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Everything posted by GenderIsAnIllusion

  1. Watching Paul Blart 2..... It reallllllllly sucks.

  2. It looks like cartoons are at an inpass..... Who will win?.... Money grubbing toy cashins, and mindless nothing toons, or toons that try to push the boundaries and create truly beautiful art.

    1. J.T.


      that's deep thinking for a Potato

    2. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Yeah my brains usually fried, but today for some reason I'm feeling more on the mashed side....

  3. Uh.... I think it's because no1 really knows you here.... Try making some friends.... Pm some peps.....
  4. College is like riding a bike... Except the ground is on fire, the bike is on fire, and everything is on fire because you're in hell.

  5. And like 80 percent of the people here....
  6. Will scootaloo ever fly?...... Or will her parents be revealed?.... Or will she be useful to a plot for once?.... Probably not..... But yay for part 2 of season 5. Can't wait bros.
  7. If a man thinks a girl is attractive, he's a mysogenist. If a women ruins a mans life by lieing about being raped, she's a hero.... Great logic.

  8. .Sleep?.... You are a funny funny man..... What is this "sleep" you speak of?
  9. 1: bag of potatoes 2: Hand gun 3: ammo Being only 2-3 nights it's safe to say you won't need a tent or sleeping bag, however you will ne energy from food and a weapon.
  10. Sometimes it's hard being a potato.... Especially in today's fast paced society......

  11. Rarity. She's like the worlds most Whiney marshmallow.
  12. First day back in college, and I already have my first weeks homework completed.

  13. It's just great how men are demonized for calling a women sexy, but when women do it to men it's just flirting. Double standard much?

  14. Uh..... Half dragon half unicorn.... A Drogocorn if you will.
  15. Are you kidding?...... Lyra and BonBon nearly made out on stage in EQG3..... And no parent I know of complained in the slightest..... The only way to be even more blatant than that was to have them be an actual couple, that everyone in the show acknowledges.
  16. So in the latest episode the creators of TTG! has shit out, its pretty much a PSA to the haters. With a rating trap name, and laden with passive aggressiveness towards viewers, "The Return of Slade" is probably the worst cartoon episode of 2015. So i took the liberty of checking the ratings of 4 popular cartoons (2 older and 2 newer): Teen Titans, Fosters Home for Imaginary Freinds, Stephen Universe and My Little Pony Friendship is magic. All ratings are out of 10 TeenTitans Go!: IMDB- 5.3 Tv.com-4.3 Teen Titans: IMDB-7.4 Tv.com- 8.8 Fosters Home: IMDB- 7.9 Tv.com-8.9 Stephen Universe: IMDB: 7.9 Tv.com-8.4 MLP Fim: IMDB: 7.8 Tv.com-8.6 As you can see, the 4 quality shows that put in efforts are miles ahead of Teen Titans Go! in ratings.
  17. The makers of Teen Titans Go! once again make themselves look like fools, in "The Return of Slade".... which is basically a PSA to all haters of the show.

  18. the 4 newest Disturbed songs are totally kick ass..... totally.

  19. I just wonder how many times Rick Perry has been dropped on his head in his childhood.

    1. LeonShi500


      A few times less than Mike Huckabee.

    2. GenderIsAnIllusion


      You got me there...

  20. fry me, grill me, or bake me.... either way im... delicious.

  21. Finally got my main computer fixed.... dont ave to rely on my phone for the forums anymore XDXDXD

  22. Why do half of them look like they are constipated?
  23. Even being a kids show, it's no excuse to make such a terrible cartoon. it teaches backwards morals, strips good solid characters down to one single character trait, mocks the greatness of the older show, and it's just to the point where there is no redeeming quality this series.
  24. What's so sad about a creepy stalker panda reading through his depraved efforts at a relationship?
  25. Ehhh..... On one hand it's just another show lacking of any real content or story...... On the other it is rather entertaining.
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