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Steel Accord

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Status Updates posted by Steel Accord

  1. To my fellow Pokemaniacs, I could use some quick advice. I'm writing a fanfic and of the countless choices, I don't know which Pokemon should be my protagonist's starter. It needs to be something like Pikachu, useful but not overpowered, and unique while not necessarily being auspicious.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lucky Star

      Lucky Star

      x3 well you don't want to take advice from me, all of my mc's are my alter ego's.

      I'd be telling a lie if Hedoko akina wasn't me. LOL


      well one piece of advice I could give is don't focus too much on making her different from you. it would be better to write of pokemon you have a passion for than write about pokemon you don't really care for, on the grounds that it's different from what you would have. (not that I'm saying you're doing t...

    3. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      That's a good point. Thank you for the advice.

    4. Lucky Star
  2. Ugh, I REALLY want to play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but I don't have a TV nor a console. Curse my limited budget!

    1. Kel_Grym


      I know those feels

  3. Anypony know how to separate a quote into different sections so you can address separate parts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      Thank you for your assistance.

    3. Simon


      Happy to help.

    4. Sigma


      I usually just color coat it.

  4. Thank you everypony for your well wishes on my big day.

    1. Budding Night

      Budding Night

      Happy late birthday!

    2. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      Thank you very much my friend.

  5. You know that awesome feeling when you've completed a project? . . . Nice isn't it?

    1. M'aiq the Liar
    2. Steel Accord
    3. Nine


      I only know the feeling of getting halfway through something, then stopping forever.

  6. Ever notice, how when people write comments about Game of Thrones, they seem to adopt the same flowery, formal dialogue of the show?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Radiance64


      And you ppl, saying you don't watch GoT... you should watch GoT. It's da best. ^_^

    3. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      I need a reason why I should watch it

    4. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      Well it creates an interesting fantasy world, the characters are well rounded and complex, it does a great job at balancing and connecting multiple stories, and the occasional fight scenes make up for the few times with investment and good choreography.

  7. I'M BACK! Had a good break and ready to get back to work and social responsibilities.

  8. Just to let everypony know, I'm going to be with my family this coming week. Will be back the week after.

  9. "Pinkie, stop rapping!" Well those are words I'd never thought I would here Twilight say.

  10. That would be horrible if I couldn't feel emotions! :( And stoicism is a philosophy I don't prescribe to, preferring Epicureanism.

    1. AlicornAcolyte


      Yay for Epicurus!

    2. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      I thought you were going all Stoic?

    3. AlicornAcolyte


      Oh, I am! There's still a lot I like about Epicurus!

  11. "No Pinkie stop rapping!" Well those are words I never thought I would here Twilight say. XD

  12. I am reminded of the phrase "If you don't have anything nice to say. Don't say anything at all."

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Legendary Trixie

      Legendary Trixie

      I understand this pain and sadly it only gets worse in my view. I get told things I like are "shit" in real life but I don't let it get to me because it isn't worth fighting over. I can easily say the same thing back when it comes time when the other mentions something they like. I then think about it deeper and it strikes me that this person who says such things hasn't had the best of times. He/She probably had a bad past or present time and just hasn't had the moral...

    3. Legendary Trixie

      Legendary Trixie

      - support that they probably needed in said time. I end up just killing them with kindness and it either gives them guilt at the end of each day or upsets them enough to see the moral of their wrongs. Either way its a better alternative than to fight or make enemies with someone. There is already enough war in this world for their to be another.

    4. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord



      Very well put, and I'm so sorry for your experience. I can imagine liking MLP has brought similar wrath from others.

  13. Could use some help. Please vist the following thread for details. http://mlpforums.com/topic/92982-tcb-writing-tips/

  14. New thread I made, thought some might find it interesting. http://mlpforums.com/topic/91576-jedi-or-sith/#entry2418444

    1. Sekhayet


      You blow... you blow so much. I've written three pages and counting on this topic and I'm not even done... I've not even touched the Sith yet, I've /written three pages on the Jedi/. Jesus...

  15. On my way to my new school and home today.

  16. Apologies to everypony. I've been super busy between the holidays and moving into my new school soon.

  17. Sorry I haven't been online. Things have been a little crazy these past couple of days.

  18. What's a better Autobot name, Long Edge or Straight Edge?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      Hmmm I kind of like Hard Edge. Razor Edge sounds a bit more Decepticon.

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Yeah, guess you are right. Hard Edge is pretty good I think too.

    4. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Long 'n Hard? (Not in that way mind you.)

  19. Happy, my favorite holiday, everypony!

    1. WildCard


      Happy July the 4th! :)

  20. If anypony is interested, I have a drawing request for my OC.

  21. Would anypony be up for drawing another version of my ponysona for an RP?

  22. Ever look up "Filly Gamez" and feel like your visiting a graveyard?

  23. Any and all who are into RPing, there's a new and enthralling setting to sink your hooves into! "Equestria Divided" Be warned, it's fairly grimdark (ESPECIALLY PINKIE'S FACTION!!) But if you can handle Fallout Equestria, you can handle this. Believe me, this looks good, and this is coming from somepony who normally doesn't like grimdark! http://mlpforums.com/topic/30829-equestria-divided-grimdark/page-130

    1. SilverHeart


      I thought Equestria Divided filled up ages ago. Are they now open again?

    2. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      They are opening a new thread indeed.

  24. Hey guys, when you get the chance, check out my post in this thread:http://mlpforums.com/topic/45893-what-is-your-alignment/page-5 I don't think I've ever written a more complete self-analyses.

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