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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Thinking if my stupid email address is blocking emails from would be employers. It accepted the company emails while applying (like uploading resume), but what about … anything else related?? My email has been blocking indiscriminately several senders for no reason, despite there not being anything on the block list. I don’t know…. I should transition. I should have but I shouldn’t have to. All those changes. Should only be deflecting previous subscribed emails, not new senders.
  2. Purchased Logitech's Saitek Throttle Quadrant. Was able to calibrate it so now it works as intended. Taped it to the top of my desk as the clamp is too short. Works nicely. May get a second one to practice engine-outs in a twin, but two would really take up some real estate. Will have to really think about it.
  3. Spoiler

    Goodness there’s no way out.


    I’m fine but very frustrated.


  4. Spoiler

    Just wish it would be my turn already… I have waited long enough x10.


  5. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Ordered something online and was offered a later delivery date while reducing emissions by 70%. Said no, and now while I’m reading all this about the Earth’s carbon cycle and whatnot, I feel a little bit guilty :U (also noting 2100 could be a critical year if we keep it up). I’ll reconsider next time if I don’t really need something that quick. I know about climate change but I tend not to be crazy on micromanaging.
  6. "A bit of MLPForums trivia: I did not originally have the name Snow, I asked an admin to steal it from an inactive account.
    The perfect crime! :ph3ar:"

    HMMMMM identity theft :orly:? How long have you been "Snow" for :wacko: ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DubWolf


      Hmmmm, what were you before :wacko: ?

      Yes, plenty of times. I have a loooong history of name changes though not as often lately.

    3. DubWolf


      Oh dang you can't see the name history anymore. Darn.

    4. Snow


      That can forever remain a mystery oooooOOOooooooooo

      Yeah I noticed that too, apparently it was a side effect of the forums being updated or something.

  7. The day I'm off the dang leaf-blowers have to be on duty??? Ugh. Hate that howling noise..

  8. Spoiler

    And once the ball starts rolling if it ever does, it’ll still be a looooong time before it makes any appreciable difference. It won’t just happen in an instant.


  9. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I want growth, and growth that leads somewhere, not this crap that has lead nowhere for years. Instead... I now have two of them.
  10. Top Gunner is horribly inaccurate aviation wise, and common sense wise.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snow


      Aye some scenes are kinda cringe aerospace wise and also some of the lovey dovey stuff I'm no fan haha

      Its been so darn long since I watched either movie I cant remember such details :jazz-hooves-please:

    3. DubWolf


      Like even the fake airline isn’t original! Just the scheme Boeing used on their 747-8I…. And they put it on a 747-200!

      Also where did the mountains come from, and how did those Migs get that close to US airspace without NORAD getting alarmed way in advance?

      Or the fact that you can absolutely land a plane heavy, or how the pilots choose to fly right by the altitude that will arm the bomb, and it takes like a minute to figure out “oh yeah he meant 1300”. :stressed:. I mean I guess obstacles.

    4. Snow


      :jazz-hooves-please: Ah, the world of mass appeal movies.


  11. "Raindrops are falling on my head. And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed. Nothing seems to fit. Those, raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling. So I just did..."

    1. Octavian


      I immediately sang this in my head :)

  12. Can you feel the love tonight by Elton John. Yes, especially because Lion King. Return to Innocence by Enigma.. that'd be pretty too. I guess I could go on lol. Tom Speight's "Willow Tree" would be kind too.
  13. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    iPhone's "Daybreak" ringtone is no doubt quite pretty. Used it a few times in the morning than that really annoying other one (trill? I forget). But makes me feel like I lost something. "Another day has past" kind of vibe. It's the chord-type and also association. Otherwise it's really well-done.
  14. Hmm, you do ? It's actually the first ever "Godzilla" movie I watched so I don't not care for it. Just that I realized later on "wellll that's not exactly Godzilla-Godzilla". Poor film gets hit hard by critics and some fans alike. Hahah, the way he moves his heads around looks reaaaaally goofy ! You're gonna get dizzy! I get it's to make him look more savage, destroying anything and everywhere in its path indiscriminately. I've seen 1985 (84?). I liked it as well. The design does look intimidating which is why I wanted to watch it. Certainly those others I've heard are good.
  15. Good Godzilla plot . Obviously the effects are outdated but, seeing the city's background covered in flames with Godzilla standing overhead is one heck of a shot. That classic roar... Which others would you recommend? Thought about watching Ghidorah: The 3-headed monster. What are your thoughts on 1998 ???
  16. Godzilla (1954). Yup, the first one. Couldn't not watch the one film that started it all for this long. Can't say it wowed me like Godzilla Minus One (certainly didn't hit hard on those feels!), but it's definitely worth a watch if you're into Godzilla.
  17. You don’t mean the Mothra do you :wacko: ?


    1. Mothra


      Sure do! I need to sit down and watch a bunch of kaiju movies at some point but Mothra has always been one of my fave designs

    2. DubWolf


      Indeed! Have you seen the most recent movies by Legendary? There’s a couple of appearances she makes.

      Godzilla Minus One is an excellent movie. Recommend that one (minus color is better). If you want more classic I personally liked the Return of Godzilla (1984). Been telling myself to watch some classics. Maybe Ghidorah the 3-headed monster… or heck, the original!

      Though I admit a lot are a bit…. Cheesy..

    3. Mothra


      I've been putting off the more recent ones since king kong isn't my kind of thing (though I have seen the 2014 Godzilla movie by Legendary which was...something lol) but I'll definitely give them a chance at some point. I've had both Shin Godzilla and Minus One on my list ever since they released, as for the older ones I wouldn't even know where to begin! So any recommendations are welcome, even if they can be cheesy at times

  18. "When you're ripe with devastation there's a simple explanation, you're a toymaker's creation, trapped inside a silver ball!"



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DubWolf


      It’s an adjective :wacko: .

    3. Mothra


      Love the old fandom songs, this is a classic

    4. DubWolf


      Its fanon but yes, classic :D 

  19. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Lately been thinking about other opportunities for me that are distant but still there. A change for once though they are still expensive and out there. Also the debate lol. I like when I’m not thinking about reality lol.
  20. “Remember.”



  21. Also doing research, there’s apparently also a “Pisces-Cetus supercluster complex” (a galaxy filament), so I think you’re short one parent structure .
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