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So if Rarity and Spike have a baby....


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Would it turn out to be a draconequus? The fact that that term exists means there could be other draconequus besides Discord. Maybe that's how he was conceived as well?


Draco means dragon and equus means horse. Dragon-horse. Eh? Eh?

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Discord is a being of magic. I suspect he appears as he wants to appear. Ponies deliver babies via live birth. Dragons lay eggs. the systems are so totally incompatible that nothing would result. It would be like trying to play a VHS tape on your DVD player. Frankly, I don't know why Spike is even interested in a mammalian creature at all.

  • Brohoof 4
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That could be why Discord is an abomination. Just like it's supposedly impossible for human and cow to produce a Minotaur (who was a result of a woman and a bull in greek myth) the result is a monster of some kind.

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It's possible

I don't want to use this as an example, but it's the only good one I have.


I have a little cousin who has a game called "Skylanders". Maybe you heard of it or not. The point it in the game there this character.




Now every character has a backstory. This character's backstory is that she is a unicorn-dragon hybrid. She is part unicorn part dragon.


So it may be possible to have a horse and dragon hybrid.


I don't know.

I don't know how equestria works.

They are both magical creatures so their biology may work differently then we may be aware of.

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Considering Spike was (canonically) hatched from an egg, and ponies are born through pregnancy/labor (like most mammals), it's a pretty safe to say that Spike and Rarity could not have a baby by traditional means.


It may be possible for Rarity to have Spike's child through magic, but it would most likely be a baby pony, not a dragon or pony/dragon hybrid.


IF that were the case, it's safe to say that other interspecies pregnancies are possible (Griffon/Pony, Buffalo/Pony, etc.). It would also mean that two mares could have a child as well.


Again, assuming there was some sort of spell that made such a thing possible.

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Frankly, I don't know why Spike is even interested in a mammalian creature at all.

Probably for the same reason that some bronies are attracted to the ponies although genetically speaking humans are at least closer to ponies. Attraction is a pretty complicated matter so it is hard to say but much of it I think has to do with the fact though they are different species Spike realizes on a subconscious level that Rarity like him is a sapient being. With that said though I don't think Spike and Rarity having babies would be possible without extremely powerful magic if such a things was possible magic or not the babies would most likely be dragon/pony hybrids or dragonies as I have heard it be called in some fanfics.

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Frankly, I don't know why Spike is even interested in a mammalian creature at all.




Because her flank is plastered with gems. Best explaination I can think of.


Anywho, as cute as all that dragon-pony baby stuff would be, I assume that if they wanted kids, they'd just adopt.

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Equestria is a place where magic is just everywhere. From plants to animals and it is part of the ponies's physiology: the flying ability of the pegasi, the earth ponies's connection to the earth and the unicorn magic.


That said, biologically, it would be impossible for a mammal and a reptile to mate and generate offspring because of different chromosome counts, and because of a series of proteins involved in fertilization that just wouldn't match. But... We just saw an unicorn turn into an alicorn and that implies that she now has the pegasi's "flight magic", and possibly the earth pony's magic. They are not really different species, but... It's weird.


Well... Maybe it's possible for them to have foals/whatever... But I doubt it would be something like Discord. He has parts of lion, goat too.


And by the way...Spike's infatuation with Rarity is perfectly justified: he was raised among ponies.

Edited by moonlightavenger
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If they did have a kid, I would assume it would be a draconequus, but not to the severity of Discord, of course. But since this thread is already on the topic of Spike and Rarity having a kid, I think this is a suitable enough place to put my mini rant. I notice that a lot of people that don't support/ dislike/ are mutual to the Sparity ship say that one of the major problems is that they cannot have kids. Why is having kids considered a "make or break" part of a relationship? They can still have a strong relationship without childbearing coming into play.

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Because her flank is plastered with gems. Best explaination I can think of.

So spike thinks her ass is delicious. That actually makes so much fucking sense XD


Anywhore, I'm pretty sure that we could do something close to this in real life. Someone get a komodo dragon and a horse.


Or, it may be like in Shrek.



Edited by Bloo47
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NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE not getting into this


When you combine a pony and a dragon, you get a pagan. I'm not sure how well Rarity and Spike's heathen offspring would integrate into Equestrian society.





It would be like trying to play a VHS tape on your DVD player.



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i threw up a little when i thought of the process that they would go through. Since Rarities...."system" is different from a female dragons it would work with some difficulties, like her dying from the effort of giving birth. Wouldnt Spikes genes over power Rarities causing the baby being full dragon and using Rarity as a vessel. I read in different dragon lores that when a female isnt dragon the baby still comes out as a dragon but the mother dies in the process.

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Rarity's reaction to this thread.


Spike has a crush on Rarity. That's the end of the story. Spike is what, like eight? Rarity is in her twenties.

Edited by Circadian
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Rarity's reaction to this thread.


Spike has a crush on Rarity. That's the end of the story. Spike is what, like eight? Rarity is in her twenties.




Well during the entrance exam, Twilight looked to be around the same age as the CMC, but you also have to remember that the CMC are all late bloomers, and as such, are older than most ponies that don't have cutiemarks. So while the CMC are around 7-9 years of age, lets say that Twilight was about a year younger at around 6-8 years of age.


