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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. Since I have no influence on the judging of this I will enter. If I (somehow) win, I will give the prizes to the runner up. Pixie Dust, mare
  2. 1) When did you start watching mlp? About when season 2 ended 2) Did you watch or own merchandise of the previous generations of mlp? No. I never ever did, I hated ponies with a burning passion as a young girl. Anything considered girly, really. 3) How long have you been a brony (or if you don't consider yourself a brony, just a member of the fandom in general)? Around season two ended. It didn't take long for me to like it. 4) Why do you like the show in general? Because it's easy and fun to watch after a hard day of work. And I can identify with a good amount of the characters. Also, unlike most bronies I won't cite Lauren Faust. I did like Powerpuff girls and Fosters, but honestly it didn't help me make the decision that I liked it. It was mostly the nice designs of the characters (physically and mentally) that pulled me in. I like shows with a wide range of personalities, so this fit perfectly.
  3. I started something similar on another forum, so I thought I might as well do it here as well. :3 Just simply post a picture of your cutest OC and we will set up a poll after we get plenty of submissions. Rules: Only 1 pony may be entered with a single picture. You must leave the name of your OC as well as the gender. Other types of characters may have a second thread if this one turns out well. Comments about other entries must be put in parenthesis or brackets if not putting in a submission Winner may receive 1 art piece from me. (If you'd like to give art to the winner as well , it would be appreciated. ) Posting is Open!
  4. Sorry to bother everyone with this, but I'd like a bit of help on my math homework. We are doing quadratic equations, and I can't get an answer for this problem;

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CMQuickfireTK


      With quadratics yes. if a = a negative number, might as well multiply -1 and distribute it to the whole quadratic problem, to at least make a = a positive number. since it helps to have a positive denominator after all!

    3. Bronyette


      Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much this helped, I'm zooming along now. :3

    4. CMQuickfireTK


      No problem! remember to use that method only if a is negative!

  5. Anyone else? :3 I'd like one more critique please. ;-; anyone? Please, I want her to be perfect.
  6. Nevermind, you haven't done these in forever. XD
  7. How's everyone doing today!?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      I wanna hug you :3

    3. Bronyette


      I'm fine. :3 I just need to get back on track.


      And no, you don't want to hug me. ;-; I've been super sick from the weather here.

    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      *gives hug anyways* It's okay baby <3 I won't get sick.

  8. No none of them are available at the moment, but I will be making a few up for sale when my charity starts up this May. :3 maybe a few for free before that though. Keep an eye out
  9. Yeah, on another site I'm on someone requested a neon yellow and blue pony. x3 So I might tone it down a bit, I hope no one notices. Thank you for the comment.
  10. Most of these already have homes, please do not steal their designs. So I've been on a roll making characters for auction, and I'd love to know what everyone thinks of them. <3 I made them in a really simplistic style so I can get their designs quickly done while still holding on to the uniqueness of each. #1: #2: #3: #4: #5: #6: #7: #8: #9: #10: #11: #12: Whoo, That's all of them. Tell me your favorites Any resemblance to real ponies, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Suggestions and good color schemes would be appreciated.
  11. I agree with all of your statements except the last one. They are equally as painful, but they differ from person to person. A man might feel more pain in getting kicked in the balls than a woman giving birth or vice-versa. Also females can be in labor for many MANY hours and the pain typically gets increasingly worse over that time period. I cannot speak for men, but I would hope that after the initial hit the pain would start to go down and lessen in an hour or a few. And women have been known to tear from their vagina right through to their anus. It might not be the birth, but the complications are pretty disturbing.
  12. Wherever there is controversy there is extremists, whether it be Feminazis, the KKK or even anti-bronies, they will always give anyone "who stands in their way" a bad time. It's just best to stay away from all of them together.
  13. If worrying about talking to women is the most of your worries, then it really isn't that bad. But I do completely agree with your last statement.
  14. Okay. This list makes almost no sense to me. How are women able to express their style more freely? I've seen plenty of men with multiple piercings and tattoos. If a woman showed up with something like that she would very easily be called a slut or trash. And, everyone has an equal chance to be awkward. Just because you are a female doesn't change your personality. I'm very super awkward myself, but I wouldn't be any less or more awkward if I was a guy. Same with intelligence. I know more women with a job in my college than men, I'm sure the ratio is about equal though (at least in the USA.) this one you may just have a point with though. Most women in other countries are less likely to work than men, but just by a little. (Unless we are talking about an area with little to no female rights) Men are typically more athletic due to their build, but women are known to have much more stamina and their typically small build makes them pretty fast runners. All of the male main points seem pretty spot on, but the female ones are not, but I understand since you aren't one and it's sorta hard to tell. Also sorry if any of this sounds stupid. I smacked my head majorly hard about an hour earlier and my brain is a tad frazzled. But feel free to argue my points, I really do enjoy a bit of a friendly argument.
  15. GOD. Today sucked. Not only was it Valentines day, but I hit my head super hard while closing the car door. It was icy and I slipped into it as well. I have a huge bump on the side of my head. :C

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bronyette


      Aww. It's not that. He just had to go to work so we didn't see each other for long. :c plus I work at a flower shop so I was swamped all day. Sorry if my grammar sucks. I did hit my head super hard , expecting a black eye tomorrow.


      But thank you for the kind words and the concern. :3

    3. Thrashy


      Ah, I see. Sorry to assume, I'm just a little out of my right mind at the moment. XD Anyway, I kinda get that - my little sis was away from her fiancee for most of the day, so she was kinda bummed about that too. Sucks when couples can't spend all that much time together on this day, but at least you got to share a *little* bit of time together.


      Anyway, I hope your injury heals quickly, and if you can, enjoy the rest of your day! :)

    4. Bronyette


      Aww. Thank you Thrashy! I hope you enjoy yours as well. :3

  16. Guys. I've been so stressed out from school. I'm soooooooo sorry that I haven't been replying to any RPs. I really feel bad. :C

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rockymoo



      No, but seriously, don't feel bad.

    3. Bronyette


      Yeah. It's just so hard to do so much homework + job + finishing commissions. I can't really reply and it makes me feel bad.

    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      It's okay Pixie, we love you (( SILVER LOVES YOU )) and i'm sure we can wait another few weeks (( A DAY )) or so for you to reply :3

      Also, I wanna like... COmm you on you being with a certain somepony.

  17. According to the candles on RD's cake she is 21 years old. :3 dunno how accurate that is, but I thought I'd share.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      yes they are around that age Silver. but mentally they are like, 15-17

    3. Bronyette


      Yeah. They do act a lot less mature than even some of Ponyvilles ponies. So I'd say it's pretty accurate.

    4. deleteduser12304978


      i believe lauren faust herself said their mental age was around 15-17


  18. Aww! Thank you. :3 I haven't put too much art out recently since college re-started.
  19. Thank you! But I'm not sure what the question is about. :3 if it wouldn't be a problem could you re-phrase it. Thank you! She's the kind of pony to pig out on cupcakes, so I tried to add it into the creepy factor.
  20. Pen drawing. Just felt like I should make a creepy drawing of her since she is normally so happy. :3 if this is too bad for the forum I can take it down. Critiques would be nice. Except for the heart, I can't draw anatomical things perfectly well. :c
  21. You simply don't have enough on your profile to go by, so I'll have to say no.
  22. It seriously looks like they got a case of the cutie pox. I personally don't like any of their designs, they look like they got a little girl to design them all with a crayon. They are simply too flashy for my taste. I wouldn't mind the extra mane colors too much, but the dumb sparkles and botched cutie marks everywhere look like utter crap.
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