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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. I'm not an insomniac, but I do most of my brony activities at night in the safety of my room. Usually I'll stay up to 3AM surfing the web (usually ponies), but I'll occasionally go up to 4... but I better sleep after that since I'm sure some of my family will be waking up in an hour before getting up! I had a dream last night that I was in Io with a few ponies (I think one of the cutie mark crusaders was one of them)... I can't remember the rest lol.
  2. Yeah , I'm sure it would be really comforting to have her wrap her wings around us if we were in need of a friend. Wing wraps for the win!
  3. Hinata (Naruto) against Fluttershy would be an interesting...erm.... battle...if there is a battle.. Ya know cause they're pretty shy characters?
  4. Definitely Pinkie Pie...not that I would ever break down and cry of course! I mean, just looking at her bounce up and down in your signature makes me want to do the same a little bit!
  5. Here are my thoughts: Rainbow Dash: Elec Guitar/trumet Twilight Sparkle: English Horn Pinkie Pie: Trombone!... "you know?... hua hua!" Fluttershy: Piccolo... if that's ok with you Apple Jack: Battery set Rarity: Piano An English horn is similar to an oboe and is not the French horn made by an English man!
  6. So basically, Pinkie Pie is a selfish good-fer-nothin mare that will only use Big Mac for her own nefarious giant-dessert-carrying nefarious purposes >=O!! Haha, kiddin, Pinkie Pie is almost best pony.
  7. Here are the comments for my top 4 favorite Q&As: 1.) More Derpy? -I hope the writers haven't been afraid to put Ditzy up close after the "Last Roundup" incident. 2.) Episode centered on Derpy? -My preference is that if a background character gets an episode, that she/he is at least with one of the mane 6. 4.) Scootaloo an orphan? -I'd like to know more about our favorite filly. 10.) More Pinkamena? -Cupcakes? @Scoots' episode: Can she not fly for some other reason than her filly-sized wings?
  8. Pinkie Pie and Big Mac? Eeenope, maybe Big Mac and Cheerilee, considering they were walking together in the background in one of the episodes. Has Pinkie Pie even said one word to Big Mac in any episode?
  9. When there's something down, in your Everfree forest... who you gonna call? GHOST, BUSTERS! After all, we wouldn't want Fluffle Puff to lose her companion, would we?
  10. They told me I could be anything, so I became Google Chrome!
  11. Spongebob: Do you know what's better than 24? Patrick: What? Spongebob: Twenny-fiiiive.. *hnnngngngn* 25
  12. Then again, couldn't everything we know of only be a delusional fantasy *thematrix*? The story is fiction, so there's nothing restricting the story from saying that there is a filly named Dashie in that box .
  13. DubWolf

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Heard plenty of neins last June lol... I win...wait...what was the point of that?
  14. 3 This is my favorite number!
  15. I'm surprised this forum doesn't yet have a count to a million game. The forum I've used to visit quite often is up to 74000ish, and that was about five years ago.These first few posts you make will be history when we reach a million! Make them worthy. We're now on Facebook! Also check our channel. CTAM FM And a radio ? http://ctam.caster.fm One thing to know: -If you are for any reason unable to access the forums again, make an account on DeviantArt, or a website where you could talk to a counter so you don't become unreachable. . My DeviantArt name is WinginWolf. -Speed-posting is fine. -The number must appear in the post or if posting pictures, the picture must have something that represents the number (i.e., three fingers to represent a 3 is fine) or if the name of something in the picture represents that number. Otherwise, the url of the image must be posted in addition. Current Top Poster: , with 48087 posts. Last recorded June 12, 2015. Estimated date of completion: 2097 (84 years) As of 08/27/13, post 455 Estimated date of completion: 2112 (99 years) As of 10/27/13, post 2078 EDOC: 2031* (17 years) As of 04/28/14, post 49663 EDOC: 2018-2020 (4-6 years) As of 12/05/14, post 216733 EDOC: 2019-2021 (4-6 years) As of 06/12/15, post 301919 EDOC: 2113 :C CURRENT SPEED: 1000 posts per 63 days Last edited: May 2, 2018 The last time I logged the speed (December), it was also at 1000 posts per 2-3 days. I do feel like we're slightly slowing down though. Also, there is no 20 character limit in this forum, so posting the number is just fine. It's a game forum; the post count won't increase, so you can be as random and blunt as you'd like! One rule I should mention: During times of high activity, it is very likely you will be ninja'd and will have to go through the frustration of editing your post to the correct number. If you are on mobile, this becomes