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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I still feel like I didn’t get the whole story :/ . If I screwed up or have been screwing up I’m sorry…
  2. Batty for batts eh?

    me ttoo!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DubWolf


      I'll keep it local; Mexican free-tailed bats!

    3. Iforgotmybrain


      Excellent choice! Love the new pfp btw.

    4. DubWolf


      Thanks! Was wanting to change it a little

  3. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    That hole’s not getting filled for a really long time. And I know a “long time”.
  4. When you recognize the movie references from a show, that you can see where the movie is going :laugh:

  5. Wow, 2000 guests. Is that right?

    All of of you: make an account and join!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      Ah that makes things slightly better, thank you. :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. DubWolf


      That feels disturbing now...unless they are pony bots!

      Still, would be nice for those few real visitors would come.

      Also can't the website block these bots? I get prompted sometimes before entering a site.

    4. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      @DubWolf these bots are mostly harmless. They are reading and indexing pages for search providers so you could google the forum pages later.

      In addition it's hard to identify if single request of page from new address was from bot or real person without account.

  6. I doubt they'll call me back, but all one can do is hope.

    I put in a good amount of work tonight, so if even that's not good enough, screw them. Whatever happens.... I hope it comes to a satisfying point in the end. Preferably sooner than later. I'm already in the later... the way later...

    1. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      It’s tough when you’ve put in so much effort and are left waiting, wondering if it’ll pay off. You’ve given your best and that’s something to be proud of, no matter the outcome. I know it’s hard to be patient, especially when it feels like the clock’s been ticking forever. Sometimes, the right things just take time to fall into place. Whatever happens, you deserve a resolution that brings you peace and if they don’t see the value in what you’ve done, that’s on them - not you. Keep holding onto that hope, because you never know when things might turn around.

    2. Tacodidra


      *hugs* I hope it goes well, my friend! :kindness:

  7. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I've had a lot of friendships as a result of this show come and go, via association. I doubt I'd be better off without it. Heck, this show has been a good third of my life, even if I don't actively talk about it very much anymore. The forums, ponytown, deviantart, etc. Wish I could keep all the good ones indefinitely, but some of them have faded or ended.

    1. Tacodidra


      A classic! I really wish they still made music like this. :rarity:

  9. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Ups. Where are the ups?
  10. I hope something big can start from these ashes…or finishes.

    1. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      I have no idea what it's about but I believe in you ^•^

    2. Mightyena


      Like a Phoenix right? I'm a Phoenix, you can always start over.

  11. Pride month was 2 months ago :ooh: . Time to get with the times and update the flag:orly: .




    You could hold the Connecticut flag in all seriousness :ooh: .

    1. Mightyena


      I have a monogamy flag flying on my porch, I'm seen as a non religious Muslim or something because I'm an alternative Christian with a traditional lifestyle xD


    2. Envy


      I would have changed it long before now, but unfortunately it's on my desktop which I haven't had access to since before June ended with my move. It's been bothering me too... Wayback Machine is here to save the day, as it has my original avatar. So I will go change it now!

  12. ooo doggo pokermoner

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mightyena


      I collect the dog Pokemon, I collect figurines in general, I have a custom Mightyena coming and a whole set of lucarios


    3. Mightyena
    4. DubWolf


      So many doggos :yay: . Mightyena is top tier.

  13. Will there be a Godzilla: Minus Two :laugh:!

    ”When you thought things couldn’t any worse!”

    Also the movie is better without color.

  14. Godzilla Minus One. Wow. Excellent movie.
  15. *plays chess ai level 1*

    Ok, I can't foolsmate him. Maybe not the easiest mode.

    *plays chess ai level 8*

    Definitely can't foolsmate him either. Must be the hardest.

    *plays chess ai level 1 again*

    I THOUGHT this was supposed to be the weakest mode????

  16. Ate a steak Monster from Freebirds. Maybe next time I'll eat my 2nd ever supermonster (last one was 12 years ago) .
  17. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    HAH! I have been training for that instructor certificate for 3 years. Probably 10x longer than the average entry-level instructor.... It's very multifaceted against me. It's not just me. I'm fine. This industry does poorly to help those at the bottom, cost and experience wise. Instead it puts up a pretty high barrier to entry in the form of limited jobs (because of high experience required) and still high requirements for those "low-time" jobs, thanks to insurance. I'm just asking for a job flying that tiny little 4-seater around like I have been for the past few hundred hours for starters. It's not a jet!! That shouldn't be unreasonable!! "Pilot shortage" my butt.
  18. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I enjoy that very much, no doubt. Annoying however I have to pay for that. Plenty of people who have started just a year or two ago are being paid to fly. One class over is earning extremely well to fly the fun stuff. I started training 7 years ago and counting. Seven. Way overdue and way above average. Would love if I had something else to compensate for that shortcoming. Another good job, no debts, the girl of my life, respect, God, have none of that. I haven’t received what I feel I should have earned already.
  19. Versus today yeah. Those were mostly good times. It had its challenges but I always had something to look forward to, I could see the rewards of my efforts in due time, I felt like I had a second home there with my band friends. Now? lol… dust.
  20. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Wish I had that "something" in life.
  21. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I wish I was like everybody else in my field among my peers: done.
  22. It’s WWolf, but now the W is replaced with “dub”, as in “dubya”.
  23. No not really. Too many people not here long enough.
  24. Paint in your dreams . And post in your sta.sh .
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