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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Ampharos

  1. Honestly I don't watch MLP anymore or even participate in the community but I really do miss the good ole roleplaying days

  2. Oh hey this is a thing still

  3. Soooooo... Who watched/is watching Sense8?

  4. *rolls by in a stampede of tumbleweeds*

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I am picturing either a western theme or a town getting bit by a dust storm. :P

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Hit* Though I suppose it still makes sense.

  5. Listen kiddies. If/when you have children of your own, I highly recommend this: Please, for the love of Gandhi, don't name your kid Christian. Seriously. I'm not saying this because I hate Christians or whatever, but rather I'm saying this because they just might not end up following that faith, and it's going to be real awkward for them if that's the case. It's not even that nice sounding of a name in the first place TL;DR My name sucks and is inconvenient.
  6. Holy crap, these latest episodes for Flash and Arrow were tippy toppers

  7. *tumbleweed rolls by profile*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mars


      *gets hit by tumbleweed* wow

      dumb tumbleweed

    3. Ampharos


      Aw darn, the tumbleweeds got out again... Sorry bout that.

    4. mars


      i say we attack the tumbleweed! *picks up sword* We can not let this menace continue!

  8. Must. Have. DJ. Sona.

    1. Plume


      Doooo itttttt

  9. Monty Oum has been someone I looked up to for quite some time. His creative mind was so admirable, and he did not deserve what happened. Monty did so many incredible things in his life, and I'm now going to make sure I don't waste the life I'm privileged to have.

  10. I actually really need to learn other positions. Leona is pretty much the only champion I'm comfortable with. I'm a garbage adc, but I'm going to try getting better at mid and top, because I know at some point I'm going to run into another support main or Leona's going to be picked by the other team. Anyone have any recommendations for starting mid/top laners?
  11. Guys. Guys. Kalista and Leona work so god damn well together it's ridiculous. My friend and I have played that lane several times and we have a 100% winrate. Leona's passive and Kalista's w passive work really well together, as well as both ults. Kalista ults me in, I ult, then stun the adc again, all while Kal is just hammering away at the adc. Of course, I'm also hitting them, so Kal's w passive is chunking them down. And there's the sunlight debuff as well. Double kills all day. I swear it's broken. Story Time: We were in a pretty close game and the enemy team was going for drag. Both of our ults were up and we were on the other side of the pit. He ults me, I go in, knock up the team, ult the dragon while they're knocked up, and get it. It was the happiest moment of my life. Oh and also, I won my first ranked game ever yesterday. Honestly I played the worst Leona I've played in a while, but for some reason I got a gold Rengar on my team and he wrecked. I was able to kind of get back into things later into the game, but I'm still ashamed of myself for my awful early game.
  12. Sorry to the people I'm 1x1 RPing with. "My Content" is down right now and I don't really feel too up to digging for our RPs. I'll post once "My Content" is back up.

  13. The beautiful warm colors were drowned out by the deep red that still clouded Pat's vision. Normally when this happened to her, she would be able to calm herself down because either she went to see Van, or knew she could get to him if she really had to. Just the thought that he could be there for her usually soothed Pat, but not this time. This time, she didn't know where he was. She couldn't get to him. He couldn't get to her. There was no one to comfort her, and this made Pat's condition only worse. Van was supposed to meet up with Pat for dinner, but Pat hadn't the slightest idea where this place was, or where Van's apartment was. This was awful... Absolutely awful... Oh, she was hyperventilating now. This wasn't good. Any shop, or sign, or light that was red caused her to panic even more. She just needed to find something else... Something to contrast... Something to take her mind off of it... Pat looked around frantically, but couldn't see anything. She looked in just about every direction, but had yet to look down. Once she did, though, her breathing almost instantly slowed down. It was her jacket. The cool, blue jacket that had been a gift from Vanice. The bright blue instantly drowned out the dark and terrible red. Her breath rate quickly returned to normal, and she practically collapsed against a nearby wall. She was panting still, despite her normal breathing, but she was quickly calmed down. Pat was getting a lot of looks from the people around her, so she she tried to compose herself quickly, putting on a smile and forcing herself to laugh. "Hehe, phew! That takes quite a bit outta ya... Welp, time ta keep movin'! Adventure awaits!" she cheered, only gaining herself more looks. But she didn't care at this point. Now was the time to discover! To explore! To ADVENTURE! After she figured out where she was, that is. The smells were even more intoxicating than before, meaning she must have been around a lot of restaurants, but she didn't think the one Van wanted to rendezvous at was around this area, or as extravagant as some of the ones here were. She wasn't really too keen on asking a random native for help, so what was she going to do?
  14. Tenshi ni Fureta makes mi cri evertim

    1. Ampharos


      *Tenshi ni Fureta yo

  15. Your Lie in April is gonna be the death of me.

  16. K-On!! was so good! Still surprised a show like that had such an emotional final episode... Welp, time for the extra episodes and movie!

  17. I know, sorry I'll try and see if I can squeeze in a post tomorrow.
  18. Sorry guys! Just been real busy lately :/ Haven't had time for RPing at all.
  19. I think my top two ships are Yuiazu and Mugi x Ritsu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeryFox
    3. CheeryFox
    4. Ampharos


      Huh, meant to put "top two K-On!" ships there. Woops, lol.


      And yes, Ritsu XD

  20. K-On!! is my guiltiest guilty pleasure

  21. Just watched the latest episode of Your Lie in Apri. Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.l

  22. Ash nodded his head, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I rarely fly around, so I'm just not used to it I suppose. Sorry to have to bring you down, no pun intended," he replied, glancing down for anything in the area. "Not really. The only places I care about in this city are shops that sell tools and parts, and the eateries. I assume you don't want to help me carry dozens of pounds of scrap metal back to my shop, but I also don't know if you're already hungry. Sorry I'm not the best guide..."
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