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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Nomadic

  1. I've just realised that I'm terrible at making dialogue for my OC's in any roleplay I'm in.

  2. @@MagicalStarRain Monkshood didn't take notice of the pegasus mare that had just approached him, but instead just relaxed in spot slowly nursing his drink. Though she still approached him, and apparently wanted to know why he was here. Unfazed by the question, he took a small sip as he savoured the flavours of the mixture before putting down his cup. His head shifted from his cup to towards the pegasus as he began looking over her with a quizzical glance. There was nothing out of the ordinary or inherently dangerous looking about this one. Sighing, he opened his mouth to speak. "Indeed, I am here for the job. If only to sate my current curiosity".
  3. Well it's 4:15 I think it might be time for bed. Good Night everypony.

  4. @@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @ Denarius enjoyed playing the fool, when the setting dictated it of course, but did not appreciate being made the fool. He felt anger overwhelm his sense of fear, yet gritted his teeth. This was not the place to start a fight, and his words would suffice for now. "Oh, forgive me for not believing that something as servile and lowly as a changeling drone would have enough autonomy to decide to tag along with a group of ponies. Clearly, the brevity and wit of the changelings is beyond compare", he snarled at the drone. Turning away from the changeling, Denarius heard a weakened voice speak up to him. He shifted his stare downwards. It appeared to be the maimed unicorn speaking to him. Still angry at the changeling, he tried to calm down enough to speak with this pony. Taking a few deep breaths in, he opened his mouth hoping his voice would have a slightly calmer ring to it. "Excuse me, I don't believe we've been properly introduced to each other yet. You apparently know me, but who are you", trying to sound as cordial as possible to this one.
  5. Happy New Years from Western Canada everypony.

  6. Monkshood wandered through the streets of Ponyville. His saddlebags rattled and clinked within the night breeze as he thought about how good the crispness of the wind felt on his fur. It reminded him of his travels, and the wilderness surrounding the towns he oft visited. Normally, he would be looking for shelter from the encroaching night at around this time, but a business prospect beckoned. Tilting his head, he stopped for a minute, and pulled a dirt smeared piece of parchment out of one of his saddlebags. It described a quest to find a mysterious scroll said to grant anypony a single wish. In addition, it said for him, and whoever else, to meet up at small coffee shop in town if interested. Monkshood sighed as he thought back to the night he had arrived in Ponyville, a couple days back. He had just checked in to the local inn, when a small envelope, containing the note, slid underneath his door. He been in town for nary a few hours, yet apparently he had already caught the attention of somepony. Normally, such expeditions were generally out of his purview, but business had been much too slow for him lately. Monkshood scanned the street looking for the coffee shop that the letter described. He soon found it, though looked like it was getting ready to shut down for the night. Regardless, he trotted up to the entrance and opened the door. It appeared that a few other ponies had already arrived. They were chatting it up, but he couldn't stand to introduce himself currently. Instead, he ignored them and walked up to the counter. "Could I get a cup of hot water" Monkshood paused for a moment as he turned his head, and grabbed a small pouch out of his bag. The pouch gave off a sweet spiced aroma. "Also could I get this mixed into it", he told the employee in a dull tone. The worker was clearly not impressed, but complied anyway. Taking his drink, he found a spot at the table. It was distanced far enough away from anypony else for his own comfort.
  7. I just realised most of my updates generally involve me wanting coffee. *Sigh*

  8. Thanks a lot, truth be told I'm actually giggling a little at your reaction. Thank you again, you just made my day.
  9. I would love to see with what you do with my main OC, Monkshood. There is a link to him down in my signature. Also for the inverted Keystone, why not call him Padlock?
  10. @ His face contorted into a mix of conflicting emotions at the sight of Tactic's sudden transformation. What was once him had shifted into the blacken insectile form of a changeling. Denarius backed away slowly in terror from the entity's cackling visage, yet his mind was telling him to run. Where would he even run if he was to? Into the darkest depths of some unknown cavern, or outside until he succumbed to ice. Denarius continually stared at the grinning figure unsure what to do. His head so full of conflicting thoughts and feelings. Anger, fear, intrigue, and pride all of these ideas had converged into a single symbol in-front of him. He shakily trotted forward trying to regain the ground, he had lost due to his sudden outburst of fear. Approaching the figure, he tried to give a grin, yet his mouth would not let him on this occasion. Denarius muttered "You're a changeling aren't you?". He wasn't really looking for an answer, but he just needed to hear the words come from his mouth to reassure himself.
  11. I like the smug reassured look your OC has on him, and the distorted background surrounding him. Overall, it's rather good 9/10.
  12. ARGH, lunatic mode on Fire Emblem Awakening is so frustrating.

