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Rebel the Wolfgirl

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Everything posted by Rebel the Wolfgirl

  1. You know, I'd love to make the Renegadeverse into a comic book. BUT here's why I can't make my characters into comics...it's harder than it looks.

    1) I'd need to find an artist (or probably several) who can emulate the artstyles of those periods. (ex. Curt Swan for Infinite, Jack Kirby for Ishtar, etc.)

    2) I'd need to put out these books monthly. I would probably break down from the stress of needing to write 8 scripts (one for each solo book, and a script for the Victory Legion team book) simultaneously.

    3) No one's gonna wanna buy a 24-page comic at a $1.95 price...or 8 24-page comics at a $15 dollar or so price, if someone wants to buy them all at once.

  2. So I've officially named the Lois Lane and Lana Lang counterparts in Infinite's stories - Presley Prescott (yes, Presley is a girl's name, look it up) and Giselle "Gigi" Gibson, respectively.

  3. Something I plan to play with in regards to the Renegadeverse (owing to the semi-metafictional nature of the setting and its idea of analyzing and reconstructing Golden and Silver Age comic tropes) is the idea of "status quo is god"; while on the whole the status quo doesn't itself change, small changes will occur for the characters over time.



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      :wacko: ... Just about any phrase can be made funny if you end it with "in my pants".

    2. TheRockARooster
  5. Hey, y'all. So, I'm planning on doing an open, freeform RP set in my original superhero universe (known as the Renegadeverse), and I'm looking for players. So, before I get into the nitty-gritty of the setting itself, let me get into the (relatively few) rules here: RULES OF THE ROLEPLAY, AS RELATED BY RIP-ROARIN' RENEGADE 1. No godmodding - "godmodding", is in short, controlling another person's character. YOU control your own characters, got it? 2. Tonally, this RP is attempting to mimic the comic books of the 1930s-60s; this means no foul language ("minced oaths" such as darn are perfectly fine, however), excessive violence, etc. If you're not sure if your posts are suitable for the roleplay, don't hesitate to ask - we're all here to have fun. 3. PLEASE no OP characters - if you're playing a superhero (which is very likely to be the case), ensure your powers are reasonable but also don't forget to be creative with them. On that note, you don't even have to play a superhero (or even human) if you don't want to. The comics of the Golden and Silver Ages had all sorts of characters ranging from superheroes and secret agents to everyday teenagers and aliens. 4. While this is a freeform RP and I don't expect a certain number of posts every day or something like that, please let people know if you can't post or don't want to RP anymore. No one likes hanging storylines. ------------------ Overall Premise for the Setting Taking heavy inspiration from Alan Moore’s miniseries 1963 as well as his classic 22-issue run on Supreme and Gary Carlson’s Big Bang Comics, the “Renegadeverse” as it is collectively known is a throwback to the Golden and Silver Age of comics in all their fun and oftentimes cheesy (and sometimes cosmic-spanning) glory. Alien invasions from Jupiter, mad scientists, eldritch horrors of the deep, and more - if you can imagine it, it’s here. Although set in the deliberately-nebulous "present day", the United States (the primary setting of the Renegadeverse) in terms of popular culture and fashions is perpetually stuck in the 1950s-early/mid 1960s - in trope terms, this makes the setting a "retro universe" and thankfully averts all the uncomfortable social norms of the decades in question. There are seven major heroes (or antiheroes in two cases): The Infinite (think this setting's Superman), Aquaria the Wrath of Hydra (think Namor mixed with Batman and given a Cthulhu Mythos twist), Ishtar (think Thor as seen in the 1960s, with a dash of Hawkgirl and-at least appearancewise-Wonder Woman), Lettuce the Penguin (think Howard the Duck, albeit with the exact opposite temperament: happy and chill instead of angry and bitter), Eisheth (think Ghost Rider or perhaps Spawn), Infinigirl (think Supergirl, obviously), and Marvelous (think a composite of Shazam and the Flash) The Infinite: Aquaria: Ishtar: Lettuce: Eisheth: Infinigirl: Marvelous: ------------ STARTING LOCATIONS I figure that the RP's characters, whoever they are, will need a place to start; so why not have them start at, or near, the home cities of the major heroes?: Novopolis, Ohio: home to the Infinite, alias Joe Carter (and his daughter Josie, alias Infinigirl). Founded in the early 1900s as a testament to the wonders of modern technology and progressivism, Novopolis has grown to be one of the largest cities in the USA and certainly lives up to its promises as a city of tomorrow. Providence, Rhode Island: in contrast to the almost-utopian retrofuturism of Novopolis, Providence is a grimy and rather dark city that hasn't seemed to left the 1930s. There also a sense of dread that seems to permeate the place, almost as if you're being watched by...things...in the ocean nearby. New York City, New York: The City That Never Sleeps and home to Ishtar, alias Marlene Babylon, who works at the Museum of Natural History. San Francisco: Known amongst the superhero community as the "Weirdness Capital of the World", namely because of its local "primary" hero Lettuce the Penguin, who works at the K-MRX television station as host of a children's television show. Detroit, Michigan: while not Eisheth's proper home base (that would be the village of Hilland Lake), it's in the same general area. Philidelphia, Pennsylvania: while also not Marvelous' proper home base (that would be New Hope), the capital of the United States in the Renegadeverse is part of his general area of patrol. ------------ CHARACTER SHEET NAME: SUPERHERO ALIAS (if your character isn't a superhero, skip this): SUPERPOWERS (if your character isn't a superhero, skip this) SPECIES (if nonhuman)/ETHNICITY (if human): APPEARANCE: COSTUME (if superhero): PERSONALITY: BACKSTORY: OTHER STUFF:
  6. OK, so you know how I wanted to have the Lois Lane analogue for Infinite be named after either @The Wife of Rengokuor @Emerald Heart, with the former winning out so to speak? Well, I'm gonna make it up to Emerald by essentially making her the Lana Lang of Infinite's supporting cast - close friend and love interest of said hero (and therefore rival to the Lois analogue). Flighty, passionate and sweet, but with a dry, sarcastic edge.


