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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. "I can't imagine why not...I mean magic comes from with in, our horns I think allow a way out. Yours may be damaged but its not gone. Pony magic doesn't work by saying spells, you have to picture what you want, to the last detail and make it happen. The harder the item is to picture and change, then harder the spell. Come on, we have a lot of ground to cover and if Carlos is smarter then he looks or Lexon has grown a back bone and become more of a leader, they should have figured out the secret passage to my emergency vehicle. If all goes well, we will all meet up at the road."
  2. "It isn't important.....It was Nightfall. He took advantage of the situation and then Parso came in and Vinyl in her love potion lust invited him to join. I think he said something about doing drugs so he could cheat on his mare before jumping in. Anyway, I KNOW I'm pregnant with Nightfalls foal but I'm not yet sure about Vinyl. We were both being passed around like a party drink that night." She shivered a little over the memories "This is about YOU and Dogboots and Star. You have to call it off with one of them. You don't even need to tell them you cheated, but you can't have both."
  3. "NO TALKING!" She closed her eyes again and focused on a point. It was just her magic this time so she needed some place close....hmmm...the Storm drains! She poured all her magic into the rain and waste water tunnels and with a sudden *poof* they reappeared in knee deep waste water....thankfully this water had been processed already and was ready to be returned to the creek that ran by the road, but there were heat sensors in the tunnels and cameras. She hoped they had been knocked off line. It would take them a good 30 minutes to wade through water. "There we are." She noticed Mark's horn and gasped... "I'm so sorry about your horn..."
  4. "But how do you know its love? I mean you were with Dogboots for a night. Maybe he was just a good lay? I mean I have no room to talk....I slept with a Colt I can't stand and am carrying his child, BUT that was because of a love potion. How do you know being with Dogboots wasn't a left over effect of the potion.
  5. "Captain Imala Snow, Chief of Security for this project..or I was....I've been thinking of changing my name to Obsidian Winter since my Horn looks like Obsidian and my last name is Snow. But thats not important now is it?" She brohoofed him. "For what its worth you make an attractive pony....." She lead him over to a small...very small clearing and closed her eyes. "Let me focus or we might end up apart of the walls or something"
  6. "Wait....you...you had Sex with Dogboots?" Her eyes grew wide. "Empty Night, -why-? I mean yes, Star spiked the punch that created a huge mess that has both myself and I think even Vinyl Pregnant but out of all the stallions....Dogboots?" She sat down next to her roomate. "Listen, I certainly am not one to judge but you are a great sculpture with a bright future. Dogboots is a trouble maker and....well...not really on your level. But whats more is I didn't think you a cheater" She then remembered something and made a quick call to the hospital paying for all of Nightfalls medical treatments out of her parents account then turned her attention back to Rockshire.
  7. "Yes! Yes you're blue and if you have ever watched My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, you're now one of those types of ponies. I wish we had more time for you to explore the details of your new body but we don't. Now I need to know. Can, You, Walk? Sounds of people trying to get into the room could clearly be heard. She needed to get to a clearing before she could try another teleport spell or she might end up teleporting pieces of equipment with them or heaven forbid, reasemble with those parts IN them.
  8. BroNYcon is going to be located in Baltimare...opps...Baltimore this year and has a rather posh convention center, panels, merch, all kinds of cool stuff. I would advise that unless you just want to go to a place to hang with friends.
  9. Captain Snow awoke to a destroyed room. There was very little of any single machine to tell what any of this use to be. She was banged up good but her body had protected the human, which was her goal. She moaned and coughed up a little blood as she looked for the human. She found no human but gasped when instead she saw a Blue Pony. She sighed. She had hoped to spare him this fate but that rainbow explosion just couldn't have been avoided. There would be a team here in biohazard suits to inspect the explosion soon and then they would be caught....again. She felt banged up but she felt like her magic was supercharged. She had a plan. She looked down to the smaller blue pony and quietly asked "Are you alright? Don't panic. Everything is going to be fine, but if you can move, we need to go now"
  10. "Good job..just hang in there, you're going to be fine." Captain Snow carefully dragged the man away from the collapsing portal. She let out a sigh of relief when it had been a full 5 minutes without any further shots of current coming from the thing. As she was about to lay the man down a suddon explosion enveloped the room. It was like watching a sonic rainboom. It struck the man and Snow, flinging them back into the wall. That must have been the portal finally closing on itself. Snow felt her magic recharge before she knocked her head on something. She tried looking for the man but didn;t see anyone around. Everything was a blur and she finally passed out for a moment,
  11. I like this remix as far as remixes go but you lost a lot of country from the song which was part of the charm. To me the music is very pretty but it just doesn't fit the lyrics. Its a country song, not classical. By the way, I'm a huge fan...squee....
  12. "Oh thank Luna you're okay!" Wait, what the hell did I just say? Anyway "Listen, you've been in an accident and there has been some side effects to that accident. You dont seem to be effected but we have to get you away from where you are now. If you can, wrap your arms around my neck and I'll pull you clear." She looked nervously over at the string of light that was all but gone. It shot out violently every few seconds, then every 30 seconds, now every 45. It was dying. Good. Maybe no one else had to suffer their fate.
  13. Snow had been using her horn as a digging tool, removing pieces of debris here and there, trying to stay clear of that random shot of lightening from the nearly collapsed portal. She bucked and nudged and scooting pieces over until she saw it...a hand. Were they alive? Dead? She didn't know but they were dangerously close to that lightening bolt shooting about. She careful moved over to the person and with great effort, and a large cut on her neck later, revealed the guy under it all. "Hey...HEY...wake up Soldier! You alive?" She poked him with her horn like a kid poking a dead animal with a stick.
