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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. As someone who has worked in the Music Industry for years, this excites me. I think it is all very well thought out and I can't wait for it to happen. I see a Pony.fm Andriod App in the future at some point. At least I hope.
  2. This is going to be someones art project, dressing the Mane 6 in the clothing of the country they are most like....I would totally love to see that.
  3. "Well then alright. I'll go with you. Its the least I could do. Eris needs to see there is life after him and you're doing just fine. Isn't it tonight? If so we need to go get ready. I don't have a dress or anything for something like this." She smiled at Vinyl but inside she felt horrible. She told Nightfall she wasn;t going and if she just showed up and he was there it would make her out to be a liar. Not an options. She would have to confront him again. "Vinyl, I should go get some things for tonight. Meet ya back at your room?"
  4. She nuzzled her back and grinned. "Yes, it would. But what is your reason for going now. If it was to find someone to play with you and Eris before, what is it now? As much as I hope its just because you want to show up with me on the dance floor, is there.....well...is there another reason?" She tilted her head to side, her eyes searching Vinyl's.
  5. I'm going...I hear its going to be about 20% cooler from last year.....<.<......sorry I had to say it. Seriously though, it was either Bronycon or the big Halloween party in New Orleans. Tough choice but I just have to meet some of my fellow bronies and pegasisters. I'm told its amazing.
  6. Applejack and Sky Warden moved into the tent. "Alright partner, listen here. I got us a plan to deal a crushing blow to them solar ponies. Thing is, I need your help to do it." She pulled out a map and started pointing. "Alright, they blazed a trail through the forest and moved down, apparently takin' out Dodge City and Cap'n Silverstar, then over to Appleloosa and some how managed to take out Major Braeburn. Luna knows I hope he's alright........" *sigh* "Anyhow, Its pretty obvious if they stay on this here path, they plan to burst out of the Everyfree." Thing is, I already sent troops from our stronghold in Sweet Apple Acres to prevent that." She smiled as the entire plan she had been setting in motion was about to come together. "Lookie here now, I've sent troops over toward Baltimare but this here wasn't just for that battle. Those ponies from Ponyville would be movin' close between our land and theirs headin' east. If Steeleye tries to back track, this Ponyville battalian with its mages and air support prevent him from escapin'." She drew lines showing that between the forces from Sweet Apple acres heading south and forces moving East from the northern border of Lunar land toward Baltimare, there was no way back without fighting. She smiled. "Now heres where YOU come in. Yur goin' head around from the southwest of ponyville. Then head UP from Appleloosa. That will have'em trapped from tha North, South, the west is covered by Ghastly gorge and the south by ya'll. So remember, ya go southwest around the outside of Ghastly Gorge then cut across and come up from tha south. That should be enough to to end all them solor ponies. Kill'em all....Destroy all them ponies and I'll have ya promoted to Capn' by the end of tha week. The Battle for the Heart of the South has begun! I'll be headin' over to help Flutters with Baltimare. Group up with Col. Macintosh after that there battles done. Dismissed" "Oh, Sky Warden......Bury them Solar ponies when its done. We ain't about to sink to their level when it comes to treatin' pony folk. At least bury'em as the brothers and sisters they once were."
  7. Unlike many other fandoms, we really have evolved from a Fandom INTO a community. We are just the same as any other community of like minded individuals that come together for a common interest. Its actually pretty amazing. I hope it stays around like Punk, Goth, Steampunk, etc.
  8. One of Applejacks honor guard came running up to her. The notification that Sky Warden was here, and early reached her. "Good, 'bout time we got some good news 'round here." She said, Applejack met Skyward just outside a small clearing that served as the Pegasus primary air strip and flying services center. "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Its so very good to see ya'll here. We have a lot to discuss and not alot of time. Please send yer folk there to get some food, clean up and sleep while they can. Ya'll be shippin' out again soon. Lets go to my tent, Lt." Meanwhile, the pull back from Ponyville had began and those troops started their march toward Baltimare. The Air support that pulled back a few days ago had already arrived and were at the Command of General Fluttershy. (Since meta already posted about Col. Mac's troops, I won't mention them. Solar Side, Ponyville, all the way down to the river is up for grabs if your interested))
  9. She laughed to herself hearing about Lightening. It must be odd to not know your own brother. She cocked her head to the side after she heard the part about the Dance. "Oh, you want to go now? Well, we can if you want but I thought you said it wasn't your thing?" She thought back to what she had said to Nightfall. If she went to the dance she HAD to tell him. She wasn't about to be a liar. She would be doing exactly what she thought he had done. What if he went to the Dance too? Oh man, this dance could be....really great or a total Disaster.
