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You know, I'd love to make the Renegadeverse into a comic book. BUT here's why I can't make my characters into comics...it's harder than it looks.
1) I'd need to find an artist (or probably several) who can emulate the artstyles of those periods. (ex. Curt Swan for Infinite, Jack Kirby for Ishtar, etc.)
2) I'd need to put out these books monthly. I would probably break down from the stress of needing to write 8 scripts (one for each solo book, and a script for the Victory Legion team book) simultaneously.
3) No one's gonna wanna buy a 24-page comic at a $1.95 price...or 8 24-page comics at a $15 dollar or so price, if someone wants to buy them all at once.
So I've officially named the Lois Lane and Lana Lang counterparts in Infinite's stories - Presley Prescott (yes, Presley is a girl's name, look it up) and Giselle "Gigi" Gibson, respectively.
Something I plan to play with in regards to the Renegadeverse (owing to the semi-metafictional nature of the setting and its idea of analyzing and reconstructing Golden and Silver Age comic tropes) is the idea of "status quo is god"; while on the whole the status quo doesn't itself change, small changes will occur for the characters over time.
OK, so you know how I wanted to have the Lois Lane analogue for Infinite be named after either @The Wife of Rengokuor @Emerald Heart, with the former winning out so to speak? Well, I'm gonna make it up to Emerald by essentially making her the Lana Lang of Infinite's supporting cast - close friend and love interest of said hero (and therefore rival to the Lois analogue). Flighty, passionate and sweet, but with a dry, sarcastic edge.
Yup, it works.
Hey, guys? What'd be a good name for my Superman analogue's home city? I personally like the name "Cosmopolis", but then again that might be too on the nose. *ooks at Alan Moore's Supreme with "Omegalopolis" like I'm one to talk*
Greetings fellow comics fan and metalhead!
Have I ever told you that you're an awesome friend and that I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything in the world?
OK, can I just say that Supreme is Alan Moore's best work?
Like....it is miles better than Watchmen and it's a shame that Alan Moore's "reconstruction" era isn't as influential as his early dark work.
Hey, thanks for accepting my friend request, hun!
I've thought about doing an RP thread set in my superhero universe; it'd be pretty freeform with no set plot, just following various heroes and possibly villains as they go on various adventures.
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Like, for example, say I want to have my review of 1963 by Alan Moore be between you and I (I'm not trying or intending to make this a proposition; besides, I know you're not a Marvel fan, and while I know that definitively applies to the MCU, I'm unsure if that'd apply to the '60s Marvel comics that this series is pastiching). The review would be us switching back and forth and giving our opinions.
Tempted to name Infinite's (my Superman-esque character) Lois Lane analogue after either @Emerald Heartor @The Wife of Rengoku), and I'm already gonna name his Jimmy Olsen analogue after @HawkbitAlpha.
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Guessing "Venny" is an analouge for "Emmy?"
@Emerald HeartI was referring to @The Wife of Rengoku(aka Venomous).
Ah! Okay, that makes more sense.
I already have an idea for what my first comic review will be: 1963 by Alan Moore.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for the Silver Age.
So, i've started reading 1963 by Alan Moore. it's the PERFECT encapsulation of the Silver Age (my favorite era of comics). Seriously, check it out.