the jerk he had been, all off it. She wrapped her hooves around Whirlwind and just let all the fear, pain and even happiness of seeing him again come crashing down.
  4. She struggled against Whirlwind, but he was strong, and her energy was fading. You can't weild that kind of magic and just NOT tire out. Her body started to warm and the frosty circles around her eyes began to fade, even though the sheer hatred in her heart was still there. Just as she was plopped on the bed, she saw Star Keeper...the one who caused all this. Her victim had come to her and she was going to break him... In a last surge of pain and heartache her very body turned frigid to the touch. She was the pony of Winter after all and all its fury was in her at that moment. Anyone touching her would receive frostbite and the room changed to below freezing. Her eyes glassed over in sheeted ice and her full attention was on Star. Inside her body, her heart was pounding, her blood was pumping so fast, her organs weren't actually receiving any oxygen. Her system was shutting down. She couldn't maintain this level for more then a few seconds before she just simple died of exhaustion. Her gaze was piercing. "You did this to ME. You did this to Nightfall. All of this is YOUR fault." Her horn glowed deep blue as she summoned all her power into one blast that would shatter the pony into small specs of ice and snow.
  5. "What do we have to talk about?! How I nearly killed you with that Blizzard I conjured when we had a fight? You could have froze to death! Or maybe about our friends that I sent to the hospital? Perhaps we could sit down and laugh about our foal I lost because I froze it to death out of spite!" She started to cry now, the tears freezing on her face "I'm a MONSTER. There is NOTHING to talk about. All I have is my hate, my anger, my.....my......guilt....... "All I ever do is hurt ponies I care about because I can't control myself. There is a pony in the hospital right now because of me! The pony responsable is still out there and I'm going to make him pay! Now MOVE!" She used her magic and slammed him against the wall.
  6. She gasped and knocked whirl wind back from her. "Don't touch me! I left you for a REASON." Her horn was still radiating frost and icy rings still encircled her eyes. She was not herself, not at all. She was still as out of control as she was when nearly killed Nightfall. "Now get out of my way before I hurt you like I did last time."
  7. As an avid AJ fan, I loved this episode. Applejack finally got to grow as a character and send a letter to Celestia that didn't inclued "I didn't learn anything! LOL" The song was cool and I have to be honest. Considering I live in the south, that is so something you would see in the country folk out here. Very catchy tune, loved the fiddle in it.
  8. Obsidian and Vinyl were in Vinyls room alone. It was cold and Obsidian showed no signs of calming down. Vinyls room was coated in a very thin layer of frost and the door would be cold to the touch. She paced back and forth, uneasy. She was furious. She used her magic to feel inside of herself and true enough, there was a very recently fertilized egg inside of her. Bastard. She could freeze it out of her easily. She wanted to, but something inside her wouldn't let her. She wanted revenge. She had already punished Nightfall...the 'father' of her foal. Now it was time for Star to suffer. Deep inside her spirit, she was screaming, trying to gain control of herself. She tried to break through the ice but couldn't. Without something, someone to reach her, or her long strand of beads she was lost. Winter turned and went for the door, opening it. She stopped dead in her tracks and narrowed her eyes at who she saw... "Whirlwind.." Else where on Campus, Security was search for the one who nearly killed Nightfall.
  9. Obsidian was walking slowly, very slowly. She was walking the halls of the Dorm while some annoying Pony was beating on doors looking for somepony else. She scoffed. That pony would have a big surprise if he walked down this hall. She tried, somewhere deep inside of herself, to calm down, but she couldn't. She was about to reach Vinyls dorm..... (Thats it for me for tonight. Goodnight folks.)
  10. I obviously agree. I think small gestures like this is what makes our community that much more special. This was something that really shook a lot of people, a lot of Bronies. I hope we can take just a minute of our day and give it to remember those kids.
  11. "Don't worry Vinyl, he'll be fine. We -are- in a hospital. I think I even hear the rush of hooves outside now." As they walked, sheets of thin frost coated the walls as they walked. "He deserved far worse then that. No one will ever take advantage of us again, will they?" She laughed "We should head back to your Dorm. I need to see what is to be done with this little parasite possibly growing inside of me"
  12. She felt Vinyl's touch and heard her words. She closed her eyes. She was right...don't lose yourself...remember who you are. Her beads began to slowly stop their shimmering. She was furious, but Vinyl was right. She was about to turn to her when Nightfall came out and spilled out his heart to her. Then he mentioned something she had not thought of serious. She could get pregnant from this. That was it, she lost it. Her eyes went deep blue and ice rings formed around them. The temp dropped at least 20 degrees in a near instant and her beads exploded all at once, sending shards of quartz crystal everywhere. She turned, looked at him and smirk. She froze his left wing in an instant then turned and buck kicked him in the side, shattering the wing into pieces and sending him out the nearest window. She didn't know how high they were up, or if they were on ground level, but out he went. "Don't ever talk to me again" She glared at Star Keeper but went on. "VINYL! Lets go..."
  13. That should read "MLP Forums should go dark THIS Friday for 1 minute. There is a world wide moment of silence the internet is doing on Friday at 9:30am Eastern time. I think we should be apart of this. Some of those kids could have been MLP fans but more then that, we as a community should show our respect and join the over 100,000 websites shutting down for one minute. Heres the article. What say you? http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/20/tech/web/moment-of-silence-online/index.html
  14. "YOU! YOU did this!? What the hell is wrong with you Star?! Do you have any idea what I've been through? Do you have any idea how much of a slut I feel like all because I was under the impression of MAGIC?!" She closed the distance between them and her beads started to glow as she began to lose control. "I was COVERED in bodily fluids of various kinds. I can't even remember all that was done to me but considering nearly every hole I have just aches, I don't know I want to remember. I had two stallions and one mare on my flank and your SORRY?!" Her horn began to glow and icy fog began to fall from it "No, you're not sorry...but you will be...."
