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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. ((Its called night court...have you ever been a cop and gone through these proceedings? No? Okay thank you. I have.)) "Obviously sleeping with a student is moral wrong and an ethical one. However it is obvious the sex was consentual. After careful consideration it is the court decision that you are to serve 1,000 hours of community service for the school you worked at. Also, you are to undergo a work training program at the school as well. You are to maintain no less then a C average and conduct yourself reasonably. If you fall below a C average or cause any trouble at the school, you will instead be sentenced to 5 years in jail without parole. You should really thank your friends, this was their idea and are paying for the expense. Dismissed"
  2. The judge nodded and reviewed some papers. "I spoke with two classmates of yours today, Ms. Obsidian Winter, an Alicorn and Vinyl Blade, a Unicorn. Both of them spoke at great lengths about your character and actions. Ms. Winter is even a roommate of the student you have plead guilty to sleeping with. I have spoken with your supervisors and the Dean of Students from the school you worked for.' "First let me say that you are hereby forbidden from working in the Security profession ever again. You have proven that you cannot be trust in a place of authority. Hence, the school and I both agree you are terminated from your job. Do you have anything to say before I move on to the other charge?"
  3. After a long talk with the judge, a few calls made to some important ponies in the middle of the night from the judge, there was finally an idea of what to do about Dogboots. Obsidian and Vinyl left for the court room as ponies from Security took Dogboots from his cell into the courtroom. The judge entered and everyone was seated. Dogboots was brought up front and the Judge spoke: "Please state your name and respond to the charges against you which are as follows, Sleeping with a student while a member of the Faculty of the school you worked for and falsifying an official report on a felony crime."
  4. When you are ready for her, I know a girl who does a great Dash voice. She works with me in Dramatic readings of Fimfictions. I can hook you two when you want.
  5. Is Rainbow Dash not going to be in this or did you already find a Rainbow Dash? I just noticed she wasn't on the cast list. Thanks!
  6. Obsidian_Winter

    movies/tv Discord vs Q

    Honestly, it could go either way. It would just depend on who got in the cheapest shot or who let their guard down first. They are both equally powerful. Of course if it turns out Discord IS Starswirl the Bearded, it would add a whole new level to his power. I'm going to go with Discord on this one. I adore Q but I think discord would be able to win in the end. Again, Its like asking who would win if two beings of matched power were to fight. Its a tough call.
  7. Vinyl and Obsidian appeared at the jail and sure enough Dogboots was being booked and placed in a cell. His arrainment was going to be in about an hour in the Caterlot night court. Obsidian and Vinyl walked over to the desk officer and got the information they needed. Obsidian thanked him and made her way to the courthouse. Court was in recess and she spoke to a guard regarding the location of the judge who was preciding. They walked to the judges chambers and knocked gently. He called for them to enter. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice your honor. I wanted to speak about the case of Dogboots. I am a witness to all that happened." Vinyl looked around nervously, wondering what Obsidian was up to. Were her beads still working? Did her enchantment still hold? She could really do nothing at this point but just trust her and hope she knew what she was doing.
  8. "Well, everything is cause and effect my dear Nightfall. You are here now because of something you caused and I was the effect. On the same note, my loss of control was the cause of you being here, and you losing a wing was the effect. We both have had trauma and we both have to work to over come it. As for us being related.......I don't think you're ready to know exactly how related we are so saying we are cousins is best." In truth she didn't even know, she was due for a meeting at the Canterlot archieves tomorrow to find out. "Anyway, I have 2 stops left to make. One, is to deal with Dogboots. Secondly, I need to go see my ex, Whirlwind. You take care." She looked over at Vinyl. "I'm heading to the jail to see if they have picked him up. Meet me there?" She vanished in a poof of frost and snowflakes.
  9. "There aren't many Alicorns out there Nightfall. If it makes you feel better, I hear cousins have had foals before in the past not knowing they were relation. I'm sure some Alicorns in the distant past even had closer relations......or maybe this is why Princess Cadance married a Unicorn....anyway" She sighed. "Whats done is done. Now, I need to handle this Dogboots situation and finally go talk to Whirlwind. He's going ot kill me. Its been longer then I thought it would be before we could talk."
  10. "Cousins. We're Cousins. I didn't think about telling you before because there was not reason but you needed to know now. I should have figured it, the way how Alicorns all have some royal connection if you go back far eno-" the phone rang. She motioned for him to get it and he did. She watched him pale, get sick, and hack some more. "Feel better?" she asked. "Who was that?"
  11. She turned around and peered at him. "Yes, I am a sort of expert on problems, actually. What good is there on running? It only makes it worse. I can actually help him if he was in custody but every moment he runs he makes it worse. I may not have been myself recently but I am certainly myself now." She pondered something for a moment, wondering if she should tell him.....well why not. He might as well know. "Oh and by the way. The letter I got from the school, the one when I first arrived that mentioned my blood line, we're related Nightfall, like most Alicorns are. I wasn;t going to mention it but maybe now you can understand why I haven't been myself lately."
  12. I think its more that they figure if you watch a show meant for little girls and like it you must be gay, which assumes all gay guys are girly....which isn't true.
  13. Yeah, I agree with this. Most of the examples you mention above seem more like you're trying really hard to see dark imagery. Sombra wasn't killed, his physical body was just destroyed, much like how it was before. In One Bad Apple, they didn't try to kill Babs, they wanted to humiliate her. In Wonderbolts academy, that wasn't the first time ponies had to be saved. In Sonic Rainboom one could argue Rarity was allowed to fall to her death, but really that was just the tool used to get Rainbow Dash to do a Sonic Rainboom. I could go through the list but really I think you are trying too hard to see darkness. I mean you can find darkness anywhere if you look for it in a certain perspective. I love Season 3. The show has evolved into more complex story lines. I think thats really all there is to it
  14. Discord transformed into a military uniform and saluted Nova "Yes, Sir, Ma'am! Fillydelpia is calling. You can count it among those under -our- control." Discord vanished in puff of smoke and reappeared in Fillydelphia. "One order of total Chaos coming up!"