  10. Okay, well I can relate to this. Its actually not hard to put yourself in this position but like most have said, you need to cut back OR you know to draw boundries in your head. You can be a total pony freak if you want just keep it out of work and school. Like me, when I'm at work I'm professional, business like. I have my cell phone with pony themes and pony ringtones, but thats because its MY cell phone. I've heard some pretty odd Ringtones out there and I just refuse to let someone judge me on my own property. But the way I talk, look, act, all professional. I get home and out comes the inner pony. Its like taking off my shoes or taking of my work uniform. I shed that outside skin and slip into a more comfortable one. If you need to change some things in your life to cut back, do so but don't feel you need to make yourself unhappy in order to make society around you happy. There was a time, years ago I used to believe that making others happy would make me happy but later I learned I have to have a degree of happiness for myself in order to really even want to help people. Don't feel like you are strange for this, you aren't. Its an amazing thing to be in this community but remember it will all be here when you get home from work or school. *brohoof* Oh, and in other news, what I just said came from someone who is slated to get her pony persona's cutie mark tattoo'd on her upper arm......But hey, my uniform covers in when I work and I can proudly show when I'm off. Win win!
  11. Oh yeah...Applejack totally forgot to write to Fluttershy and even tell her she was starting that battle without her...might be helpful.... She penned this one with her own mouth. Dear Fluttershy, A sudden incursion to our south has forced a delay in my ability to join the Battle for Baltimare. Sadly you will need to start it without me. I am sending the ponies from Ponyville to Baltimare. There should be one School of Mages, 1 Battalion of Infantry and (whatever the unit is for the Pegasus are, lets say 30 of them). When they arrive, let them rest for the are moving double time and then you must lead this battle...however...Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east. (sorry, had to..) Be safe my friend, Applejack She had the scroll magically sealed and sent out quickly to the frontlines of Baltimare.
  12. Yes, we went two whole seasons without her even mentioning or writing to a brother. If I was Shining Armor and found out my dear LSBFF (Little Sister Best Friend Forever) had gone that long and not even mentioned me to her best friends or wrote to me...I might not tell her about my wedding either..........
  13. I didn't think it was a great episode but I have no hate towards it. I never gave anymore thought to it then "Oh, a Pinkie Episode...joy". I agree with this 100% though.
  14. Actually, if you notice at the end of that episode when all the ponies unite, they raise the flag of Luna and Celestia. So they had to have been around before hand. This pretty much goes along with what I just said in my post. She goes into a bit more detail though. Makes sense so I'll believe it.
  15. I personally think you shouldn't unless you are sure no harm will come to you OR your delightfully hoodie. It would break my heart to hear someone did something to the hoodie. Wear it if you can, if not, keep it to yourself and wear it outside of school.
  16. General Applejack frowned as she heard the grim news from Big Mac. There was a heavy advance that destroyed much of the Everyfree forest and most of Appleloosa. (I'm going to go with this and just kind back track it a bit) She paled and was near speechless with fury and sorrow all at once. "Whadda ya wanna do Aj?" Big Mac said, his tone no different then usual...calming but firm. "Oh, those damn Solar ponies!" She spit and kicked the dirt. "They wanna play that game, well alright then. Send a full Corp and 1 Special forces regiment. Cut. Them. Off. They ain't about to run inta the heart of our territory and be coming out alive. Big Mac, I need you to stay here and execute the evacuation of everythin' in ponyville down to tha river. Move all blockades, air support and such thats assigned to ponyville's defense to that part. Then go ahead and send the troops that were there on to Baltimare. Fluttershy, bless her heart will have to start that shindig without me. Make sure to keep your main defense here, including Air support and Mage support. Sweet Apple Acres is a stronghold, but all the same. I wanna be careful. Thanks big brother. Dismissed" "Eeyup" Col Mac said and trotted off. "Scribe, take a letter to Sky Warden" The scribed and began to write as she spoke. Sky Warden, Your presence is required to stave off an invasion of epic proportions. The murderer known as Steeleye has entered our land, burned our villiages and there are reports of missing children. I need you to head out with me, along with my personal regiment and honorguard. Bring every pony with wings under your command. I cannot afford to wait any longer then a single night. I shall hope this finds you will and our dear Princess blesses you with speed. General Applejack "Alright, magically encode that and send on the wings of our fastest and most stealth flier in this base. The entire war could be at stake, ya hear?! Go!" The pony didn't even take time to salute. He just ran. Fast. Applejack, who usually was so friendly with her troops to the point no one really even called her 'General', just 'AJ'. Not today.