  14. She awoke on her back, laying spread eagle in what use to be the control room. It wasnt far from the containment cells, but it was as far as she could go without having the energy to go with them. It worked out though because she could get a better look at what had happened and see if anypony else needed help. The room had been contained. No one in, no one out until further studies could be done to ensure it was save. She was sure the armed officers who carried them away would be in medical rooms for evaluations. The portal was destroyed. It was nothing but a wreck of its self, but in the center, every now and then a little bolt of pastel light would shoot out. Apparently the portal wasn't totally closed yet. Nothing could fit through but she had a feeling if anyone got hit by one of those little bolts, they would find themselves a pony, much like the rest of them did. She hoped the others made it. There they would find food, drink, ammo and a "Captains gig" as the military refered to it. It was a passage way that lead to a vehicle for her use in emergencies. The hallway was well hidden into the paneling of the walls themselves but it was there. She had to catch up to them but she was far too drained. She couldn't light a match now after all she had discharged. She slowly stood and started looking around the room for others. As she walked, she noticed a piece of her mane was gone. Well at least some of her made it. "Please Lex, lead those ponies. They need you"
  15. What sucks is the three week break they are taking before "Keep Calm and Flutter on" is released, though personally how are they going to reform Discord in a single 30 minute episode?
  16. I'm adding more people! My Gameloft ID is Obsidian_Winter....or is it Obsidian.Winter.....its one of those! Add me and I'll add you in case I miss some of you.
  17. Everypony would have arrived there safely. Every human, save one would have arrived intact. The one human would have appeared naked...opps...but one pony was gone. Captain Imala Snow who had focused the magic had to make a choice when it seemed they coudln't collectively transport all of them. She sacrificed herself so the other may live. A small amount of her Icy blue streak mane fell to the floor, the last notable remnants of a sacrifice to those she had promised to protect when she first took her job.
  18. Oh...and on the "If your friends aren't doing it" part....I had to laugh....If your friends were doing crack and drinking and driving, would that be cool with him because they were doing it? I mean come on. "Yes my boy, peer pressure is a good thing to cave into and you should never strive to be different" Fuck that. You are almost 18 years old dude. As I said, Cowboy the hell up. Watch some Die Hard movies....it'll help.
  19. Respectfully disagreeing with this. Some parents are tyrants and frankly you don't how his parent are to him. The world is not a place where everyone's parents love them like yours do you. Its good to know you have those kinds of parents but some parents in this world drive their own children away, drive them to suicide, etc. I say to the OP here its time to cowboy up partner. If they want to play that game, you play it right back. Stop talking to them, stop socializing with them. Make them see that something is clearly wrong and when they ask what it is you tell them. Tell them about the money we raised for the childrens hospital. Tell them about the other things we do for ourselves and others. Tell them that you love them so much but you beg them to not make you give up something you adore and makes you so happy. Remind them that kids these days have it tough and out of all the things you could be into, its a community that teach tolerance, friendship and being a better person. If this fails, then sadly I would say to you what no person wants to hear but if its for the sake of your mental stability, then do so...go back in the closet as a brony and enjoy the show when and where you can. As a parent I would be pretty pissed for my kid to go against my wishes, but then again, I have open communication with my daughter and we talk things out. Good luck to you partner and from the Southern USA to you, good luck.
  20. Yeah, I'm confused. HALF a damn season....26 episodes without fail for every season, then season three they skimp out. SO we here the episodes will be so much better made...nope...So what reason is there for it? Is Hasbro trolling us? Are they going to return to make more sooner rather then later? I mean it seems pretty stupid to cut the episodes of a show that millions of people watch for commercial selling rights alone. At this point, season two had way better episodes then where we are now. Episode 9 and only like what, 4 more to go? Yikes.
  21. I found Apple Family Reunion better actually. My mane issue with this was Spike is not an idiot. He kept messing up but yet he has been cleaning, cooking, serving twilights every whim since he was hatched. I think they could have made him more like himself and still gotten the point across. Loved the Timberwolves, awesome work there. AppleSpike ships I see on the Horizon Another twist to this that I liked as a southern gal myself, sometimes they play a little TOO much into Southern Stereostypes and they could have really played into some bad ones, but instead they had Rarity make those comments. Phew. Entertaining Episode and it included all the Mane Six, but I would say one of my least favs because of how they portrayed Spike.
  22. Thank you for the honest opinion. It means alot.Always happy when people take time to help us poor artists perfect our craft.
  23. Alright everypony, so I have done more modifications and landed a part in an upcoming Youtube project. Attached is a bit of my AJ lines and I wanted some serious feedback from the community on it. I admit, I'm not going for an exact copy cat from the show but close enough. Any feed back is good feedback. Brohoof if you liked it as is or in general. Post if you liked it or want to leave construtive feedback. Thanks guys, I've been working on this voice for a while. Soundfile is attached as stated above. Obsidian WARNING: DOES CONTAIN ONE SWEAR WORD Japplack.mp3
  24. Some people don't have anything more to say other then a Brohoof. A Brohoof on a drawing to me means they liked it and found no reason to crtique it. Remember, there is Character minimums now so sometimes its a pain in the ass to figure out how many ways to say you like something and still meet the minimum needed to post.
  25. Whoa..they have a title called "Brony Killer". Charming. It makes me wonder what exactly is the purpose of said group. I mean we gather here and enjoy the show, live the community, so on and such...what do they do? Just bitch and moan about us? Sounds......kinda boring...
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