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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. I laugh when I see they want you to pay 49.99 or 99.99 for electronic gems. I mean WHAT?! I would never, EVER pay that kind of money for something so intagiable.
  2. After everyone had gathered in the right spots she closed her eyes and focused. She focused on all of their magic becoming a circle, a constant moving flow, focusing directly into her. She had studied Magick and the Paranormal for years when she was younger. It wasn't much, but so far she was the only one to complete a spell. She reminded everyone to focus and picture the ready room. The cell block began to reverberate. The air tinged with electricity and the sounds of heavy boots could be heard. All they horns in the room glowed brightly and just as the men and their guns turned the corner, there was a flash and sucking sound, like a void appearing and then being filled back in with air. Nothing remained but some multicolored mist and some poor humans clothes.
  3. Where is Rarity when we need a really good fashion opinion of this importance. Someone quickly go fetch her so we can end this madness!
  4. Clearly you are not thinking about the ungodly amount of R34 and Clopfictions that would result in a stallion joining the mane six. I forsee pony gang bangs and huge love triangles if this happened. Actually, there are three. Princess Cadance is an Alicorn.
  5. Who knew the MLP:FIM Forum was so full of sock critics.......I swear, a fellow can't draw a pair socks in peace these days it would see
  6. Yep....thats the father of my foal in this Rp we're in....in all his socked glory. Sory about the wing Nightfall.....I spared no expense getting you the best replacement possible.....<.<
  7. Oh sure, no problem. Even twilight sparkle had trouble teleporting herself ALONE. She was experienced, we aren't and we will be taking others with us. Now if we stay here they already are in route. If we go to my level at least there's more time. If we teleport all the way to the front gate we may not all make it. Do you want that on your soul?
  8. Applejack read the note again...and again, then drank some more, then read it again. She couldn't do it. She just couldn't raise up arms against her friends. But what if the NLR failed? What would happen to them then? What about Big Mac and Applebloom and Rarity and Sweetie Belle? Even her friends on the Solar side. She was so lost. She drank another two mugs nd staggered out into the streets to the Lunar Palace.
  9. "ENOUGH" Capt. Snow screamed. "Carlos you're going to kill somepony by either accident or recklessness. I understand you want to help but right now this is Chaos and I won't have it. Further, that gun doesn't make you in charge. You saw what I did to that door and I'll do it to your FACE if you keep up this non-sense. "Everypony else, we are about to have a small army on us, so if you want to get out I suggest every Unicorn and Alicorn here form a tight circle with every non-unicorn or alicorn in the middle. Close your eyes and focus. Focus on my briefing room on the 2nd sub level. No one would go there but me without invitation. The emergency ready room is on Sub level 3 so we'll be above everypony else. It will give us time to figure out how to get out of this place. Lexon, I see you're an Alicorn like me so you need to step up and help keep calm around here before the worst happens. No please, lets put the weapons away and try this teleportation spell. I'll warn you...it will likely drain our magic for a few hours if we can pull it off to begin with."
  10. Capt. Snow jolted awake at the sound, knowing at once what it was. She reached her hoof over to grab her side arm on instinct but of course it wasn't there and she had no fingers. She saw what Carlos was doing and totally lost her cool. "What the hell are you doing, Carlos?! You are in a Maximum security building and you just shot of rounds. I designed the security here. As soon as the first shot went off the place went into lock down! You can't just blow your way out of here. I had the security designed in case something horrible came through that portal. What were you thinking man?!" Her Icy blue eyes were locked on his. She spread out her large wings and shook her withers, stretching from being in the cage. "While most of you were sleeping, I was up late last night wrapping my head around things. If we're going to get to a safer level I am going to need every pony with a horn to help." First thing she did is close her eyes and point her horn at the door. She focused all her attention on it. She began to shake and sweat and her knees got weak, but finally light blue frosty mist glowed around her horn as a thick sheet of solid Ice surrounded the door. When the spell was done, she fell to the ground. Just that simple spell was all she could manage. "Listen, Magic works like it does in Equestria. You don't need fancy spells, you just need to study structure, how to put what you want into reality. The more complex the spell, the harder it is to memorize every detail. I just did a simple freeze spell.I slowed the molicules in the moisture through the air, moved them to the hard, then slowed them to a solid state. That buys us time, but we have to get out of this room!"
  11. Oh yes, I'm into Steampunk. Its a community a lot like ours that has its own culture, conventions, etc. I make Steampunk items in my shop actually.
