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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. Glad to see interest hasn't died down.
  2. To be honest, I don't see this type of behavior anywhere except youtube comments. And that's... well, that's youtube. Irrational behavior and hyperbole is the standard over there. And it's disgusting to see arguments such as you've described go on there. I'd LOVE to see a psychological study on why many youtube commenters, for all outward appearances, seem to be the dumbest bolts this planet has to offer. I swear, the moment most people begin to type a comment into youtube, their IQ drops like Scootaloo trying to fly.
  3. My USB controller is busted, or I'd be interested. I'm quite adept at playing emulated games with a keyboard, but that's a bit loud, and my microphone tends to pick up the clicking of the keys a bit. I record videos like that with my friend Cleveland Rock all the time, only usually he plays by himself while I watch and give commentary. One video he and I recorded ended up getting over 10k views. Of course, the one video where I start ranting and raving like a madman would be the one that the internet picks up on.
  4. I wasn't responding to your post. And I do agree with what you say about the questionable content being visible to so many people who may not be looking for it. But that's a different issue entirely from what I was talking about. Edit: Ah, I see what you were saying in your post now. Took me a few reads. I'm slow like that, lol. The problem with love and tolerance, as I said before, is that it has it's limits. The slaughtering of children should never be tolerated or loved, for example. But should republicans, democrats, communists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. all have their beliefs tolerated? Of course, provided their actions are not destructive and do not restrict the freedoms of others. The "love" aspect of the phrase is a bit redundant, because one of the most loving things you can do for someone is to tolerate and attempt to understand them. Hating and ridiculing would be a horrible thing for anyone to practice in their day-to-day life, though. Hatred begets more hatred, which leads to general unpleasantness all around. And while it is true that you are more likely to change someone's opinion by ridiculing them than by pointing out the errors in their way of thinking, ridicule is still a dirty and hateful practice. We should strive to back as far away from these actions as we possibly can, although there will probably always be times when they are necessary. In a perfect world, no one would need to fight back, because there would be no one to throw the first punch. But that punch was thrown long ago. Now all we can do is try to heal each other's wounds, and do our best to not let old hatreds and destructive tendencies rise up again.
  5. I'm a pretty big brony, but that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of the show and fandom that disappoint me. The show: - Needs moar Applejack. - Cutie Mark Crusaders have a lot of episodes that fail to deliver. - Show can't decide on the level of technology in Equestria. The fanbase: - Needs to learn to ignore the aspects of the fandom they don't care for (such as the rule 34). - Needs to stop caring how "bronies" are seen by other people. - Needs to stop outright insulting brony artists and musicians who work their hardest to deliver free art and music to the fandom. - Some people act as if liking ponies is a religion, where everyone should act and think the same; this hive-mind mentality is dangerous. - Love and tolerance is a good ideal, but there are limits. Once an act infringes upon the rights of others, it can no longer be loved or tolerated. - Not everything under the sun is related to ponies; if you thought the Meet the Pyro update was a shout-out to bronies and argued in youtube comments to defend that position, you deserve to be shot-out of a cannon.
  6. Pretty sure this is the greatest possible thing. Put any mp3 into it, and it turns it into a dubstep song. http://the.wubmachine.com/

    1. letterone


      I'm currently waiting to hear my drum and bass remix of Ken Ashcorp's "Theme of the G".

    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      First thing I put in was the song I wrote for Nightmare Moon. This is what I got: https://www.box.com/s/b0842b5a3dff6a632c8d

    3. letterone


      I plopped Our Lady Peace's "One Man Army" in there. My ears. They burn. I'll put it up on YouTube in a couple minutes.

  7. I love Super Mario Sunshine. Hands down my favorite 3D Mario game. The sense of scale and whole-ness it exudes is mesmorizing.

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Nothing beats abusing the FLUDD to reach the high point of a zone, looking off into the distance, and seeing an entirely different zone off in the distance.

