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Everything posted by Appetite4Democracy

  1. The point is that it is a group of people who support equality for all gender identities and sexual orientations. Notice that it includes ALLIES. It only excludes bigoted pricks. As I stated in an earlier post, the term "Gender and Sexual Minorities" has been used to try to justify pedophilia, beastiality, and incest. I'm thinking something that used the phrase "Sexual Orientation" since it excludes beastiality and the like but includes all the letters in the current initialism. I would also prefer it to have something about allies, like the current one does. It's important to emphasize that the group is meant to be a community of people accepting of all gender identities and sexual orientations, not a "no cishets allowed" club.
  2. 1st "A" is asexual and 2nd "A" is Ally, a cisgender heterosexual who supports equality for all gender identities and sexual orientations. Yes, ALL. In what way is that negative?
  3. Why would they not be? Isn't the LGBTQQIAAP (The first A means Asexual, btw) supposed to be a community that accepts all sexual orientations and gender identities?
  4. Discovery Dream (below) explains it better than I could. I agree with the first part but feel the need to add in A for Asexual. Asexual doesn't really fit well for any of these letters. Also, I'd say that LG should be changed to H for Homosexual. And thank you for explaining the sexuality change. I'm not the best at explaining things, and you explained it really well.
  5. We can't just leave it at equal rights, because that's too general. That would have to include (for example) feminism, racial equality, religious equality, etc. It's just too much for one group. This is specifically about sexual orientation and gender identity. And what probably happened to that person was that he thought he liked women, being surrounded by guys who liked women, but then realized that he liked men. For a while, he thought he liked both, then he realized he only really liked men. It happens. Realizing one's sexual orientation takes a while, especially since many people aren't even exposed to the idea of other sexual orientations until later in life. I- Intersex. I personally find it especially sad that nobody knows what this means. It should be taught in school very early on. I was always taught that everyone is either male or female. Untrue. Part of the population is, and has always been, intersex. Basically, for one of many reasons, you are neither male nor female. For example, you may be XXY or XYY or something like that. Being taught that everyone is either male or female and disregarding the existence of intersex is really shitty. A- the first A in LGBTQQIAAP stands for Asexual. Asexuals aren't sexually attracted to anyone. Note that this is not the same as being celibate, as asexuals may still enjoy having sex. Asexuals also may still be romantically attracted to people, but not always. The second A stands for Ally. Allies are heterosexual cisgender people who support equal rights for all sexual orientations and gender identities. P- Pansexual. Pansexuals can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender. This does NOT mean that they are attracted to everyone, it just means that they like who they like regardless of their gender. It differs from bisexuality in the sense that bisexuality is attraction to both men and women, while pansexuality applies to men, women, intersex, genderfluid, and pretty much anything else. Note that both pansexuals and bisexuals may have preferences. If you are attracted to transwomen, I'd still call you straight because I still consider transwomen to be women. But, as I stated, calling something like pedophilia a sexual orientation makes no sense. Sexual orientation is about what gender(s) you are attracted to, if any. Not only that, but all sexual orientations are primarily about relationships and consensual sex between two adults. That's very different from non-consensual sex and abuse to children from an adult. Even the pedophiles in the article acknowledge that child molestation is wrong. I'm fine with the idea that they're pedophiles because of their genetics, but I'm not going to start supporting pedophilia and child molestation, especially since even some pedophiles don't support it.
  6. Well, remember when you were 4 and all the boys though girls were icky and had cooties? At a young age, you're not really attracted to anyone. When you start getting attracted to people, you realize what your orientation is. The problem is that if you're (for example) a guy who's attracted to guys, that doesn't necessarily make you gay. You might be bi or pan or something. It takes a bit to figure out exactly who you're attracted to.
