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Preeminent Pisces

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Everything posted by Preeminent Pisces

  1. Splash's jaw dropped. "Missy! Missy? Are you okay?" she caught Missy as she fell. "We need to get out of here!" Splash yelled at Quinky. Quinky nodded and used the electrons to push everypony out of the cave. Pokey followed closely behind. Splash found a stream and rubbed a little water on Missy's face. No response. Pokey came over and drooled all over everypony. No response, either, but a lot of stinky smell. Splash wiped away all the slobber and thought for a moment. She searched in her saddle bag but found no useful items. "And I thought that I was the only pony with black outs," Splash said softly. "Her breathing is so ragged and uneven." "I have an idea. Step back," Quinky said. He called a small group of electrons to attention. He guided the to the small spot between Missy's rib cage and pressed them against her in a swift motion. Electricity crackled briefly before fading away. Missy gasped, but didn't wake. "She should wake probably in an hour or so," he said to Splash. Splash stroked Missy's mane and untangled a twig from her own.
  2. Conrad slipped out of the bag unnoticed. He had liked the way that other pony smelled. It reminded him of home. It was a little scary being shoved into a suitcase and jumbled around. Conrad slip around until he found a nice sunny spot in a window. ((Splash doesn't have medication, but you will find a letter from her brother in her suitcase about how the black outs need to be simply waited out))
  3. After an unexpected turn of events, I ended up with a rabbit! His name is Flopsy. My sister's rabbit is Lafawnduh :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Ponyville Critic

      The Ponyville Critic

      Also, i agree with Stratos.

    3. The Ponyville Critic

      The Ponyville Critic

      He's lovely, he's always well behaved and he has never bitten anyone, well, he has pee'd on my bed once but just once.

    4. Preeminent Pisces

      Preeminent Pisces

      Flopsy is sick, so he can't meet Lafawnduh, but he's tons better today.

  4. I. Have. To. Go! WHyyy??? 'cause my mom said so! :'(

  5. I have to go shopping with my mom...at the mall (groan) FOR CLOTHES (ewwww). I'm not all girly like my sister! Clothes are clothes! What's with fashion these days!

  6. That's super-cool! I try to use watercolor myself but I always have to use an ink pen to draw the outlines first. That's soooooooo much better than i could do!
  7. Awwwwwwww I have to go! I hate leaving...I only am allowed to get on for 30 minutes everyday...I might get on later today during an appointment I have....

  8. okay you're in I'd need the link to you're Oc, please. It's alicorn's only, I'm afraid. If you can add a nice pair of wings to Vedana then you're in. k, you're in! We need three more alicorns, ya'll!
  9. Splash zipped Conrad inside of hre suitcase after scolding him severely. "You should know better than to jump into random pony's laps! You gave Aqua the scare of a lifetime! Aqua's afraid of snakes!" Splash had said. Now, she felt one of her black-outs coming on. She winced. She hated those. She always forgot things after them! She began to fade, so she excused herself to the bathroom, but passed out on the way out.
  10. Suddenly, Silver Bark dropped from the sky like a stone. She landed with a sickening thud against the ground. "That looks like it hurt," QUinky whistled. "Probably a lot." A couple of opposing soldiers aproached Silver. She lay still as if she where dead. One poked her with the barrell of his rifle. In an instant, Silver nabbed the gun, twisted herself around it and kicked both soldiers square in the face. She wrenched the gun from the soldier's grasp and shot both dead. With a triumphant glare, she smiled up at the helicopter. "Was she faking?" Quinky asked.
  11. (sorry everypony! I've been super busy! :'( ) "That's all the Elements, I think," Quinky said. "But where's your Element?" Quinky counted the poies. "I'm Quinky Bolts and I'm Loyalty, Clover's magic (as she pointed out), Ace's Laughter, Emerald's Kindness, and you'd be Generosity, I think. Wait, where's Honesty? Or does that make you Honesty? This is like some super cool club! We should have a name...." Quinky said.
  12. Sorry that I haven't been online everypony! I've super-de-duper busy!

  13. I hate it when you post a rp and expect everypony to come crawling and beg to join and they don't. Wah. Gotta go! See ya'll tomorrow!

