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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by 123

  1. Oh wow. It's been eons since I've been here. I kinda wanted to start another RP but I feel like I'm too old for that even though I'm only months older than I was since the last time I did it.

  2. I started live-streaming art.

  3. Hey remember that argument I got into with you months back about Mr. Enter. I take it all back. Took me time realize he's absolutely pretentious and thinks anger equates to humor. Which is a flawed view on humor. You sir, are a much more talented critic.

  4. You know, I'm kinda getting sick of going to YouTube and seeing someone post some kind of comment that makes fun of bronies and then some idiot responds with "Well I'M a brony and that isn't true! I'm offended!" For crying out loud, some people just can't take a prodding or joke. It gives us all a bad name.

    1. Lonk Chase

      Lonk Chase


      *hooves slapping on the keyboard*

  5. I'm beginning to enjoy stress. Seems to make me a bit more effective.

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Stress is actually healthy within certain parameters c: It's when it becomes self destructive that it becomes a problem.

  6. Ever typed an argument in a forum, had it all ready, then deleted it in fear of the backlash and rebuttal it potentially could cause?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadAccount
    3. Gloomfury


      No. I put effort into my arguments to say the right things to get at them. But I some times dread the bitching of the mods saying "We don't do that here! Everything is about sunshine and friendship. That means nothing from the real world!"

    4. ShadOBabe


      Totally. Usually when I realize that I'm arguing on an MLP forum with people I will never meet and have no influence on my life when I COULD be having fun drawing or playing a video game or something.

  7. I like Fallout Equestria, I like it so much that I've even taken up doing fallout equestria PnP. However, am I the only person on the entire planet that finds the fanfiction far from flawless and perhaps even a bit "overrated"? It's too long, can be a bit too pretentious at some moments and I'm only on the 21st chapter and I'm considering giving it up. For the most part I've been enjoying it but really I'm starting to find it less and less enjoyable, I almost w...

    1. 123


      want it to end. It isn't high art, people. It's not on the same level as lord of the flies. But I bet some hardcore FoE worshopper is gonna say I just "dont understand it" or, "just bear with it, its soooo worth it." It's had really good moments, but I feel like I must be missing something because everyone seems to think it's the greatest piece of literature ever written and really, it isn't.

    1. Randimaxis


      A lightbulb with a thought bubble in it - would that work?

  8. I'm wondering, does my character's cutie mark look too complex? I mean you cant really interpret it that easily. Maybe i should make it a question mark instead because i ask alot of questions

  9. Sometime's physics blows my mind.

  10. Aw dang it! It's almost my second-favorite holiday and I haven't finished lucid's Mad Father costume drawing! I really need to learn to get faster at drawing if i want to do commissions one day....

  11. I'm considering a Roleplay on here to kill time, but it would have to be something I could see through to the end. Furthermore I have a bunch of ideas but I dont know how people would like them.

  12. I just hate car commercials. I mean, I get advertising is almost everything to get business; but really, how often do you find yourself buying a 15-30 thousand dollar car!

    1. DeadAccount


      Lol xD I see your point in there though.

  13. My neighbor had a horse that just had a foal!

  14. I am not worthy of love.

  15. I hate people who think that death threats are a legitimate way of handling problems.

  16. Bored. Wish i could talk to someone.

    1. DeadAccount


      If you want to talk, here or on Skype, that is fine with me ^^

    2. DeadAccount


      If so, my skype is twilightaqua

  17. Any requests for pony drawings? Got some new pens!!!

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      Me, I'll Pm you the details

    2. DeadAccount


      Nice I will send you a PM! ^^

  18. Agent 47, Phoenix Wright, George Washington, Cartman, Nostalgia Critic, Shrek and Markiplayer for Super Smash Bros 8: Ultimate Turbo HD Remix Remastered Game of the Year Edtion. Yeah, if only we didn't have copyright.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 123


      Just random characters. Dont you know them though?

    3. 123


      And one is a historical figure.

    4. 碇 シンジン
  19. Wish I had someone to play TF2 with

    1. P-Jay


      i would play, but it says my 3D3 device wont work.



  20. I've been hearing rumors about Fallout 4 tossing skill points entirely. I'm concerned they'll just use a skyrim system because it just isn't good for a fallout game. I'm open to new stuff but also I must say.... Is this going to change the fallout equestria PnP system? XD

  21. I love the dear hearts and gentle people, Who live and love in my home town

  22. *opens steam* OH MY WORD SKULL GIRLS IS ON SALE! *screams and runs around happily*

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That is going to be my immediate reaction once I see the Binding of Isaac rebirth on the Xbox Store. Uber squee.

    2. DeadAccount
    3. 123


      I want to play against anyone who has the game once I do some practice.

  23. I'm considering a video game collaboration project, but should I really do it? I've only taken some game design classes, watched extra credits and read some of the library's books on game design. I have made a couple platformers (that totally stink). I don't want to crash and burn but I also dont want to walk away from a good idea.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      What game be about?

    3. J.R.


      Cool! :D I'm gonna enter IB!

    4. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      That sounds nice.

      Have fun making that.

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