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Everything posted by AlbinoThunder

  1. Forum Crush: No one, really. MLP Crush: I guess I'd have to give it to Luna. IRL Crush: Jennifer Lawrence. Oh, sweet jesus, I would do anything just to bump into her. (In case you didn't know, I'm single.)
  2. Released a new chapter of my MLP/JoJo fic and got bumped up two views. Wheeeeee

  3. Every good thing must come to an end. Sooner or later, Friendship is Magic will be no exception. And since, I've been seeing some topics like "When will the show end?" and "What'll be the final season?", something popped up in my mind that I'd like to ask you guys. So, here's the situation. MLP has reached its final season and the writers are somehow completely out of ideas on how to end the show. So they decide to reach out to fans of the show to get some ideas for the series finale. So, basically, what I'm asking you guys is this. How would you end Friendship is Magic? Your answer can be serious and heartwarming or just plain stupid. It doesn't really matter to me. I'd just like to see what you would do.
  4. Does the name "Spikewagon" sound just as stupid as I think it does? It's for my fanfic where the role of Speedwagon from JoJo is played by Spike.

  5. 7/10 mostly because Thunderchild sounds like an 80's hair metal band. ...and I'm okay with that.
  6. Is there even a name for the merchant from the beginning of "Magic Duel"?

  7. I've nothing against all the shippers, cloppers and what not (Just as long as the cloppers keep it to themselves), but it's the neck bearded fans and kids that get to me. The fact that they have to post about ponies everywhere, especially where ponies aren't even mentioned, just make me regret that I'm a brony sometimes.
  8. I want my cutie mark to be Optimus Prime fighting a dragon while Gnarls Barkley performs the ultimate slam dunk. ...or maybe just a typewriter cause I like to write so much, but I want the former more.
  9. Hmm, I would have to take a wild guess and say either Season 7 or Season 9, at best. I really don't want this to go on longer than it should, but I'd hate to see the series finale. The tears. Oh, the tears. But who knows, maybe the ride never ends...
  10. Finally done with my new new story: Twilight's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Magic. It would help a great deal if you guys could give it a read. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/120402/twilights-bizarre-adventure-phantom-magic

  11. So, since I've cancelled one of my fics, Second Sun, I'd figure that I could direct my attention with one more fic while writing Romantic Disasters. And that's when I decided that I wanted to write a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure adaptation with ponies. The first chapter is up and can be viewed here. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/120402/twilights-bizarre-adventure-phantom-magic I would like it if you fine people would help out and give it a read. Tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is welcome. Don't worry I can take it. If others have seen JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I'd like your help. I'm having trouble deciding who I want for Bruford and Tarkus. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me.
  12. Holy crap, why is this so catchy?!
  13. New Romantic Disasters chapter! Go read it!

  14. Finally done with Chapter 5 of Romantic Disasters. Will post later today!

  15. I actually recently saw The Wolverine not too long ago and thought that it was actually pretty good. Mostly because it wasn't that OTHER wolverine movie. The first two acts were pretty solid, but I dunno. There was something lacking during that last act. I don't really know what it was exactly but I just had that feeling, y'know. But still, pretty solid X-Men flick. I'd give it a snikt out of bub. [8/10]
  16. Can't sleep. Must write.

  17. Currently writing a MLP version of Phantom Blood while writing the next chapter of Romantic Disasters. Oi.

  18. "And here, we have a stained glass window representing the Invisible Pink Unicorn. But, to be honest, she wasn't really doing a good job of being invisible."
  19. Right now, I'm playing Hotline Miami and replaying God Hand. Both of them are pretty damn hard, but make me want to keep playing. They are both extremely fun and highly enjoyable for me.
  20. First of all, don't worry. It's not really that far away. As a LOT of others have said, S3's wait was a whole lot longer. Second of all, there's plenty of other things to do relating to the fandom to pass the time. You could read fanfiction, or attend some streams and etc. What I like to do is watch all the previous episodes, one a day, leading up to the next season. So, chill out, dude. Besides, I have to wait till friggin' March for the next season of Game of Thrones.
  21. It's a friggin' kids show, for christ's sake. Besides, don't we already have fan/clopfics for that kind of stuff? I mean, I know I might be repeating some others on this here thread, but come on.
  22. I HIGHLY do not see this happening at all. The franchise, totally. MLP will probably go on for as long as...well, ever. But G4? No. Besides, there's going to be more generations anyway, so we can't really expect G4 to last forever. Even if it did, it would probably lose the touch it had in the first few seasons and just start digging at the bottom of the barrel for any scrap of an idea that they could use for an episode. I dunno, just the idea of G4 lasting as long as at least Spongebob is just plain silly to me.
  23. 9/10 because I'm a sucker for cute things. DAMN YOU CUTENESS
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