  13. I swear half of the time when I'm typing up something it reads like I got transported here from the 1890's.

  14. @@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @ He had no intention of letting Tactic get the best of him, despite how accurate Tactic's quip about other ponies may of been. Denarius pushed his uneasiness aside and smirked. "Why would I ever disapprove of you copying me? If something should ever happen to me your the one who's going to inherit all of my debts, and all of the animosity directed towards me. In fact, I might point some debt-collectors in your direction just so I can watch your reaction". He half-heartedly chuckled as he began to pace back and forth in front of his doppelganger. "It's rather funny you seem to only want to intimidate me, but let's be honest your more intimidated of yourself than I am of you". He glared into Tactic's eyes. Hoping that this bluff would pay off for him
  15. Greetings hu-mans, I am Nomadic…the omniscient. I have come from far across the omniverse. You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of coffee… Black! You have five Earth minutes. Make it perfect!

    1. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      I have no coffee! Not at this time of the day!

  16. Depending on what you want, probably metal, but I do have some suggestions. Oh yeah, I will also post some videos at the bottom at each little section. Diablo Swing Orchestra these guys really blow me away. They're classified as metal, yet they often incorporate elements of jazz and swing into their music. This consequently give them a sound that I haven't really heard any where else. If your interested in them I would suggest either starting on either their first or third albums. Devin Townsend very rarely do I see metal artists blend humour with seriousness and almost manic glee in a way similar to Devin. Originally part of the band Strapping Young Lad, he really hit his stride when he broke away from the band and started making his own music. A lot is more experimental, and can frequently leave the realms of metal. If you want to see the more light-hearted and humorous side of his work might I suggest the album Ziltoid the Omniscient, listen to it in track order if you do choose it. Granted if you choose the more serious side, I would suggest either Infinity or Ocean Machine: Biomech.
  17. Nomadic

    I may be leaving

    Whilst it is always sad to see someone announce that they're leaving the forums, yet I can see your reasoning and justification behind such actions. I'm going to make this short, but I hope the best of success for you. Have fun, and hopefully I might see you on again one day. For now though, Have fun and see you later. -Nomadic
  18. Going to bed. Night everypony!!!

  19. @@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @ Denarius backed away as the cavern and Tactic glowed with the flickering green light of some bizarre magic. Within an instant, or so it seemed, Tactic had emerged from this magic's embrace as something different. He had emerged as Denarius. This had to be a trick of some sort. He re-approached what was now his doppelganger. "You're me", Denarius sputtered. His voice was clearly in a state of both bewilderment and awe. With haste, he began circling around the doppelganger looking for any imperfection. There was none. This was eerily uncanny, yet Denarius would not let some second-rate charlatan get the better of him. "I must admit Tactic your trick is most amusing, and I can't blame you for wanting to look like me. I guess with you around I would never again need a mirror. Instead, I can just look at you whenever I need to see my handsome mane and muzzle", he told Tactic with a slight sharpness attached to his voice that soon dissipated.
  20. @ Thanks for letting me know. I actually just updated his page with a picture, and some references, that showed a better contrast between the hooves and fur, so now you don't have to worry about it. Not to sound redundant but thanks again.
  21. @@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @ Denarius got up, and stretched his legs. Grabbing his now slightly torn cloak off the floor beside him, he put it on. Though it was dry from the flame's heat, it had acquired the distinct smell of camp-fire smoke overnight. Not the most pleasant odour, but he had little choice unless he wished to freeze later. Tactic exclaimed about something across the cave. Curious, from what little Denarius had seen of Tactic, he didn't seem like the kind of pegasus to be rattled by much. Regardless, it was probably just mundane problem that had caught him by surprise. Though, it would be enjoyable to question him about it anyway. Denarius' mouth curled in an almost sly smile as he found a rest near the pegasus and the wounded unicorn. Looking down a unicorn, Denrius noticed how it still looked in a rather unstable state. The unicorn could be questioned later anyways, Denarius still wanted to know more about the others first. "You seem a little rattled there. Are you alright? Maybe your just finding out that you can't keep a poker face on forever", Denarius told Tactic with a slight chuckle. "Actually", Denarius paused as his expression grew wider. "I'm curious on what would somepony, so mundane, like yourself gain from travelling with, what appears to be, such an eclectic group of wanderers"?
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