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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. Go? Hell of course I'm going. I'm also Producing the 1st Annual Brony Awards. I don't expect much sleep but I can certainly promise I will do all I can to record as much as possible.
  2. Greetings members of this fine community! I would like to announce the creation of the 2013 1st Annual Brony Awards which will be held at BronyCon this year. I submitted this idea around the first part of January and was given the honor of Head Panelist by BronyCon on January 10th. Though I have just now reached a point where I need help from YOU the community. What are the Brony Awards you may ask? Well they are growing as we speak. Mainly we will be giving awards of various kinds to Bronies in the Community and their works. Some of the Catagories are: Fanfiction of the Year Best Dramatic Fanfic Best Comedy Fanic Brony Video of the Year Best Dramatic Video Best Animation and Art Musician of the Year Best Brony Original Composition Creative Artwork of the year Etc etc etc, You get the idea. There are 7 categories and others who are helping to put together the awards have offered ideas to make the awards show even better. What can YOU do you may ask. Well first and foremost, we need a LOGO! Yep! We are reaching out to the artists of the community to help design our logo for THE awards show of the Year for Bronies. Please submit your final works to obsidianwinter@bronycon.org! We are working on something special for the artist who designs the new logo for the awards. Keep checking this thread for information on the 2013 1st annual Brony Awards! Yours faithfully, Obsidian Winter
  3. I would like to say that Twilight was not killed in that video. She was caught at the end by Luna before she landed on the ground. Injured? Yes. Bleeding? Yes, but she was not killed. I look at this video as a small section in what could be a rather large story. Our hero, facing off against the evils of Equestria alone loses and falls. As she believes she is about to die, her life flashes before her eyes, but just when she is about to die, is saved to fight another day. I looked at the video three times and Celestia IS in a cocoon but she has not been turned into a changling. Further, here friends look beaten but that don't look dead. I think you are choosing to see more black then white here. I saw this video some time ago and it never left me with the impression of death. It left me with the impression of hope. Twilight was saved. Luna was still free and could help her rescue her friends and defeat Discord and Crys. Sometimes we have to choose to see the light, even when seeing the Black is easier.
  4. Obsidian caught a glimpse of her brother. Yikes, he noticed....great. She was going to get another one of his lecture. She couldn't wait. But really, what had she done wrong? I mean the other Mare was staring at HER and if Obsidian had not have helped, VInyl might have missed the question. Oh well.....Nightfall could go check on rocks.She did the right thing. She turned away quickly once she was noticed. Opps, not cool. So much for stealth.She picked up her pen and began taking notes, every now and then shift her eyes to the side to see if those crimson eyes were still on her. AppleDapple The class had been boring...all these fancified mathmatics. She was a future Apple Bucker. She didn't need all this stuff but her family insisted it was important to be well learned. She played with her pencil, drew pictures and shot little pieces of paper all over class with a straw. She saw that pony from earlier she thought...Neutron she thought was his name? He was cute but so was this Swift Echo pony she sat next to. She let her mind drift into fantasies of school dances and being treated like a lady, something she would never admit she really wanted.
  5. I love how it says that it ripped off Littlest petshop when MLP was first. He must like Littlest Petshop since it offends him that MLP apparently ripped it off. lol......I feel less intelligent after watching this.
  6. Obsidian had a feeling she knew who it was at the door. She used her magic to open it and snuggled closer to Vinyl. "Hello Whirlwind. I think I may have a solution to our little problem if you would like to hear it." She slowly forced herself up out of bed. Her body was still a little sweaty and stick but she didn't care. She went to the kitchen and turned on the stove and brought out some breakfast material. "Either of you hungry?"
  7. Obsidian woke up and stretched....the covers were still damp...ew...several hours old sweat was not good. She extended her large wing and wrapped it around Vinyl. She heard her phone go off and she checked it. Obsidian had a troubled look on her face and replied to the text. Whirlwind, please come to Vinyls dorm room. We three need to talk. She clicked 'send' and waited. She leaned down and whispered in her ear..."I love you. I think I have a solution to our problem."
  8. Obsidian had noted on and off the beautiful crimson eyed, black coated mare that kept looking in her direction. She wondered what the big deal was. Hadn't she ever seen an alicorn before? Or maybe she thought she was odd with her black horn, but no...Vinyl had a black horn as well...she thought she had seen that look before from a lover she had not too long ago....Was Vinyl, the Cheerleader Captain checking her out? Her thoughts were broken when the teacher asked Vinyl a question. After a while it was pretty clear she didn't know the answer and Obsidian could tell she was embarressed. She used her magic to open the classroom door which drew the teachers attention and then she used her magic to pick up Vinyls ink quill and wrote the answer on her pad in front of her. She grinned, ever so slightly at Vinyl and looked back down at her studies. "Oh! Ah'm aweful sorry 'bout that. Didn't wont us ta be late! Come own, lets go find us a seat!" She walked back to the back and found two seats together. She grinned and motioned to the seats. "Looks like we can sit together!" Apple Dapple said cheerfully. She sat her country flank down, opened her books, flashed a smile to Swift and class began.
  9. She giggled at her touches and kisses and returned them in kind. She nipped and playfully bit along her neck, her forearms wrapping about her close. She looked into those deep pools of crimson and smiled widely. WIth that she brought delicate kisses down her neck, down her chest, down her belly and further into the secret places below. She used her horn to turn out the light. ::Fade to Black::
  10. Apple Dapple She watched as the other pony darted off and she gasped looking at Echo. "We gotta get goin before we're late!". She grabbed Echo and took off down the hall. They finally reached the class just as she dragged Echo in the room. "We made it!!!" Obsidian Winter She sat through their next class, taking notes carefully and only looking up once in a while. She noticed Vinyl and Nightfall, but Vinyl seemed more interested in me then Nightfall. It was kinda sweet, but she wasn't stupid. She figured since she was an Alicorn, Ms. Vinyl wanted her just for silly Cheerleading or something.
  11. In a flash they were back at the dorms. She laid down on the bed and sighed, happy to be back in Vinyls dorm room. It had been a hell of time but things were looking up finally. She nuzzled Vinyls neck lovingly and spoke. "I wish things weren't so complicated. I don't know how I became so desired but the attention is a little much. I wish I could just make everyone happy and make all their pain go away, but I know I can't."
  12. I now work for BronyCon!!!!! I'm an Event Programmer!!!! Oh, and I still host the Best Pony Video Awards!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Think you could ummm hook me up with some tickets? :D

