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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. 10/10 I'm generous today
  2. Banned for not being an actual cookie
  3. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    So was I. It's my third favorite Metallica album (after RTL and ...AJFA) Here is my favorite song on the album. I may be a minority, but I actually like the slow part in the middle.
  4. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Why has this thread been so quiet these past few days!? Is this week National Anti-Metal week? *facehoof* Anyway some Iron Maiden
  5. Thinks Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity are best ponies
  6. Banned because I don't have a pony picture
  7. I got a haircut, am I a sellout?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      fak u soundgarden >:(

    3. Woohoo


      I'm referring to when Metallica cut their hair in the 90s

    4. Soundgarden


      @RD92 i luv u 2


      @woohoo I don't even listen to Metallica whatisthisidonteven


  9. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    It is a shame. Thanks a lot, Lars Smuldich. It seems that a lot of people take bass for granted. Anyway, despite the lack of bass, ...And Justice For All is my second favorite Metallica album
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