    Yup, it works.

  8. Hey, guys? What'd be a good name for my Superman analogue's home city? I personally like the name "Cosmopolis", but then again that might be too on the nose. *ooks at Alan Moore's Supreme with "Omegalopolis" like I'm one to talk*

  9. Greetings fellow comics fan and metalhead!

    1. Clawdeen


      Hey! Greetings to you as well!

  10. tmw you want a catgirl waifu bad

  11. Have I ever told you that you're an awesome friend and that I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything in the world?

    1. Emerald Heart

      Emerald Heart

      I may have heard you say that once or twice...

      Thanks! And also, back atchya!

  12. OK, can I just say that Supreme is Alan Moore's best work?

    Like....it is miles better than Watchmen and it's a shame that Alan Moore's "reconstruction" era isn't as influential as his early dark work.

  13. Hey, thanks for accepting my friend request, hun!

    1. cuteycindyhoney


      You're very welcome!

    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      I've been reading a lot of Golden/Silver Age comics (and pastiches thereof).

  14. I've thought about doing an RP thread set in my superhero universe; it'd be pretty freeform with no set plot, just following various heroes and possibly villains as they go on various adventures.

  15. ohai

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Here No Longer
    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Like, for example, say I want to have my review of 1963 by Alan Moore be between you and I (I'm not trying or intending to make this a proposition; besides, I know you're not a Marvel fan, and while I know that definitively applies to the MCU, I'm unsure if that'd apply to the '60s Marvel comics that this series is pastiching). The review would be us switching back and forth and giving our opinions.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I don't really have the biggest interest in comics in general and yeah as you said particularly not Marvel comics... I also have my own things going on as well like I'm in the process of designing my own game, but at this point I'm at a roadblock...

  16. Tempted to name Infinite's (my Superman-esque character) Lois Lane analogue after either @Emerald Heartor @The Wife of Rengoku), and I'm already gonna name his Jimmy Olsen analogue after @HawkbitAlpha.

  17. I already have an idea for what my first comic review will be: 1963 by Alan Moore.

    What can I say? I'm a sucker for the Silver Age.

  18. I think I'm gonna start doing comic reviews.

  19. So, i've started reading 1963 by Alan Moore. it's the PERFECT encapsulation of the Silver Age (my favorite era of comics). Seriously, check it out.

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