  7. I'd first like to point out that LGBTQQIAAP is an initiaism, not an acronym. Acronyms are pronounceable. There's been a big debate on whether or not it should be changed to GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities), but where LGBT is too exclusive, GSRM is too inclusive. Many people have tried to call pedophilia, incest, and beastiality "sexual/romantic minorities" and associate it with the likes of the LGBTQQIAAP. I feel that there's got to be a better term. Perhaps making an acronym (pronouncable) instead of an initialism. Maybe something like MoGIROaSO (mow-jee-row-ah-so) (Minorities of Gender Identities, Romantic Orientations, and Sexual Orientations). The up-side is that it excludes pedophilia, beastiality, and incest (which nobody can legitimately claim to be romantic or sexual orientations). The downside is that it sounds ridiculous. Really, though, I'd just stick to LGBTQQIAAP, at least for the time being. More importantly, EVERYONE should know what these letters stand for. Most people only know what the first four or five mean. Hell, most people don't even know what Pansexual and Asexual mean. And that sucks. You say, "I'm pansexual" and they ask why you want to fuck frying pans.
  8. That is my counter argument. Judge based on actions and character, not music taste and fashion sense.
  9. You're probably thinking of emos. I've known several goths (Like Savannah, who I mentioned previously) who are actually very happy and fun people. That's not to say that all goths are merry, happy, and joyful. Everyone is different and to generalize them in any way would be pointless and inaccurate. I'd also avoid generalizing emos, as many emos don't cut themselves but simply identify as emo and hang out with emos because they prefer to be around people who know what they're going through. That said, self-harm is usually an emo thing, not a goth thing.
  10. It should be common sense that generalizing people for their taste in music and clothing is just as bad as generalizing people based on race, religion, etc. Perpetuating rude and hurtful stereotypes about goths should be treated the same as perpetuating stereotypes about anything else.
  11. Judge for actions, not for tastes. That's my point. Judging goths is not the same as judging ignorant bigoted pricks.
  12. Equating goths to homophobes, racists and Hitler is pretty rude, I'd say. If someone's an asshole (i.e. homophobic, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, transphobic, etc.) then they deserve to be called out on their bullshit. However, goths (which is really just a preference of fashion, aesthetics, and music that started in the '80s from the Gothic rock scene, which sprung from post-punk) should not be generalized or judged in the same way. It's a fashion sense and a taste in music, which doesn't say nearly as much about someone as their actions. My goth friend Savannah is a perfectly jolly person who just happens to be into a certain type of clothing and music. I don't see how any fashion sense or music taste is productive, but we all have them.
  13. This year I went as Dave Strider from Homestuck but nobody knew who I was.
  14. Well there's nothing in the rules about posting multiple letters at once, so ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I WIN
  15. Sacrifice them to Satan Just be chill. Something I've seen: Get a bunch of merch at a time, along with some gift wrap or something, so they'll just be like "Oh, he's buying someone a gift"
  16. com-fort-a-ble is actually the correct pronunciation. Well I cannot say "sixth" for the life of me. It always comes out like "sixtshthpthbt" or sometimes "six-ith"
  17. They don't. They spy on those who are suspected of crimes. It would cost way too much to spy on everyone, so they only spy on suspects.
  18. Lyra sat like a human in an episode, which turned into a joke about her liking humans, resulting in a popular fanfiction about it.
  19. GEOGRAPHY. (WARNING: the following rant may contain profanity)
  20. uhh... uhh... idk like a bajillion or somethin
  21. So this one time when I was like 4 or 5 I decided that it would be a good idea to stand on top of a spinning chair next to a glass table and a window. Not the most intelligent decision I've made. Anywho, I'm not gonna go into the details, but it involved a lot of blood and I was taken to the emergency room because my head was open. My face was literally covered in blood down to my neck. I have provided an illustration:
  22. 743 You must not know about Homestuck, because 413 is the most exciting number ever. BLAZE IT
  23. Jimi Hendrix died in a pretty sucky way. Vomiting into your lungs is not the best way to die. Also, there is no such thing as a quick and painless death.
  24. John Green is a very good author. I just finished The Fault in Our Stars and Looking For Alaska and I plan on reading all of his books this school year. Markus Zusak is also a good author. I'm reading The Book Thief right now i swear to god if anyone spoils this book i will fucking kill you and it's very good so far.
  25. Pluto doesn't wanna be a planet. He's happy with his friends in the Kuiper belt. Anywho, Uranus is best planet. It was the first planet discovered through use of telescopes. All planets before it could be seen with the naked eye. ♅
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