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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Fox

  1. Go to bed man. It's better to get a goodnight's rest.
  2. A gay squirrel with the power to stuff it's cheeks with nuts.
  3. Fox

    Happy B-Day pink horse.

  4. I know you mean well. It's a weird world out there. Everyone wants to be respected the same or differently. It's all a mess really, haha. *whispers*
  5. I am aware of how people wish to be addressed. Your insight is polite and kind. However, it's ridiculous if someone wants to be addressed differently. If you are a friend; you are a bro. They probably either have identity problems or are probably narcissistic. Maybe they just don't understand the concept of being a bro. I'm all about putting one and one together. Not separating each other. We need more love and less hate.
  6. MLP Forums is a region which has many bronies. I also find Youtube is polluted with them sometimes.
  7. I think it's pretty cool mang, good job!
  8. If Sergi was to participate in the other thread, do you think Sergi would have said yes, or no?
  9. Goku is the hero of Earth. Goku deserves to be either ponified in show or at least have a golden statue of him somewhere important.
  10. I'm not looking forward to updating splatoon like 200x just for stuff that should have be implemented in the game already.
  11. @@Count Paradox, I told you the game is unfinished piece of crap. Thankfully online functions well.
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