  15. Discord had a playful smirk cross his lips. "So your master plan is....equality?" He burst out laughing, rolling on the ground and wiped a tear from his eye "Oh my dear little pony, you are a GEM!" Discord floated back up in the air, that same smirk still on his face. "Alright, so what is it you want me to do? Where would you like to dominate first?"
  16. "How can you know that? Its too early to know...." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively then looked at Nightfall. "Yes Nightfall, I know you were in the ICU and I feel terrible for it. I just want the drama to stop. I thin everyone has said their peace here. I need to return Nightfall to the hospital. I think I have enough magic to transport him. Vinyl, help me teleport please? I'll see you there" She stood next to Nightfall and vanished in a cloud of frost and snowflakes then reappeared in his hospital room. She picked up her cell phone and called the Caterlot guard. "Hello, Canterlot Guard? Dogboots is at the Red Hoof Inn, room 13. He just left for a pub." She hung up. "He needs to deal with his problems and stop running. No one knows better that fact then me."
  17. She walked over to Star and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Star, you always have a choice. Always. You are not doomed to be with somepony just because she may or may not be pregnant or even if the foal is yours. You can still be a father and still not date the mother. Rockshire is a brilliant artist, but shes a slut. You deserve better, Star. Let Dogboots have her. frankly they deserve each other." She looked over at Nightfall. "Nightfall and I are not together but I will not keep his foal from him. I think he may still find his spine buried somewhere deep inside of him. I think he can pull himself together. Yes Star, this is your fault, but only as far as the love potion goes. After that is ponies personal choices. Don't feel guilty for their mistakes"
  18. She just shook her head as Rockshire left. "Coward. Its so easy to spread your legs but not so easy to confront those you hurt. GENTLECOLTS! Stop your fighting, its not helping anything. You will draw the guards here!" She moved over to Vinyl, standing proudly next to her mate. "We have to put this behind us everypony. We have to focus on classes and we have to focus on raising these foals. Star Keeper, I know your hurt and trust me, Dogboots is going to pay for what he did, and frankly if it did turn out to be Dogboots, which we can find out, I honestly don't think you should take care of it. Why should you pay the expensive and be with an unfaithful mare?"
  19. She glared at Dogboots "Beg pardon but I don't think I fucked Rockshire did I? I am not a member of the school staff, am I? I'm sorry your secret got leaked but there wouldn't be a secret had you acted more maturely." She turned to Star. "Say your mind Star, this is the place for it" She turned to vinyl, getting a little dizzy. "I love you too vinyl."
  20. 1.) About November of 2012, though I was aware of the community prior. 2.) Applejack 3.) 6. I think Derpy is okay and cool in his own way. I understand the passion some have for him. 4.) 5. I knew as much as I cared to know. I know what it did to the community.
  21. Obsidian hit Nightfall on his withers with her hoof gently "Toughen up Nightfall, you don't want your foul to see you week" She cleared her throat. "Alright, so Dogboots messed up. He slept with a student and Vinyl tells me I was the one who told on him. I was not my....self.....and I am so sorry BUT that doesn't change the fact that what he did was wrong. Rockshire, you should have told Star about your feelings for Dogboots. It was wrong for you to keep such a secret. You cheated and no pony respects a cheater. Bottom line. My other half may be cold and darker but she has a sense of justice. I'm sure she did what she did because she thought it was wrong. Other then that all I can say is I'm sorry. Parso and Vinyl, you two need to decide who you want to be with and what roles each of you will play in the foals life, just as Nightfall and I must do. Rockshire, you must decide who you want to be with. Star Keeper is a jerk and an idiot, but I think he is still a good pony. We need to get all this out so we can go back to classes and on with life as either friends or enemies.
  22. So the whole gang was here minus Whirlwind and Star Keeper. "Alright everyone, we have a serious situation on our hands and I'm sad to say I think we all played our own parts in it. Of course the colt who caused the chain reaction is not here, its up to us to solve this problem. Vinyl and I are pregnant, Rockshire and Dogboots are sleeping together and Parso and Nightfall are now fathers. Speaking of Nightfall he should be here." She vanished in a puff of frost and snow flakes then reappears with Nightfall in his Hospital bed. "There, now, do we want Star Keeper here as well? I leave the floor open so we can work this out."
  23. Well, you know my position concerning your work. Its pretty damn good. There were one or two things that could use some touch up, but I think its a great addition to your growing catalog.
  24. Good to know......>.< I think that when they introduced Cadance into the series they really opened the doors for Alicorn OC's. She doesn't serve any important role when we first meet her. She doesn't have strong powers like Luna of Celestia. Obviously Alicorns are very rare, but I think if you can explain their background enough, you can get away with it. The trouble is balance. You don't want to make them to OP. I have an Alicorn OC but she rarely, if ever, uses her wngs. She uses her magic and I play her as I would a Unicorn, where she has a talent in one general area of magic and that talent is symbolized in her cutie mark. Balance is the key. Master that with an understandable backstory and you have yourself and Alicorn OC for any purpose. Nah, I was the same way. My ponysona was an alicorn long before I joined these forms. Yes, I may not be able to join as many Rps with her and yes sometimes I take a little crap over her but over time as people have watched me RP, they see I can handle it. That opens the door for more Rps. You can't help who your ponysona is, its very personal, so don't even try. Just go with it and peoples opinions be famned.
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