It's safe to assume that the mane 6 are all around the same age, and that age is usually speculated to be around 20-24 years. So let's say Twilight is 22 which makes Spike around 14-16. This is a pretty rough estimation, the age could be a bit younger or a bit older, but atleast gives us a good guess on his age. Body wise, yes he is around 7-9, but due to SomE, we can basically throw this out the window, as dragons almost always grow from their greed, but since Spike isn't greedy he is forced to grow naturally, which means he will be stuck this way for a long long time.

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Spike & Rarity having a baby o.O wut?! No way that is just awkward I think his crush on Rarity is cute and all but that is crossing the line there. How the heck would that even be possible?? 


Idk it'd be like a ponymon mutated thing :P idk 

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I don't think it would be biologically possible for them to have a baby. I don't see how that could possibly happen, since she is a pony and he is a dragon.


Now I'm kind of curious what would happen if Rarity and Spike did...you know...


Would Rarity even be able to get pregnant? o_O

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So while the CMC are around 7-9 years of age, lets say that Twilight was about a year younger at around 6-8 years of age.


I consider the CMC to be around 12-13ish. Otherwise there would be a huge gap in sibling ages. Besides, who knows who they are before they're at least a teen?


The ponies have to mature at a similar rate to people. I'm basing this off of imposter Cadance's remark about Pinkie Pie's party being great... for a five year old. In the human world horses are fully grown by age three, so they can't age at the same rate or the insult wouldn't make any sense.


Then again, maybe we've been overestimating how old the mane six actually are. Maybe you can live on your own at a younger age in places like Ponyville.


That's going to be my project during the dry season. Use evidence from the show to determine the approximate ages of the central cast. :D We already know that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie!



Body wise, yes he is around 7-9, but due to SomE, we can basically throw this out the window, as dragons almost always grow from their greed, but since Spike isn't greedy he is forced to grow naturally, which means he will be stuck this way for a long long time.


This makes me wonder, how are there any teenage dragons at all? Wouldn't the wild ones just grow up super fast like Spike did? Spike doesn't have wings either. He's got to be a different kind of dragon.

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Discord is likely of magic origin. Spike and Rarity cannot have a baby, because the term species means a group of living organisms that can reproduce together. If Spike and Rarity could bear a child, it would imply they are of the same species.

On Earth, true. In Equestria, who knows? I mean, if there's ponies that can talk, I'm sure a Dragon and a Unicorn can produce fertile offspring.


However, I don't think it would be the same species as Discord. After all, he is a spirit. But, it could be something similar to that of an Alicorn, since Rarity has a horn, and Spike has wings....

Edited by Betez
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Been thinking a little more about this. The problem of different ages doesn't really apply because we don't know how dragons age. Well, in Secret of my Excess Spike grew by getting greedy. We don't know if that's natural for dragons, but maybe if he really loves Rarity, couldn't the same magic apply, making him grow.


And since we're talking about having kids, couldn't he somehow stay in a compatible size?


Even if he can't, what's stoping two hearts who love each other to stay together? Even if they can't have offspring?




I'll just leave this here.

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While I find the idea of Spike and Rarity getting together rather dumb, as it's just a childish one-sided crush. And let alone the idea of them having a kid... Dragon influenced horses, or sorts of dragon horse hybrids do exist in mythology.


The best known I think is the Kirin. 




Discord is a chimera horse. Despite Draconnequs basically being dragon horse in latin, but that name can be atributed to the shape of their bodies. 

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Spike and Rarity couldn't have babies. Not even a mixed. Zero babies.

Explanation: Rarity is a pony, well horse to some people. Spike is a dragon with no wings (Ha).  Female horses have children by being pregnancy/labor. Female dragons have eggs. The baby dragons stay several weeks in the egg and they come out. Rarity can't lay an egg. Spike is a dragon, Rarity is a pony. Got that clear.


Spike and Rarity could have a child if the following happens.


Episode Name: Dragon to Pony


Summary: Princess Twilight Sparkle cast on Spike the Dragon and everything goes terribly wrong. She changes life his life. Will she be able to turn him back? Will he be a pony forever?


Plot ( Not the Pony Kind): Twilight turns Spike into a pony. She changes his life. She can't find a counter spell and Spike might be a pony forever. Meanwhile, Spike goes to Ponyville and tells Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Jack. Rarity realized Spike looks more, appealing then he was before. She falls for him and etc.


What Spike Would look like as a Pony


Cutiemark: Topaz


Mane: Spiked (of course) Purple


Coat: Green


Eye Color: Whatever it is now. I forgot it.


Talent: Can make tuxedos and can be assistant. Couldn't think of anything that a topaz would be the cutiemark that fits spike. Hard to think since he really doesn't have a special talent. Meh.

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  • 2 years later...

Spike is a dragon, therefor he is also a reptile, reptiles breed similarly to mammals, the male inserts his organ into the female and releases his sperm where it then fertilizes an egg. the egg grows and is then layed to hatch at a later date.


spike is a male so he has a penis and sperm, he can therefor impregnate a pony but only if the pony's body doesn't reject the fetish of mixed species which has happened when crossbreeding certain mammals

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