even more frustrating because you might "fat-finger" a lot and have to keep backspacing until you hit the right numbers, not to mention folks before you may have the incorrect number and you can't see the post # to tell you where you are. There fore, you are not required to edit your post if you are within 10 numbers, plus or minus of the correct number (don't be posting the incorrect number on purpose though : . I guess it should be 10 numbers below the actual since most people probably won't anticipate a ninja. I say 10 and not 5 because some people have long posts sometimes. And to be honest, even if your number is more than 10 numbers off, I wouldn't care xD. The key is to try to post the right number! Here are some milestones reached in the count to a million game throughout the years months: (actually it’s been years now . As of 2019 Gonna go ahead and add this milestone too (surprised I didn’t have it logged). We’ve been at 400K for a while... over 3 years! It’s been our slowest 100K... not so many regulars like before. Edited 12/28/2019 Oh, and I think I should quote these to humor you: You may be asking what on earth is a partial palindrome, or any palindrome in general (well you wouldn't ask the latter to me because that's what Google is for!). WEll, here is a list of the many types of palindromes you may encounter while counting (this is "Wolfian Nomenclature"): And this here is Seyeth's nomenclature: Click Here I also like to say "hrmm" a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPuqwWHt7l0&index=3&list=FLyecNwVO81lmhSVQYXePA4A Count away!! Oh. And 1 . Can't believe there was never a 1 until now (I think the date of the 1 was 2016-2017, to give you an idea how long we went without a 1 ).
  16. I think for me, it is scary that I am not scared of certain things that I should be. It's like not being afraid of jumping off the Empire State Building even though you know you will most definitely be killed when you hit the bottom..
  17. Of course I believe in aliens. This universe is way too bucking big for us to be the only life forms to exist. Although we must remember that life is a coincidence of many factors, such as... 1.) The age of the star that a planet revolves around. If the star is too massive, it will burn out much faster, unabling life to get any chance to evolve to a superior species that we can communicate with. 2.) ...I forget, just use Drake's Equation! Maybe these aliens could be an equestrian society of ponies that live in harmony together!...in a galaxy far far away (or in the Milky Way lol).
  18. If you want a sequel, this one is really good. I really like the mystery that pops up in the middle. Well I wouldn't want to spoil anything, here ya go: But pay attention or you might get lost with who's narrating. Also skip the FAQ after the 12th chapter. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5284/my-little-dashie-a-sequel
  19. 1.) No but the ending did leave whatshisname stranded, which is sad 2.) I wouldn't call them jerks, but the narrator had been with Dashie for over fifteen years. To suddenly loose all he has left is pretty terrible, but Dashie had already been great friends with the mane 5 for a long time though she has forgotten. Maybe letting her stay would have been the better option? After all, I'm sure many people give up their pets to people who actually love them more than the previous owners, so why not Dashie? 3.) Did Finding Nemo have a sequel? Sometimes the best stories are best left cut off from a potential sequel. But Most fanfics have good sequels (and bad ones). I found this one (haven't looked at it yet): http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5284/my-little-dashie-a-sequel 4.) My favorite pony? The mane 6 aren't really tied strongly with Derpy, so it wouldn't make much sense to include her.
  20. By focus I mean at least being up close. Lyra had a small speaking role during A Canterlot Wedding as one of Cadence's best mares (or whatever you call it). As for Vinyl, we've seen her jammin as a DJ to say the least.
  21. This episode was hard to watch, even though we all knew that the Crystal Empire was going to somehow win the Equestria Games anyways. Everytime the actual game commissioner would get into trouble, the tension kept building up until the end, when it was terminated because of her conversation with erm.. the green pony.
  22. Well it would probably something that is like that of my OC since I've always had an interest in astronomy, not to mention I always look forward to getting to fly. Although it could be a bass clef considering I'm impressive on the trombone. I wouldn't do crossovers considering most ponies who realize what their special talent is get their cutie mark instantaneously, so unless I was flying in space while playing the trombone, I doubt I'd get a crossover .
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