  15. "Whirlwind.......its me but, how? I mean, I ran! You can't be here! Its impossible!" Tears started to run down her face. She forgot about all her other pain. The heartbreak was overwhelming. The huge sex romp she didn't want earlier and now her former special somepony was standing in front of her. "I-I...I'm sorry Whirlwind, I can't do this now." She popped out and teleported to Rockshires room, the one she mentioned in her text. She wiped her tears away and saw Rockshire kissing................Dogboots........thats it........the world just went totally bat shit crazy.
  16. She sighed and slowed to a stop. She would have to tolerate talking to this colt. Great. Oh well. She turned her head and looked him over a bit. "Let me guess, you need Directi-......" she trailed off. She blinked her eyes and looked over the image in front of her. It couldn't be....theres no possible way it could be...she left him...she left him to save him from her darker side. He had no way to have tracked her....... "W-whirlwind?"
  17. Obsidian walked ackwardly through the stillness of night. She had just left the area of the Mares dorm and connected with the general walk way where she saw another stallion. She shuddered....males...she had had her fill of them...ugh..that came out wrong...she was SICK of them. She kept about 5 feet distance and moved her speed to a trot. She thought about just teleporting there but she didn't want to seem rude. the Stallion looked a little familiar. But she was new here and she had no idea all the new faces she had seen.
  18. Obsidian walked ackwardly through the stillness of night. She had just left the area of the Mares dorm and connected with the general walk way where she saw another stallion. She shuddered....males...she had had her fill of them...ugh..that came out wrong...she was SICK of them. She kept about 5 feet distance and moved her speed to a trot. She thought about just teleporting there but she didn't want to seem rude. the Stallion looked a little familiar. But she was new here and she had no idea all the new faces she had seen.
  19. It had been a solid 30 minutes since she texted Rockshire. The water from the show felt good and relaxed her sore body. She scrubbed and scrubbed, hoping to erase some of those memories. Parso had an imagination, but nothing compared to Vinyls. Nightfall, surprisingly, had great stamina and she remembered him outlasting Parso. Parso was more rough but Nightfall, at least when with her was sometimes gentle, until that damn stallion side of him kicked in and hormores overrode his manners. She scrubbed Vinyl down too and they talked a little, but not much. She just wanted to be clean. the helped each other scrub their more private regions and finally, after 45 minutes felt half way clean enough to exit the shower. She dried off and combed her mane, the put on a little bit of makeup...rare for her. Vinyl was still in the shower but she called out that she was heading to the Hospital. She thought about just teleporting there but instead teleported right outside the dorm and started walking to the Campus Hospital.
  20. Thank both of you for your feedback. IT was awesome. I am doing another go at it tomorrow and raising my voice up. I also have my lines down so no more "reading from a script" sound. Again, thank you so much for your honesty. AJ would be proud and helps me get better!
  21. Obsidian remained quiet...very quiet...she could feel her exhaustion in her legs and there was still some damp sweat(she hoped it was sweat) clinging to her fur and just under her tail. She left her dress and such in Nightfalls room. She opened the door to Rocjshires and her's dorm and moved right to the shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. "What have we done, Vinyl? How will we ever life this down. We were play toys for their amusement and even though I remember having no complaint...in fact begging them to do whatever it was they whisper to me, Now I can't help but feel like an object." She sighed and started up the hot shower then looked to her friend. "Now what?"
  22. Winter paled hearing what she said. She facehoofed "Okay, you may feel this a little...." She focused her energy and transported the beads from Vinyls...err...back end and into the shower where she washed them off and santized them. She wondered for a moment if they had been used on her as well..her poor beads. She wrapped them back around her and shuttered for a moment. She turned and glared at Parso, then back over at the still shocked Nightfall. "I'll deal with you two later when I'm CALM! Lets go Vinyl. This room stinks of Stallion and Mare coupling" She figured it out in her head. The spiked punch...potion...she had a 4-some with Vinyl, Nightfall whom she decided she wanted nothing to do with and some other pony she didn't even know. Slowly...very slowly members became to come back from the night. Oh sweet Luna, WHY did she let them do those things to her...WHY did she do those things to them and HOW were some of those things even POSSIBLE to do. Her hindquarters were so sore. She had been taken in places she hadn't experienced before and damn it hurt. She slowly moved out of the room feeling oh so icky. She had to shower before she saw Rockshire. Maybe she could scrub her fur off... "Come on Vinyl...."
  23. Luna and your specific AJ lines will be uploaded tomorrow. Could you send me some Luna lines for me to go over? It would help alot.
  24. She herself felt sticky and sweaty. She had sticky mats in her fur on her body, legs, tail, mane and face. She didn't even WANT to know why. She ignored the stallion in the bathroom and perked. "Oh my stars, where?! Where are they? I'm so pissed I'm going to lose it without them."
  25. With Nightfal speechless, she turns her attention to the Stallion who just jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She climbed over Nightfall, kneeing him in the gut as she did, and stopped at the door. "Who are you?! What did you do?! What the hell happened?! Where are my beads?! They're Chrystal, long, very important!" She spun around. "Vinyll..what the hell happened?! What did we do?! Have you seen my beads?"
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