    3. Obsidian_Winter


      Believe me, if I could, I would. They don't give me any tickets. :-(

    4. ~The Snowy Wolf~

      ~The Snowy Wolf~

      Ah! I can't wait to see you there! I'm looking forward to working with you

  13. I think we need to do what we always do. Right now we are chomping at the bit for anything about MLP:FiM and its future because we haven't had an episode in two weeks. I think the Keep Calm and Flutter On episode will give us a pretty good look at whats to come. There is even an episode coming up with Princess Cadance in it. Lets just take it an episode at a time starting with tomorrow.
  14. She sigh as she watched them go back and forth between each other, even putting her hoof over her face after a while....stallions... "Okay, listen you two. We need to break this down to its simpilist elements. Nightfall was the first friend I made here. He made some stupid...and I mean STUPID mistakes. They were, however, mistakes. They don't make him a bad pony. If he was a bad pony he wouldn't feel regret or remorse or try to make it as right as he can. He has suffered for what he has done. I don't even think he thought of what he was doing as rape when he did it. I think he just took advantage of a situation, which he now admits was wrong. Admitting he was wrong is what makes him a GOOD pony. I also don't think he would have ever done what he did if he knew we were related. I believe he truly wants to do whats best. That being said, NIGHTFALL...stop being an arrogant jackass. If word got out about this kid being yours we would both be ruined. Whirlwind is willing to help us and I think you should be more grateful. Being Alicorns as we are, regardless of how power or not powerful we are, regardless of how royal or not royal we are, we are rare. Ponies notice us. We MUST tread careful." She took a deep breath "Whirlwind, I know you love me. I know that. I love you too and I am thankful for all you are willing to do for me, but your temper is so great and you let it guide you more time then not. I know you hate what he did. I know you hate how selfish he can seem but he is young, very young and you were almost as foolish in your younger days. Who knows where you would have been with me at your side. There is no sense on fighting over me with Nightfall or Nightfall fighting over me with you because I am not with ANY of you." She motions to Vinyl. "I'm with her and I'm happy with her now. I can't stop you both from trying to convince me to be with another, nor can I convince you to leave me be. I know neither of you can. Nightfall won't because I carry his bloodline inside me and you won't Whirlwind because you love me so much and because of our deep and rich history. I can't say what the future holds but I am happy where I am right now. The important thing to work together now. Whirlwind will claim the foal as his own regardless what it is. Nightfall, you will agree to this or I will kill the foal inside of me, right now, before your eyes. I won't risk destroying BOTH of our lives." She took another deep breath "Whirlwind, Nightfall will be apart of this foals life regardless your feelings on the subject. Maybe he messed up, but he is the gentlest pony I have ever met and the foal deserves to know who the other half of him or her is. Please Whirlwind...please do this for me. Do it for our little one we lost. Don;t ruin the future with hatred. This little one deserves better." She looked between them for a few moments and lowered her head feeling exhausted. She had class in the morning and needed som rest. She stepped over to Vinyl and nuzzled her neck. "I'm tired Vinyl, can you please teleport us home? My magic is spent."
  15. Okay, so I was wrong...I thought this post was locked and its not. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for my lack of tact in responding to this post. I sensed the hostility in the OP and at the time, I guess I was in a piss mood or something and took it to heart. I let my emotions get the better of me and that is something I personally, cannot afford to let happen. Do I believe what I said at the time....yes, I do...BUT....it was my opinion, and my opinion alone. I did not get in trouble for anything I post so obviously the Mods respected what I said enough to leave it alone. But I was wrong in my execution, the way I conducted myself and my lack of tact in the conversation. MLPforums is very special to me and it is why I CHOOSE to remain a subscribing member AND a donator. Right now I and putting in 30.00 a month to the site and where it may not seem like much, its a tank of gas and its food money I choose to spend here so this place can continue. I do it by choice. So, to the mods I apologize for everything I listed above and I hope you can forgive my arrogance. That is my final word in this subject and now I can let it be done and buried. Obsidian Winter
