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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. Happy Godzilla day :love: . 70th birthday that is.



    Also to* my grandpa  :coco:.

    1. Mothra


      Sounds to me like your grandpa might just be godzilla ;)

    2. DubWolf


      That it did :wacko: .

  2. Finished playing the trombone. Did a mix of long tones, slurs, scales, arpeggios, and a few etudes I once played. I do feel some of that muscle coming back, though comfortably getting that higher range is going to take a minute.
  3. My bad, I forgot that C on trumpet is my B flat :wacko: . D would be 1 and 3 indeed :adorkable:. Doesn’t make sense to me why they have to be named differently.

  4. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Had enough to think about, but then I had one extra thing added. Why did I send that.... one stupid video blocked crucial context...
  5. How am I feeling? Time to drink.
  6. Insanely overdue and over owed.

  7. Just wish I could get a hand. A really good one, not more "sympathies and best wishes".

  8. Frustrated. Waited all weekend to finally try out the new throttle quadrant for my flight sim, and in the end it just cost me hours of frustration trying to setup and calibrate the stupid thing, only for me to give up in the end and ruin my original settings. Really considering returning it now instead if the calibration is going to be that hard to replicate (every time inconsistent results).
  9. When you want to feel nostalgic.

    Were the 2000s that long ago? I don’t specifically remember this song then (most of the earliest songs I remember were 90s and 80s songs my parents played), but I certainly can relate to it, somehow.

    1. Tacodidra


      I remember seeing this video often as a kid... :awed: In MTV's last days as a music channel. :adorkable:

  10. Played on my trombone using the mute I purchased, so I didn't feel too bad playing this late, especially when I hadn't played for so long. Got a decent workout sticking to the fundamentals. Getting that down is always fun. Avoided playing too high and took a few breaks while I browsed on the internet in between.
  11. Bought another throttle quadrant for my flight simulator, so now I can directly control 2 engines separately. Was on the edge for a while and it was discounted off. Decided to buy it the moment I had trouble toggling between engines during startup. Only concern is this particular quadrant (Saitek) has occasional issues with the "potentiometers" (the part that takes lever deflection and outputs this to the sim), so I'll have to be careful using each.
  12. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    One mustn’t tempt the Lord, but sometimes you just really wish you know he’s listening and then feel helped.
  13. Spoiler

    Was looking forward to finally getting off work and starting my time off, until 1 trouble and a **ing comment had to bring me down.


    I'm so f**ing tired. I wish I could be done from this stupid job already. I don't belong here. I'm only haven't degraded my position because I WANT to get out sooner. I deserve better like all my peers and thereafter keep surpassing me. I wish this was already wayyyyyyyyy behind me, because I definitely don't want to think about what time does wayyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of me...

    This is going to turn me agnostic sooner or later.


  14. Could use some major “ups” in life.

  15. Tired. I don’t want to go to sleep because that means tomorrow will come sooner and I’ll be tired again.
  16. If a child goes missing, how on earth does nobody else ask any questions??? The school, other relatives… that alone is enough. 19 years??? Society is sad.

  17. Everybody knows my favorite emote is wacko . I've also liked since the time it was actually :comeatus: .
  18. I want a Cadance Burger.

  19. I’m aware . But they will for a fact, eventually leave Saturn ringless. Well beyond the perceivable future.
  20. Now in the future they won't just "disappear"; they'll have ceased to exist. But, supposedly that won't be the case until about 300 million years from now.
  21. And won't reappear until.. wow. 2032. That's a looong time. I was able to see it for the first time I believe almost 2 years ago. Gee it's been that long? I'm lucky I had/have that chance before they aren't visible. Though I have to imagine you'll somewhat be able to see them (barely) as a thin line. Are they the most invisible starting 2025? Or is that when they "set"? Are they already hard to see now? Guess I have to find out lol.
  22. It’s only a factor if I can’t fall asleep, but that would likely be due to my mind being under too much deep thought, or my bed ain’t comfy. I can sleep with a snorer usually well. It’s a low pitched noise.
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