  17. Not everyone sees it that way. One mans truth is another mans lie. If both people believe what they are saying is the truth, who wins? In court cases people go free who are guilty and people who are innocent go to prison. Even in a court system based on facts alone, sometimes those 'facts' lie or can be skewed to be seen another way. People aren't machines who calculate fact alone. My few words on 'Love and Tolerance'. I actually fought about this not long ago. To me, 'Love and Tolerance' do not mean 'Passive and disinterested'. It means I will make every attempt to love everyone or at least tolerate them. Tolerance only can go so far. I think it more reflects our natural state of mind as oppose to the end all be all path we will always walk. Its our first course of action, what we prefer. Love also means defending those we love. Protecting what we love. I think our general way of going about things is Loving and Tolerating. Sometimes though you are going to run into stupid people who just won't let you be that way and you have to fight. But we can't beat them into accepting something either. All this sounds more like war mongering then anything. I get what your saying about defending ourselves but what would you rather our catch phrase be? "Tolerant, but Firm?", "Love, unless you cross us", "Strength throught Unity, Unity through Faith?". I'm not really seeing your point here.
  18. "I don't know.....so how was your morning? I went to go see Nightfall. He's doing better but still denying everything about Lovely...he didn't even acknowledge he had a thing for her? Why do males lie so much?" She scratched at the ground with her hoof. "Anyway, so Lightning is your brother? I don't see the resimblance"
  19. Obsidian read the text and Vinyl suddenly appeared...."whoa, that was....I should have read the next when I first got it...' She laughed and nuzzled Vinyl. "Yeah...about your sister Lightening......ummm....." she trailed off. "Vinyl, I need to ask you something. What can you tell me about Nightfall and Lovely?"
  20. "I'm just letting Vinyl know where I am" She thought about what he just said. She neded to find a pony in the know. If she knew for certain, maybe she could get over this. But she was also with Vinyl now. She had to think about her in all this as well. She wasn't about to just screw her and leave. Things were complicated....
  21. She never created them. She discovered them and weilded them with her Sister back in the day. Though since her sister used them with her, I would think she would be bound to their traits now that shes back to her old self.
  22. Applejack looked at a map of Ponyville. Right now is was torn right down the middle and it was going to be hard to give up even a little space and let the Solar Empire get closer to their Military Stronghold at Sweet Apple Acres. This would mean they would get Rarity's place and that was going to be hard on her. Back in the day when the war just started Rarity swore none of those Solar "Ruffians" would set foot on her property...but then again we all said things back then that were wrong. Plus, Applejack knew that the Battle for Ponyville was all about Moral. To gain ground would certainly give a boost to Solar but to gain the resourses of Baltimare would be a huge step in the right direction towards out flank (snicker) ing them. She found a nearby Soldier. "I need ya to find Col. Mac and have'em meet me here, please?" The soldier nodded and departed. It was time to go over the plan and start moving the pieces. She looked out over Ponyville again and sighed. She hoped Fluttershy had made it to their forces in Baltimare safe and the process of gathering supplies was underway.
  23. She raised her eyes up to the pony in front of her. "Oh, hi Lightening. If anyones flank needs kicking its mine. I've made a mess of things and there is no way to fix it. There is something you can help me with though. Can you tell me all you know about Nightfall and Lovely in regards to them being together? I've heard Nightfall was trying to hook up with Lovely but now I'm not sure." Just then the phone she got on the way to the Hospital and then texted Vinyl her number so she could text back (saved ya there Vinyl) began to play the MLP theme song like her phone in Real Life buzz. She checked it and saw she had a text from Vinyl. She replied: I'm at the southeast rainbow waterfall relaxing. Lightening just show up.
  24. Her friends were mad at her in "Wedding" but didn't cast her out. Plus her brother was under a spell from Queen Crys, so I don't know if you can use "Wedding" as a good example. I wonder too far how far that love goes but I think they do. Applejacks family is proof of that.
  25. I would have to go with FlutterMac. I mean it would make sense. He's the strong silent type, but country so he wouldn't mind the animals and he would be like the protector type. I've seen SO many shipping stuff about them and its ADORABLE!!!!
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