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Everything posted by Level3rd

  1. Remember that feeling you got when you turned on your playstation, and it would lag at the PS logo? Man, I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Or realising that you can open your disc cover while playing, and you can still play the game? The PS1 was my first console, thats as far back as I remember. Frogger, Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, man.
  2. I can dig this, you did a pretty good job on the first one, I like this! Interested to see what you do with the second one. Though I will say, watch your audio levels. The difference between your loud and soft sounds is extremely dramatic. There were sounds so loud that I had to remove my headphones. Be careful with that. I'm studying music production and audio mixing and mastering, if you ever have any questions about it, gimmie a shout!
  3. My Skype name, "Beef_Curtains13" one hundred characters dash ok 321 go and we're off because my space bar is broken ok maybe not
  4. Today is your birthday

  5. I suppose I'm part of the problem, but I'm going to see the movie with another member of the MLP forums. We'll be taking our Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy plushies as well. I am 21 and he is 19. I think we'll fit in just fine, don't you?
  6. Hey buddy, welcome home! If I had to choose a mane 6 pony I would choose rarity. Hands down, rarity is the classiest, most extravagant pony. #1 favorite would be Lyra though.
  7. Is there a difference between Nazi and Extremist Bronies? Seems like they would be the same thing no? Watermelon Banana fruitcake
  8. Hmmm, I agree with this. There is way too much of that going on, that's the real limit of extremism. I suppose just showing your love/appreciation for the show in extreme WAYS, doesn't make you extremist. It's when you start crossing the line of civility.
  9. No, you are not an Extremist Brony. I am an Extremist Brony. Look what I've done to my DJ mixer case https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-8_LYhlUgmvI/UYGQvN1pK7I/AAAAAAAACEM/-BdWUibdDYM/w1151-h863-no/13+-+1 https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-DmrGIju4Xs4/UHE2G_sloZI/AAAAAAAABoM/SpdGfVKMWx0/w1151-h863-no/IMG186.jpg Think that's bad? Look what I've done to my car! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/558179_10150946028766906_1466417505_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/564504_10150946028841906_1254364643_n.jpg https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/283706_10150946028876906_127909730_n.jpg https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/600033_10150946028931906_1932473945_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/311659_10150946028981906_1928330626_n.jpg I get a lot of funny looks, but still the occasional horn honk and air-brohoof out the window
  10. I'm going with another brony here in New York, If you're nearby you're totally welcome to join. They're out on Long Island. Banana
  11. I'm currently living in New York, Manhattan. Unless anyone is nearby, I think I'm going alone. Character fill because waffles
  12. I guess I'll join in on this. Just changed my skype name recently, so you might have to try both if the first one doesn't work. Try these: Level3rd Beef_Curtains13 There is a MLP skype group? Where??? Point me the General direction of aforementioned skype group. Must type so many characters.
  13. Now, if there were any pegasisters in Alberta, then I'd be able to relate to finding one I'd like to spend time with. Sadly though, I have only run into bronies thus far.
  14. Thank you guys for the warm welcome! That's really cool of you guys So you like dubstep and drum and bass? I just finished a dubstep/drum 'N bass track the other day, maybe you'd like to hear it as well? I've got some additional music down in Octavias hall! (I'm assuming that's the proper place to put it?
  15. Canada + 1 China -1 Australia: 56 Brazil: 49 Canada: 57 China: 46 France: 64 Germany: 34 Ireland: 49 Japan: 52 México: 56 Poland: 46 Russia: 50 Spain: 34 Sweden: 55 United Kingdom: 51 USA: 50
  16. For having a unique drawing style that I haven't come across before, and I look forward to seeing again!
  17. That texture really is the icing on the cake. I actually really like the texture you've applied, mixed in with the non-smooth lines of twilights body. I'm not a visual artist, so I can't think of the proper words, but I can definitely appreciate this!
  18. I'm 21 years of age, and I am not too old for this fandom. My dad still strongly dis-agrees with it, and my mother thinks I have a homosexual streak in me now, and my cousin constantly makes fun of me, but all of that just fuels the fire. Except for when they ask me if I'm "Still watching little girl cartoons". I hate explaining it to them because they just don't understand.
  19. I couldn't really do a big huge climax, I was trying to stay as close to the format of the original song as I could. As much as I would have loved to do that! It's hard to be heard with only 10 subscribers (hence I am here now), but your feedback just made it all worth it. Thank you tons!
  20. I've uploaded a DnB track just a few minutes ago, go check the Fan Music boards! You might like it.
  21. Coconeru allowed me to do a remix of one of his tracks, Divided We Stand. This happened. Really looking for some feedback, how did I do?
  22. Hiya folks! Just thought I'd drop a line, I'm an electronic music student studying in New York, hoping to be able to bring you some tunes in the up-coming years. If you want to hear what I'll be posting, you can find my latest track here I know "Smile Smile Smile" is old, but I still enjoy it, so that's what that is. Looking forward to chatting with you guys! Level3rd
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