  14. I wan to make a rp off of the Alicorn Conspiracy, that alicorns are like gods in some sense and they're just messing with the world out of boredom. I also wanted to make it a rp in which alicorns are allowed ONLY just 'cause I feel bad for all those members who can't participate in rps because they only want to use their alicorn OC. Feel free to post here if you want to join. I need a minimum of five alicorns. No maximum. I don't want anypony discluded. When I have five alicorns other than my OC, I will post the link. The setting is in a cloudy paradise high above Equestria. Nopony can see it from the underside. There is unlimited food and drinks (no alcohol please) and a giant table in the middle of it all surrounded by cushions. When the table is looked into, there is all of Equestria and everypony in it and what they're doing. Every apple, leaf, and rock is also easy to see as well. Alicorns can mess with things from up there without having to wear a charm of beauty. Luna looks small again and so does Celestia (I'll be playing their roles). No evils are allowed. That includes Discord. Participants: Luna Pie with Allissa WhoFreak97 with Miss Adventure Thunder-Dash with Thunder Dash Shadow Nightfire with Nightfire Pripyat Pony with Diego http://mlpforums.com/topic/57073-alicorn-heaven-alicorns-only/ the link is up!
  15. Here are my predictions. The picture speaks for itself. I hope that they don't do this, though. I like everything without the extra wings or horn. Less alicorns would pobably be best.
  16. I. Hate. Hiccups.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      eeeewww I don't like grilled. I like fried.



    3. Preeminent Pisces

      Preeminent Pisces

      I can't remember...I think it was actually from my mom's crockpot...we like to call it the Cauldron. You never know what's gonna come out. :D

    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Shrink potion? :0

  17. Quinky tucked his hooves against his body and zoomed against somepony's front door, probably in Canterlot. Ramona heard a loud bang against her door. Quinky fought the the force, but Clover smacked into the door beside him. He helped pull her off. "Nopony would appreciate us barging into their house, even if it is another Element wielder!" he shuttered.
  18. 'Yes, anypony can pet Conrad. See how his eyes move like Pinkie Pie's pet, Gummy's eyes move? Um, I do think that Aqua would prefer Conrad to stay hidden inside my luggage, oh wait...he has the tendency to escape. I think it'd be best for somepony to hold him." Splash replied. "I have Conrad because my brother isn't home and he can't take care of himself. He's a rare species and I was assigned to raise him. Oh snap!" Splash's music sheets began flying out the window. She set Conrad down to collect the papers. In a flash, Conrad was snuggling against Aqua's face. "Awww he likes you!" a voice said.
  19. "Um, I sorta killed somepony. It wasn't all my fault, but technically speaking I have. What can I do?" Quinky gulped. He felt a bit lost. He was better at taking commands than deciding what to do. Suddenly, Silver practically disappeared. She had taken to the sky, good at dodging bullets and manuvering skillfully to take in the battle field.
  20. Splash galloped home and stuffed her suitcase with her necessities. She grabbed Conrad magically and packed him, too alongside his feeding and care supplies. She ran as quickly as she could to the train station. "Sorry! I forgot! I hope ya'll don't mind if I bring Conrad! He doesn't bite!" she gushed. Conrad poked his head out of her suit case. Her diamond back boa gave them the weirdest look.
  21. "OH SNAP! I'm so sorry! I keep forgetting things! My brother's trying to find a cure! I'll go grab my stuff! Do you mind if I bring my pet, Conrad? He's perfectly harmless..." Splash said. She smacked her hoof onto her forehead. Why was she so slow? She wiped cupcake off her face and smiled innocently.
  22. "Do I know you? I feel like I do...but from where?" Splash asked. Her head was buzzing. The pony in front of her looked so familiar...she just couldn't put her hoof on it! She clenched her jaw in frustration. What was wrong with her memory lately? Maybe her twin brother knew...
  23. Splash tried to remember something. Her mind had blanked but she knew she needed to be somewhere. She trotted into a bakery and ordered a cupcake with extra frosting. She ate it quietly in the corner as she tapped distractedly to her ADHD. Did she have any friends? She couldn't remember...
  24. Quinky kicked up his hooves and he went shooting away until he barreled into a tree. "Somepony stop this magical whatnot! I'm too young to die! I don't want to get eaten by Changelings!" he moaned. "I'm not going!" he clawed at his surroundings in attempt to stop himself. "Why isn't anypony else being dragged?"
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