*ahem* Now that that's out of the way, here's a list of what I could recommend.
-If you're looking for something romantic, I'd recommend Tenchi Muyo!. Watch any series really, but I would highly recommend you start with Tenchi Universe.
-If you're looking for something comedic or just plain stupid, check out BoBoBo-Bo Bo-Bobo. and you'll know what I mean.
-If you want something action packed, try Fist of the North Star. It might be a bit old, and the animation might be a bit outdated, but it's the ultimate classic.
-Persona 4 The Animation is also a good one if you've played the game. If you haven't, don't worry. It pretty much covers the whole thing, so you're not really missing out.
-And, if you're feeling really balls-y, try Neon Genesis Evangelion. Warning: It gets hella confusing near the end. You're also welcome to try the Rebuild films instead if you'd like.
-And finally, I HAVE to recommend this. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's a great anime/manga, with great action, awesome characters, it's just plain awesome. Check out the manga too if you'd like. I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.