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Rave Crocker

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Everything posted by Rave Crocker

  1. haha no not at all I love doing this so it's never any trouble I'm so glad you like it!. it makes me feel really good that I know someone will be using my work (
  2. Hi sorry it took so long to change the color I accidentally saved a flattened version over the original so I sis a quick speed run remaking the picture I hope this is what you meant by making it lighter if it's not I'll be happy to try fixing it more. edit: noticed some inconsistency's in the last pic re-uploaded!
  3. well there's no particular story on mine unfortunately, It's my full name and I wasn't really creative back when I started using the internet and it kinda stuck.
  4. haha you are so welcome I'm glad you like it. It was fun to do knowing that someone would like it in the end cant wait for the next challenge (\
  5. like this? I hope you like it , I used the original as a base and if anypony wants to put in a request feel free I love making wallpapers and logos!
  6. Hay everypony, I made a wallpaper I was really bored and was sick of not finding dark images of twilight sparkle which in my opinion look bad ass so I found an image of falling broken glass, two images of twilight then changed her eye color , added a gradient and a cool cutie mark wallpaper and then this thing happened lol hope you guys enjoy it.
  7. hey rave , best part well besides an excellent snowpony good job buddy hope it was fun to make wish i would have finished mine
  8. damn, if we lived closer i'd totally go to your house and ask if you could come out to play with ponies anyways sorry for bringing this off topic carry on.
  9. I believe you have to reach a certain rank before doing them and welcome to the forum.
  10. not to sound weird but where in texas do you live? I live in the panhandle and i'm trying to find some bronies to hang out with but none of them live near me sadness
  11. the only thing i dont like is the horn placement would look allot better if it were tilted forward instead of straight up but i love the rest! and i'm sure a coat hanger will work fine on those wings they cant be that heavy electrical wire cable is effective but overkill.
  12. so many closet bronies on here, anyways i havent met too many haters in real life but every hater i have met i have converted and that makes a total of 3 , is it sad i wish i could meet more? i mean my parents were generally OK with it my dad doesn't understand it but he doesn't think any less of me, my mom thinks its fun and my sister and brother like getting me pony stuff, the only real hater that i still deal with is my cousins dad in which my cousin was one of the haters i converted you see he lives in Arizona and i live in Texas, Zack came down to Texas to visit for 3 months, upon me openly telling him about the show and that i was a brony he kept asking if i was a faggot or if i was gay or if "i was sure i wasn't gay" eventually after me just either ignoring his questions, saying I'm not gay and because I have gay friends asking whats wrong with it if i was gay, he finally caved and tried watching an episode in which he began to love it. when the 3 months were up his dad came down to stay for a week and then take him home, needless to say his dad wasn't happy, and I had also thought that for a man that was such a "good christian" that was always saying people should be treated equally he kept telling me he isn't going to have his son watch gay pony shit still to this day zack wakes up in the morning and catches an episode before his dad gets up.
  13. I'm 17 but my parents believe that giving alcohol in moderation at a younger age is better on a child so they don't go out and get drunk off their ass when they are older and I quite believe it, I've never cared for beers and champagne taste like soap i like david and mogen blackberry wine, pina colada's and margaritas but my favorite would have to be rum and coke. and if they have taught me anything its that you should always buy quality liquor otherwise you will regret it later.
  14. if mlp gets big then it wont be special any more, am i the only one that enjoys saying i watch my little pony and then having people ask why?
  15. is nopony going to ask what the novel is about? so how about it john whats it about andwhen do we get to read it. i feel there was something else important to say here............ oh right! welcome to the forums hope you have a wonderful time!
  16. hey welcome to the forums hope you have a wonderful time! can't wait to hang out more
  17. season 3 because it is the newest season plus a musical episode and it seems to have the best cliff hanger unlike the other seasons.
  18. These are in no way in order 01. The Sims 02. Grand theft auto vice city 03. Fallout 3 04. Doom 2 05. Telltales back to the future 06. Alan Wake 07. Driver 08. Mirrors Edge 09. Need for Speed 3 10. Nancy drew
  19. Hey there! 8bitDisaster I'm Rave and Like Ziero I'm new as well but I've already gotten such a warm welcome that I'd love to make sure you have a great time here too. so welcome to the forums!
  20. thank you! I usually create my own signatures and graphics but theirs are really nice too, and I like the rep system for blank flanks and such!
  21. Hi so My name is Rave Crocker, I'm a 17 year old brony from Texas who found out about the show from a friend who kept telling me to watch it, granted at the time I didn't want anything to do with it, when I finally decided I was a brony my friend told me he didn't like the show anymore due to the fans being creepy or something. I'm not special or anything in the fandom well besides my current project which i like to think is pretty special well to me anyways which is this (Pst. part 2 coming soon!!!) I've also auto-tuned the song fireflies by owl city to fluttershy's voice (or at least what i think her voice sounds like) which can be found here. I hope to learn and become friends with all of you and recruit more bronies also if there are any topics I should read before getting started here please do send them to me thanks again Rave.
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