  8. A simple prompt, really. What were you listening to when you were in high school? Or if you're still in high school, what have you been listening to? High school seems to be about the time when we all begin to solidify our opinions on musical genres, and maybe find some of the bands and artists that we will follow for the rest of our lives. But there's still plenty of changing and growing to do for a high schooler, and that applies to their tastes in music as well. Many of our favorite songs and bands from yesteryear have fallen off of our mp3 players, for various reasons. So let's take a trip down memory lane. First, a few suggestions. Pick no more than two bands/artists/songs per post If possible, post a video of your favorite song by that band/artist Explain how you started listening to them, why you liked them, etc. Answer the following: Do you still listen to this? If not, explain why. I'll give an example. --- Band: Linkin Park http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYU-8IFcDPw Linkin Park was one of the first bands I discovered in high school. Prior to high school, my musical tastes were focused squarely on video game music; specifically, the Sonic Adventure series. In fact, the first time I ever heard a Linkin Park song was in an animated fan video for that same blue hedgehog. That song was “Numb”, and it was pretty cool. But it wasn't until I heard “Faint” play in a different video that I realized it was a band worth listening to. They were just an aggressive, loud band. And up till then, I hadn't heard anything like them. For the first time, they opened my eyes to the possibility that good music could exist in the mainstream, and not just in a video game. Do I still listen to them? Very rarely. I still think their early music is good, especially their first album, but their style changed a lot with their third album. Nothing they did really grabbed my attention after that. Nowadays if I want to listen to a band that mixes rock with rap, I have other options that I head to first. --- Now share yours!
  9. I still think the games peaked at Worms 2, due to the huge level of customization that game had. Armageddon is considered by most people to be the best more because of the mod community that surrounds it, rather than because of the small number of additions it added to the Worms 2 formula when it was first released. Worms World Party wasn't bad, but it really didn't add anything at all except the Worm Pot, which oversimplified customization and was more detrimental than interesting. Up until Worms Reloaded for the PC, there really hadn't been a worthwhile 2D Worms game. To me, that game got the classic feeling back. It's not really any better than Worms 2 or Armageddon, but it is super simple to play on a modern computer, which is something that can't be said about Worms 2 through Armageddon (I have tried everything possible to get Armageddon and World Party to run on my laptop, to no avail).
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtHEMV56lx4 I've been playing Worms games since I was 10 or 11, when my mother randomly picked up Worms 2 for a dollar at Toys R Us. It was the first online multiplayer game that I ever played, and I was addicted to it. I made it a goal of my life to introduce everyone I knew to this wonderful little series. The series has many sequels these days, of the 2D and 3D variety, and on consoles as well as PC. But for my money, there's no better way to play Worms than from a sideways perspective with a mouse and keyboard. The current 2D Worms PC title is "Worms Reloaded", which can be found on Steam for $19.99, and is well worth the price of admission for one of the most polished Worms games in recent times. If you don't have it yet, you really should look into it. It's a blast. And a new Worms game is looming on the horizon, Worms Revolution, which will not only be the first 2.5D Worms game, but is also the first game Worms creator Andy Davidson has worked on since the fan-favorite "Worms Armageddon" (not to be confused with the 2009 XBLA game Worms 2: Armageddon). I can't wait to get my hands on this game when it comes out in September. I'm a very rusty player, but if you ever wanna go against me on "Reloaded", my steam username is "legendary_emerald" on steam.
  11. My favorite Pillar song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8vBgarugCg
  12. Heard this song played live at an "Acquire the Fire" concert, back when I was still in a youth group. This band blew Skillet out of the water that day; I'm guessing Skillet just might not be a very good live band, because I've heard good studio tracks of theirs since.
  13. There's a plethora of "me-too" christian bands that just try to emulate successful mainstream bands, which give the sub-genre a bad name. But not all bands are content to just write throw away tunes that most christian radio stations will play regardless of quality. Musical talent is musical talent, and should be respected regardless of content matter. Christian alternative music is really no different than Pony fan music. It takes familiar genres and styles, and applies them to a nontraditional subject. If the music is good enough, you can enjoy it regardless of your interest in the subject matter, but the people who are close to the subject at hand are probably going to get a lot more out of it. Also, another song I love. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KubgMDSMXfI
  14. I'm an atheist, and I still love this song. That's how much it rocks.
  15. I wrote the single worst pony song many, many months ago. The title was "My Little Anus". For your safety, I will not be posting the lyrics.
  16. Anypony have Worms Reloaded on Steam?

  17. Why do you get a bed all to yourself?
  18. Streaming "The Big Lebowski" in a few minutes! Yes, that Big Lebowski, who's cast cameod as ponies in an episode of MLP! Join the fun! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cleveland-rock-live

    1. Legendary Emerald
    2. Gone for good

      Gone for good

      awww man, if I didn't have little kids around I would totally join. Love that movie.

  19. Anypony not a part of this should get in on the fun: http://thirtyminuteponies.tumblr.com/

  20. Just found out I won't have enough money for my next college semester. Life is going to hit a dead end unless I somehow make a thousand dollars or so within this month, basically...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      If anyone wants to commission an EQD featured writer and screenwriter, with money up front, message me. I'm already involved in one animation project, but I can easily do things for other people on the side.

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      You know what, I should really just create a thread for this subject... brb.

    4. Strife


      If only you could make plushies ... the market for show-accurate ones just rakes in the cash.

  21. I didn't omit anything, because what you've brought up doesn't effect anything. Who is Spike surrounded by at pretty much all times? Ponies. So of course he would say "everypony", especially since he grew up around such terminology. In "Dragon Quest", we didn't see Spike go up to his fellow dragons and ask "hey everypony, what's up?" He just called them "guys", if I remember correctly. The use of "anypony" or "anybody" has less to do with the species of the person saying the word, and more to do with whom they are surrounded by. Anyways, that's just my explanation, and it probably won't work in every case identified in the show simply because many uses of "anybody" as opposed to "anypony" could have been mistakes on the writers'/voice actor's part.
  22. "Anypony" is a bit discriminatory, so it's understandable that when around other species, "anypony" would be substituted with "anybody". After all, it's not like the word "body" doesn't exist in the Equestrian dictionary.
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