  12. Her back was turned to him. "Carlos?" She sighed. "Carlos, its okay. I forgive you. You were following orders and I could not have asked anymore of you. Now we have a problem. We all are victims of this experiment gone wrong and we shouldn't be locked up. Tell the next line in command to let us go. Thats an order. I may be a.....a pony, but I am still the commander of Security for this Facility." She turned and focused her gentle, yet icy eyes on him. "Please Carlos, do what you can....I need sleep to figure this out and get the drugs out of the system. At the very least see if you can get us out of these cages." She smiles to him.. "Thank you" She turned to the other pony next to her. He ws cute, actually in a pony kind of way. "Hi" was all she said. She was beat, exhausted and needed rest. With that she drifted off to sleep. (Night guys! Work tomorrow!
  13. Captain Snow slowly woke up...ugh, someone was getting some serious time cleaning floors with a toothbrush when this was over. She was in a large cage with a metal back. The metal was shining and acted like a good mirror. She stood there in awe of herself...She was white with blue spots. Her horn was black as Obsidian and she had wings...one ice blue and one white. When she calmed down enough to think she realized she was a pony from Equestria and apparently an Alicorn. Maybe because she was a leader....or....maybe by chance she ended up an Alicorn. She looked pretty good she had to admit but gone were her breasts, hips as she knew them and...well..underwear...She tucked her tail to make sure she was covered. This was her fault they were all here. She gave the order. She laid down and waited for the others to wake. Captain Snow slowly woke up...ugh, someone was getting some serious time cleaning floors with a toothbrush when this was over. She was in a large cage with a metal back. The metal was shining and acted like a good mirror. She stood there in awe of herself...She was white with blue spots. Her horn was black as Obsidian and she had wings...one ice blue and one white. When she calmed down enough to think she realized she was a pony from Equestria and apparently an Alicorn. Maybe because she was a leader....or....maybe by chance she ended up an Alicorn. She looked pretty good she had to admit but gone were her breasts, hips as she knew them and...well..underwear...She tucked her tail to make sure she was covered. This was her fault they were all here. She gave the order. She laid down and waited for the others to wake.
  14. Her eyes went wide as Carlos, one of her favorite Officers pointed his rifle at her. She put her hooves out in front of her but his eyes were closed. "Carlos, what are you doing?! Its me! Put that rifle dow......n.........." She fell to the ground in a lump. Her blue eyes were focus on Carlos and all she could think about as she drifted off was "why...?"
  15. She knew she needed back up so she tried to stand but couldn;t. She could finally see a rail a reached for it but her hand was gone...well huh...her hand was gone....."WHAT THE HELL?! Wheres my hand and why do I have a hoof!?" She got back on all fours and ran back over to the intercom by the door. "This is Captain Snow, emergency overide! We have a breech in Security. Open the doors and take into custody any pony you see! Use sleeping agents and take them all alive! Engage!"
  16. Ohhhh her head...her body hurt so badly. It was like she had been put in washing machine on spin cycle and left there for weeks. She tried to stand but couldn't. The room was filled with smoke. She coughed and hacked and got on what she thought was her hands and knees. She could see her Uniform was torn to pieces all around her. Aparently the blast had been so massive it blew her clothes off. Well thats not get. She tried to radio for someone to open the door but her voice activated piece was gone. She looked around. "Is anyone else alive in here?!" She gasped. That wasn't her voice. Where was her Mississippi accent? What the hell was going on?! She 'crawled' over to where the others were and saw something she couldn't believe...pastel ponies. She went for her side arm and lost her balance, falling on her face. She recovered quick and shouted "You there, stay down and don't move! I'm an Armed Agent and your under arrest!"
  17. @ Descant She looked over the papers and nodded. They were exactly what the researchers needed. "Excellent work you did there. Take'em on over to Lex there so he can do what needs doin'. Get to yer station afterward. They are soundin' the alarms and are about to begin." She nodded politely and dismissed the men at the inside of the doors and ordered them outside to keep watch. Orders were to shoot anyone on sight who tried to enter or leave without her express permission. The room was on lock down. She then put on her goggles and stood close to the portal. She had her weapon ready and had another person (Descant) at the .50 cal just in case they opened a portal to the wrong place. "READY CHECK! Security Team in place and ready!"
