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Status Updates posted by Megas

  1. *Aria Blaze Master Race*

    1. TheRockARooster


      Aria Blaze is best Dazzling.

  2. Smash, have access to one of the greatest OSTs ever right now, why the bloody balls would you only use two songs?

  3. Growing up I was probably one of the very few kids who thought Ash turning into stone was really dumb rather than sad

    1. AngelsNight


      i am there right with you

  4. I love how they lay it down and announce the top 2 before the video starts -

  5. Klasky Csupo shows are usually pretty ugly, but As Told By Ginger took it up another notch, which is especially odd considering it's down to earth nature - https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/s526x395/11238270_449742171895906_5740916587655108886_n.jpg?oh=1460470812a2e5d9f7885c2a9071bf1d&oe=573684B7

  6. Glad to hear Bayonetta 2 is selling out and getting a reprint, even if it's just Bayo2 alone(at least it's being discounted). Seriously that game deserves some more success

  7. I'm gonna watch Die Hard again, Hans Gruber was probably my favorite Alan Rickman role

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I always loved the older ones. My favorite one is always going to be the 2nd one when the Brucenator was at the airport. Otherwise the first one is a complete classic and my 2nd favorite <3

    2. Megas


      Of all the movies I can't decide between 1 and 2, I loved those two. I still have to watch the 4th and 5th movies though

    3. PiratePony


      You asked for miracles, I give you the F...B...I

  8. It seems 2016 really wants to beat 2015 in terms of Celebrity deaths. RIP Alan Rickman

    1. Luigi


      Tell me about it. Professor Snape was one of my favorite Harry Potter characters.

    1. PiratePony


      awwwwwwwwwwwww :-o Having cuteness overload!....tearing up with the cuteness....

  9. tfw you realized there will never be an MLP game(or any Hasbro game) with the same degree of care and effort as Transformers Devastation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5amQ05Q0rFQ

  10. I know I crap on Subspace Emissary a lot, but considering shitty single player content in fighting games in general is usually the norm(and especially after fucking Smash Tour), I find myself appreciating it a bit more

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