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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by GenderIsAnIllusion

  1. She is so loved because she is quite possible the most relatable character in the show. Shes an animal lover, motherly figure, and will defy her weaknesses in order to help her friends. On the other \hand..... Putting her hoof down turned her into a complete sociopath for that episode.
  2. That I am a sentient bowl of delicious soup, that never goes bad and has advanced opinions about society and politics. That I am so very accepting. Unfortunately I do live in a place where discrimination based on the most absurd things is the sociatic norm, and not conforming to society is highly frowned upon. People in my area do not understand why I don't hate certain groups, or why I don't have negative opinions of people who go against gender roles..... its very sad.
  3. S6 villian needs to be Twilight Sparkle.

  4. PS4 and XboxOne are rip offs designed to be as expensive as possible for players. FPS are getting to the point where each new release only adds enough content or variety to warrant an update, rather than a whole new game. The GBC Zelda Games are totally kickass
  5. banned for Twilight X Rainbow banner. (Twilight X Celestia FTW)
  6. .... i dont know why theycall themTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..... They shouldbe called Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises.

  7. hmm... what can Potato soup be made into?

  8. Banned for not enjoying my potatoey creamy goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I am subbed to 18 channels that I will now list off. ALONZO LERONE : Funny channel mostly pointing out the terrible grammar or simple ridiculousness of social media posts. AnimalBytesTV : Great for people who love animals.. namely reptiles. Very informative. Armoured Skeptic : Uses logic to debunk creationists (mostly) AronRa : Probably the most outspoken skeptics on youtube. Ashens : Funny reviews of cheap tat. DarkMatter2525 : Makes animations criticizing the bible, and creationist logic. jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie : All 3 funny lets players with 3 very different styles. logicked : Mostly debunks Kent Hovind videos. Matthew Santoro : The knowledge whale. Mike Jevons: Reviews infomercial products, and tries out week long diets. Planet Dolan : List channel hosted by a slew of funny animated characters. Sargon of Akkad : points out general stupidity. Slapped Ham : Funny list channel. Thunderf00t : Scientist and well known skeptic and antifeminist. TL;DR : (pronounced Teal Deer) Makes response videos that criticize stupid people. FUNNY. Undoomed : Deals with special snowflakes (feminists, creationists, you name it).... He's very funny. Check some or all of them out. you wont be disappointed.
  10. Equality to feministsis making it so women dont have to work for anything nice.

  11. Whomever drew the banner.... well done. looks nice

  12. Im so excited... IM GETTING A HAMSTER !!!

  13. Im 24. I started watching when I was 19. It fueled my current love for cartoons.
  14. Omg...... Yes I absolutely love this show..... My favorite episode being the one in which Steven first fuses with Connie (I'm a sucker for a good clean love story) I feel that this show pushes boundaries that other shows should be pushing as well..... Not many cartoons are ballsy enough to have openly gay/lesbian couples, or discuss things such as sexuality (as subtle as it is in this particular show).... It's a show that's self aware, and knows when to be serious, and when to relax. And if you look close enough.... There's just as much in it for adults, as there is for the kids.... The adult jokes never go too far, and is able to keep even my fathers interest (and he usually hates cartoons). Truly an E for everyone title, and a must see, If there was a character I would have to call my favorite.....I'd probably choose Amethyst. She has that rebellious spirit, mixed in with a bad past..... And her personality is probably the most multidimensional of any on the non-fused gems, which makes for a very interesting and lovable characters My small list of theories: 1: Rose and Greg "fused" and out popped Steven...... Yes yes I'm not going to explain the why fused is in quotations...... This is a family site after all..... I truly believe that Greg... Did it.... With Rose and performed a sort of fusion, giving up her gem and personality to intertwine with Gregs DNA, forming the lovable hybrid we know as Steven. 2: Lapis AND Jasper will eventually join the crystal gems. Now this one seems outlandish..... But I assure you it's indeed plausible. Now Lapis is obvious...... But Jasper.... Not so much..... Her actions and personality lead me to believe she is lonely, and passive aggressive towards fusions because of it..... She will come around though.... Even if Garnett has to throw her into another hyper advanced hand ship power core to drive the point home. 3: The diamonds are fusions,.... This one just makes sense...... The diamonds form from 3-4 gems fusing....... They assume ultimate control over the entire gem race, segregating each different basic gem, not allowing non-same gems to fuse to protect their throws for all eternity..... Just tell me that doesn't make a lot of sense... I dare ha XD
  15. Just got caught up on Steven universe..... I'm calling it..... The diamonds are fusions who discourage inter-gem fusions so they can be the strongest.

  16. Sleep is once again eluding me tonight.


  18. For some reason i have the desire for a pet chicken...

  19. halfway through my shift..... BORING!!

  20. I just started my first night as overnight desk addendant.... YIPPE!!!!

  21. School tart thi coming wednesday for me...... Yippee ..... Freaking...... Skippee.

  22. I got: An electric kettle Some nice clothing A new USB controller A laptop carry case And my Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula decided to Molt on Christmas Day.
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