  18. Capt. Snow sat up and turned on the Mic. "Are you guys gonna just yabber on or are we gonna get this thing goin'? I have reports to do and and evaluations to write up!" She stood and walked out of the control room and into the main portal rooms. She looked at all those present and nodded politely. "To those of ya that don't know me, I'm Capt' Snow. I'll be supervisin' this here project today".
  19. Whirlwind, enough. The "HAHAHAHA" crap was over the top. You could have simply said you found it amusing to get all upset over something so small. I agree, it does seem like a tantrum, but there are more classy ways to say it. Obsidian Winter.
  20. Captain Snow made her rounds and insured everything was in place for her to be unavailable for most of the day. She hoped this experiment wouldn't take long. She walked to Lab Room 6 and walked in the back door. She made her way to the control booth so she could observe all that went on. She had security teams in pairs at all three doors, inside and out. She grabbed a cup of Hot Chocolate and sat in her seat, waiting for everyone else to arrive. She was always early...damn Science types always took their sweet time.
  21. *BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ* Captain Imala Snow hit the silence button on her alarm clock right at 0430am as usual. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and sat up, stretching. She was 32, Blonde, Blue eyes, toned and about 6'1" tall. This helped her in her chosen field of Security. For the past several years she had been assigned Head of Security for a top secret project and place she just called "The Lab". It was easy work. Check for Human Rights violation, ensure the property stayed secure and its cover maintained and above all make sure everyone was safe. She had a great staff but over the years the world had made her jaded. She had little faith in people. She stretched and slipped out of bed, made herself a breakfast of a protein shake, toast and some oatmeal. She loved Oatmeal. Next she checked her Uniform, making sure it was perfect as usual, the onto the treadmill for her 5 mile run. She clicked on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" as she ran. It relaxed her. She was a total brony. This series gave her hope that maybe, just maybe, friendships like these could be found. After she ran, she left the TV on for background noise, stripped down and jumped in the shower. It was now about 0545am. She pulled her hair back, put on her glasses, got dressed and did her makeup; 0615am, right on time. She grabbed the keys to her truck and headed out the door. There was some kind of special test today and she wanted to be there early. She drove out to the Lab and arrived right at 0700am. She saluted her guys at the gate and parked her vehicle then headed inside.
  22. "General" Applejack sat at the bar in Rockwington sipping some hard apple cidar. She had just delivered it from what was left of Sweet Apple Acres. While she was there she decided to have a cup or two or five. This damn war was all wrong. One of her sisters best friends, Scootaloo had left with Rainbow Dash for solar territory. It left all three of them heart broken. But young ones often suffered for the mistakes of their care takers. As for herself, she just couldn't leave Rarity or Fluttershy here alone. Big Mac had already joined the Lunar forces as a Col. and it broke her heart that he would be fighting and killing possible former friends. She couldn't disagree with his reasoning. She also believed in Lunas way of ruling. She agreed there should be no second class for griffons, dragons, etc regardless how unsavory they may be. Applejack held a crumpled piece of paper in her hoof and sighed.It was a letter from Princess Luna. Since Applejack was the element of Honesty and a general Element bearer in general, she wanted her to lead her ground forces. The entire Lunar Infantry and support staff all at her command. If she took the job, there was no way she could avoid fighting and killing ponies she knew. She may even end up in conflict with Rainbow, Twilight or Pinkie. THe thought made her sick and she took another long swing of the cider. Though the Battle for Ponyville was on going, Sweet Apple Acres was a warzone. She hated what the Solars had done. Why couldn't they just leave us in peace? She laid her head down on the bar table and let her hat slide over her face.
  23. Standing up to your parents is NEVER easy. I was disowned by my mom when she found out I was in the LGBT community BUT we fixed things. Parents have this idea of how they want their kids to act and live, but sometimes that plan doesn't work out. If nothing else, as I said before, you have us. You may need to save up your own money and buy it yourself, but lets hope they see reason if for no other reason then your happiness. *brohoof from one pegasister to another brony*
  24. If I may, it seems you have a lot of excuses as to why none of these ideas will work but what I don't see is you willing to try any of them. You can shoot down every idea everypony presents to you but honestly, in the end you either need to do something or just kinda stop complaining about it. Please understand I am not attacking you, but its easy to look at everyponies plan and disregard it, its harder to really look at the plans offered and find a way to make them work for you. Just my two cents my friend.
  25. "Persistance and patience has done far more to change the hearts of men then admitting defeating and going quietly into the night" - Obsidian Winter
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