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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Thunderchild

  1. Wow-you’re still creaking around the place eh?

    hope all is well with you-salut. 


    1. Fhaolan


      Oh yes, still creaking. :)

      How you?

    2. Thunderchild


      Doing well thanks-still busy as a bastard. Job change has freed up a bit of time tho-wondered who was still around on here. I see a few old friends, but it seems to have thinned out quite a bit since the good old days. 

      How are things with you? I remember being very impressed with the skill set you had in creating stuff-are you still at it?

    3. Fhaolan


      Still doing stuff. Have a new job, so there's less time to be doing, but still. :)

  2. Ah-you’re back. I was just dropping by as I do sometimes-nice to see you wearing the robe once again. Hope all is well with you-salut. 


    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Thanks, I'm doing great. A lot has changed around here and with me personally, and I'd say things have never been better for me. Hope life has been treating you well too!

    2. Thunderchild


      Everything's good-thanks. Changed jobs a couple of years ago, which was more a quality of life decision than anything. Everybody's well and happy-my oldest daughter had a son-so I'm a grandpa now, as if I didn't feel old enough already. I'm glad things are going well for you and you've found happiness-may it continue as long as you live, my friend.

      All the best, T.C

  3. You were here. So was I. Ah well-life's a wheel after all, eh?

  4. So-it's been a year. What have you all been up to?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DwhitetheGamer


      Welcome back. How are you?

    3. Thunderchild


      Glad to be amongst friends once again. And yourself?

    4. DwhitetheGamer


      Doing good here, thank you.

  5. Hey-the banner looks great. Just in time for spring.

    1. Intenzifier


      Hehe yup! I love spring and flower and thank you I'm glad you like the banner.

  6. So, I just binge-watched the first 9 episodes of season 4. I now remember why I love this show so much.

    1. Creamy Arty
    2. Thunderchild


      I finally understand the Flutterbat references.

  7. So, I loved the movie Commando when I was a kid-saw it today in a bargain bin and bought it-God, what a turd. I couldn't sit through more than half.

  8. So glad that spring is finally here. Long winter here in the mountains.

    1. NothingIsEverything


      I don't mind spring, but I don't like the sun. I want more rainy days. C:

    2. Deano


      Yay! Spring fun! Have you wrapped up winter? XD *hugs*

    3. Thunderchild


      @Nectar: Yup-got it all wrapped up. It'd be easier with Unicorn power though. *hugs back*

      @NIE: Not a fan of rain myself-although it does make the flowers grow. I love to see the little green shoots coming up-everything coming to life again.

  9. Ah-a fellow Brit, and an older one to boot. I wondered when I saw some of your retorts on status updates. Greetings from one wrinklier than thou.

    1. VitalSpark


      There seem to be a fair number of Brits on here, though most of them teens and 20s I think.

    2. Thunderchild


      I suppose technically I'm an ex pat as i now live in the U.S, however I was born in London lo these many years ago.

  10. So-I find out you're back through a Brohoof. Good to see you again, old friend.

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      And I also realized the same, nice to meet you agaih older friend, I had to leave due to personal confrontations, but now with a job and better mentality, I'm back alive, kicking, and hoping to meet new friends


      How about you?

    2. Thunderchild


      Ah-busy. I don't get on here much these days, occasionally post a couple of things. All is well, just limited time for socializing.

  11. Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

    1. Miles


      "That'll do, pig."

      - Babe.

    2. Thunderchild


      You know you're ugly when it comes to a group picture and they hand you the camera.

  12. Babel. You write well. I'll read more when I have time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      That just made me feel alot better about myself. Thanks!


      And when you finish C7, tell me what you think. I'm curious to see how people feel about that one.

    3. Thunderchild


      You got it. Can't promise it will be soon-I'm running around a lot atm, but I'll get to it.

    4. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      Gotcha. And thank you. You have no idea how helpful feedback is.

  13. Many happy returns of the day, old stick!

    1. Miles


      Thanks ^_^

      It's so weird to think, I'm not a "teenager" anymore.

    2. Thunderchild


      I haven't been a teenager for 24 years!

    3. Miles


      And there's no shame in that. You're just all the wiser.


  14. That has to be the cutest av on the forums right now. Huge fan of A.J.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thunderchild


      Well, if my vote has any weight you should keep her for a while. She's beautiful.

    3. Miles


      Well guess what!? Check out my profile page now...

      Eeyup, that way, I can still change my avatar on my birthday, but the one I have now will be on my profile. Which, btw, I should mention, the avatar I have now is one of my most favorite pics of AJ ever.

    4. Thunderchild


      Nice! Whoever the artist was, they caught her beautifully in that pic. Big fan.

  15. Many happy returns of the day, old stick.

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      I'm not *that* old; I'm just old enough. :P


      And thank you!

  16. Many happy returns of the day, me old china!

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Thanks! Had a rather good day, I'd say. ^^

  17. You seem articulate and well read, thus I have added you as a friend. Hopefully this meets with your approval.

    1. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      You seem to have good taste. I accept you as a new friend =D

  18. Many happy returns of the day, fellow wrinkly! May your days be long upon the earth, O hyperborean wanderer.

    1. Wingnut


      Thank you, TC. And no matter how old I get, you will always be a tad older. :3

  19. Hey-I just took the personality test you talk about in your profile-apparently I'm an ITNJ. We seem to share some common interests, thus I have added you as a friend. Hope to see you around.

    1. Miles


      Hi Thunderchild. That's wonderful! Back when I was in high school I had thought of myself as INTJ, but I have since realized I wasn't answering completely with the full truth on some questions. Thus, in college, I now know I am an INFJ.

    2. Thunderchild


      This stuff's interesting-and can be useful in directing toward a particular career path, however our sensibilities change as we get older. I'm sure my score would have been significantly different when I was in college.

  20. Hey-thanks for the friend add. Pleased to meet you!

  21. I enjoy what you post-thus I have added you as a friend. Hopefully this meets with your approval.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Thunderchild


      It's good to know I'm not the only one who plays it a bit close to the vest where the show's concerned. I've tried to explain to people here that, as you get older you'll find that the things that make you happy are a bit fewer and further between-thus when you find something like MLP it's tough seeing it dragged through the mud by idiots. It's like casting your pearls before swine in a lot of ways.

    3. Thunderchild


      Anyhow, I've got to get off for the night-Great talking with you man, we'll do it again soon :)

    4. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      I completely agree. Goodnight, my friend, and hopefully we can another thoughtful chat soon.

  22. Hey-thanks for the friend add. Pleased to meet you!

  23. Not sure if we were friends or not-you seem like someone who's friendly tho-so, hey.

  24. Hey-thanks for the friend add. Pleased to meet you!

    1. Rye_B_P


      You too! Perhaps we can learn a lot from each other.

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