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Everything posted by twilight24

  1. Video games here too. I was obsessed with my gba sp. Pokemon and sims. Now I barely touch my 2ds
  2. Welcome :) I'm Heathet.23. I like anime,manga, reading, and writing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      It sure is! I hope we can become great friends, you and I!

    3. twilight24
    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      That is... amazing to hear! :D

  3. Really hoping to find a friend I can text or discord with ^^ I'm kind of lonely in the friend area and we all should know that never feels magical. I don't mind if you're in a different counry as long as your able to talk till 8 pm Eastern Stabdard time. I dont work or go to school but I do have a happy life. I'm in love with my partner and future wife. C: I'm pansexual if you're all curious where I am at on the rainbow ^^ I like anime, manga, reading, and writing. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. twilight24


      Not sure what I'm doing 

    3. twilight24


      Hey :3

      Still open to friends. Cleared some room in my inbox 

    4. PinkiePie84


      I'd be happy to chat. I just downloaded discord and I'm not too sure how to use it yet. Could you send me a message on how to find you?

  4. Really hoping to find a friend I can text or discord with ^^ I'm kind of lonely in the friend area and we all should know that never feels magical. I don't mind if you're in a different counry as long as your able to talk till 8 pm Eastern Stabdard time. I dont work or go to school but I do have a happy life. I'm in love with my partner and future wife. C: I'm pansexual if you're all curious where I am at on the rainbow ^^ I like anime, manga, reading, and writing. 

  5. Hey there :3 hope yoyre having fun

    1. DemetriaFlame25


      I am thank you :) I hope your day/evening is good :) 

    2. twilight24



      It is! Thank you ^^


  6. Hey there :3 hope you all have a good day ^^


    im looking for a friend close to my age ^^ (23) I'm into anime, manga, reading, and writing

  7. Does anyone love neopets too? 

    1. Sweetriff


      I like neopets, I'd play that more if the games would load on my computer but for some reason, they won't.

    2. twilight24


      OH my gosh yaaaaay

  8. I hope to someday find a friend who can talk often with me 

    1. twilight24



      Check your pm

  9. Hi!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. twilight24


      Good I'm glad :3 what time is it in Australia 

    3. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Its currently 1:31 PM here.

    4. twilight24


      Huh :). Cool 

  10. Looking for friends and hope to hear from people who like to write, neopets, anime, manga, reading, and stuffed animals 

  11. WELCOme! 

    1. Larrydog


      thank you for the welcome :)

    2. twilight24


      You're welcome! 

  12. Happy new year everyone ^^ 

  13. Hello there and welcome! Hope you'll have a good time
  14. So I've been friend searching and have lost a few people who I felt close too. I dont know if I did something wrong or just they needed space... I feel bad though bit I'm trying not to get down about it. If I do or say the wrong thing just let me know before you block me okay? Well anyways I like anime, manga, stuffed animals, reading, writing, webkinz, and Harry Potter. I'm a brony and furry. I have a lovely fiancée and she's the love of my life. I have autism, depression, and anxiety.
  15. That I'm fun and goofy if you get me in the right mood and I do my best to be kind and a good listener
  16. So I know this seems like a strange idea..but I'm serious. I would put my heart and soul for what you asked for. I don't think I'm a horrid writer but I definitely need to improve. It's just to earn some Christmas money. My goal is to get 50 dollars. I think this is how I'd price them 30 cents for a short poem 50 cents for long poems 1.50 dollar for 1,000-3,000 words 3.20 dollars for 5,000-6,000. I know it seems like a pipe dream but I'm really not that good at anything else... it's so I can get my love her gift. This is kind of a rough sketch idea. What do you all think? Oh! I will only do NSFW if I feel comfortable with the subject and you're 18 or older. Here is an examples poem : This night rages for me Devil, how you whisper to me from shadows I elude Shallow breaths and tear stained skin Our my warrior markings Sighs and trembling lips I try to greet my reflection For all I see is an ugly beast with no worth God help me, I hate what I've become No more talking now My mind is here to remind me of better times Just need some feedback on this idea

    So I know this seems like a strange idea. but I'm serious. I would put my heart and soul for what you asked for. I don't think I'm a horrid writer but I definitely need to improve. It's just to earn some Christmas money. My goal is to get 50 dollars. I think this is how I'd price them 

    30 cents for a short poem 

    50 cents for long poems 

    1 dollar for 1,000-3,000 words 

    3.20 dollars for 5,000-6,000. 

    I know it seems like a pipe dream but I'm really not that good at anything else... it's so I can get my love her gift. 

    This is kind of a rough sketch idea. What do you all think? 

    Oh! I will only do NSFW if I feel comfortable with the subject and you're 18 or older. 

    Here is an examples poem : 

    This night rages for me 

    Devil, how you whisper to me from shadows I elude

    Shallow breaths and tear stained skin 

    Our my warrior markings 

    Sighs and trembling lips I try to greet my reflection  

    For all I see is an ugly beast with no worth 

    God help me, I hate what I've become 

    No more talking now 

    My mind is here to remind me of better times 


    1. ShadOBabe


      Maybe advertise in Requestria subforum as well? I don’t think it’s just for visual art.

    2. twilight24
  18. Anyone want to text and text gab away? (18 and up) 

    I have iMessage and if I haven't replied to your message it's be size I won't get wifi until tomorrow 

    1. twilight24


      Just comment here and I'll make room in my inbox 

  19. Hi! I'm Heather,22. I like anime, manga, reading, writing, neopets, mlp, and poetry. I'm high functioning autistic but I don't work because I have mental breakdowns and don't go to school because of my mental health and lack of money. So I am a neet and have free time.though I am engaed and lovey future wife/partner. I'm kind, nice, sweet, and sensitive. But I don't always think before I act, am impatient, and can be too emotional. But I do my best. :) send me an introduction

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Hi there! Welcome to the MLP Forums where we bronies gather round role play, help each other and discuss about everything.

      We hope you'll have a wonderful time here! Don't forget to ask us if you need anything.


    2. twilight24


      Thank you ^^ I've been on here awhile and just wanted to make some more friends 

  20. Looking for a good friend to talk too. I'm Heather. I like anime, manga, reading, writing, and neopets. 22 and engaged. 18 and up please. 


    I know I make a lot of these but I'd love to have someone to text... I'm depressed 

  21. Hi there c: I'm Heathr.22. I like anime, manga, webkinz, stuffed animals, writing, reading, neopets, goatlings, subeta, and Harry Potter. I'm a brony and furry. I have autism and am engaged. Looking for a friend to text.
  22. Hi! I'm Heather. Into anime, manga, reading, and writing. I'm 22, engaged, and love my future wife. I'm missing good friends who like to talk often and can reply fast c: I can do text or email this month. 

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