  16. She blushed, not meaning to have caused a ruckus with anypony. She looked at the pony who looked like they got tussled a little and said "Sorry for bein' in the way". She moved to the side with Neutron and smiled as the other pony passed on by. "Oh me? Umm, Ah' think I got Pre Algerbra or sumthin; like that. Ah'm a little new 'round these parts so ah'm just tryin' to figger' things out. Whut about you?" She shifted nervously, being her usual shy self. She noted that ponies were moving quickly to their next class. Had they been standing out in the hall that long? Obsidian enjoyed her first class. She adored history. Now it was on to her second. As she moved and say in the next class she noticed that Vinyl pony filly was here again. She had two classes with her so far. She sighed. Vinyl was full of energy and good spirits, something Obsidian loathed. She just wasn't peppy and found little reason to be. Vinyl had been so friendly that she endured it and she would keep doing so, but in reality it was like hoof nails on a chalk board. She settled in as the bell was about to ring.
  17. I would give Derpy a 7\10 because his eye is not totally attached to his head, the snout looks off and the picture kinda looks 'off', Celestia is 10\10 and luna is 12\10...plus two point for being best pony. You really mastered the program after your first attempt. Great job.
  18. Obsidian Winter As Vinyl left she shook her head. She never understood why anypony would want to be a cheerleader. She hated popularity contests but at least she was cute. She looked up over at Nightfall. "I'll catch you later little brother. Stay out of trouble please". She walked off to her first class, Equestrian History AD(After Discord). She paid close attention to this class and took great notes. She was always looking for clues on where she came from. Apple Dapple Apple Dapple was taking in the sites of the school and not really watching where she was going when Neutron and her collided. "Oh! Ah'm terribly sawr'y. Ah' didn't see ya there!' She started picking up her own books and looked at the colt she bumped into or may he bumped into her.... "Well Howdy there partner! Ah'm Apple Dapple! Its nice to meet anuther pony who looks close to mah' own age." She smiled.
  19. Obsidian looked around the school for a moment and then answered.."Trouble always seems to follow us around. But this is our last year so hopefully we can get through this then head over to Canterlot College. I just want a quiet year" It would be a good change of pace.
  20. Well its an awesome thing to do for ponies in the community. When you offer someone your time you offer them a part of your life and it was so sweet for you to offer this little piece of your life to snazzy up my profile. much love to ya!!!
  21. Yep, I have to go with Cynicism myself as well. I have so little faith in man that its amazing I find a way to get up every day. Though if I'm really honest with myself, I would also have to claim isolation.......tonight this one hits close to home. I'm feeling very lonely right now.
  22. Oh whoa....its perfect. Thank you Doctor. I would say the surgery was a success. Now I can be cool and have a personally designed sig. Woot!
  23. I am the Head Panelist for the 2013 BronyCon Best Pony Video Awards! Woot!

  24. Today was such a good day just to ruined by thoughtlessness....why are MOST males jerks....

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. PonyEcho


      :( Vinyl...... you are right i was an ass to Obsidian and i don't deserve her..... but i'm damn well gona try to and fix this
    3. ~The Snowy Wolf~

      ~The Snowy Wolf~

      @Jghx5 No they don't. They hate em

    4. Jghx5


      Feld0's Overlord: Well.... Some do and there no second question that but most probably don't. So yeah your right. kinda.

  25. Today was such a good day just to be ruined by thoughtlessness....why are all males jerks?

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Um, thanks for calling me a jerk.

    2. Skullbuster
    3. biscuit (smyl3r)
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