so many closet bronies on here, anyways i havent met too many haters in real life but every hater i have met i have converted and that makes a total of 3 , is it sad i wish i could meet more?
i mean my parents were generally OK with it my dad doesn't understand it but he doesn't think any less of me, my mom thinks its fun and my sister and brother like getting me pony stuff, the only real hater that i still deal with is my cousins dad in which my cousin was one of the haters i converted you see he lives in Arizona and i live in Texas, Zack came down to Texas to visit for 3 months, upon me openly telling him about the show and that i was a brony he kept asking if i was a faggot or if i was gay or if "i was sure i wasn't gay" eventually after me just either ignoring his questions, saying I'm not gay and because I have gay friends asking whats wrong with it if i was gay, he finally caved and tried watching an episode in which he began to love it. when the 3 months were up his dad came down to stay for a week and then take him home, needless to say his dad wasn't happy, and I had also thought that for a man that was such a "good christian" that was always saying people should be treated equally he kept telling me he isn't going to have his son watch gay pony shit still to this day zack wakes up in the morning and catches an episode before his dad gets up.