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Everything posted by LunaShy

  1. my bad im stupid lolz
  2. there are no food or misc tags
  3. Do you like sushi and what do you like i recently decided to give it a shot and it was awesome!
  4. LunaShy

    gaming Max Payne 3

    They did it so well too it seems like something that sounds teriible but its actually great!
  5. Starting to get irtable and hatefull with no no ponies for a while aarrrrg

  6. LunaShy

    gaming Max Payne 3

    So has anypony checked it out? In my opinion this is a great game. I have played about 5 Online matches and can already say this is my multiplayer game for the next few months. Also the story is great, i am about half way through and have enjoyed it very much. If your looking for the must have Rockstar Game: This is it. Rockstar started putting multiplayer in GTA then red dead, and i was not really the biggest fan. The multiplayer seemed just not so well thought out but they now have finally done it. If your still playing Gears, Halo, MW than you may wanna give this at least a rent if not an outright buy Well another day in and my feelings are the same, this game is GREAT! Has anypony else got it? What do u think of it
  7. Bullet time B*****s!

  8. ME3- so far game of the year, and you can expect it to be around during the award season Duke Nukem- "Why?" Let me tell ya: This game was being made for like 15 years and the truth is that this would have been a great Xbox/ Ps2 game or even a good budget current gen game( Think about $30 at launch.) The only reason this game was released was so that all that effort didnt go to waste. I understand that this was a bomb but expect to see Duke again before 2014 Assasins: So far i am about 6 hours into Bhood and havnt played revelations and so far im agreeing with you. So far in brotherhood you could have put AC2 on the box and disk and i would see no difference, i am hoping this gets better. Also you can put money on AC3 being good or Great
  9. Finished fullmetal alchemist. Damn never thought it would be sooooo good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LunaShy


      original now starting bhood

    3. PaperBagWizard


      hope you like it, if i remember correctly it more closely follows the manga :)

    4. Evilshy


      Brotherhood is a lot closer to the manga, yes. And the manga was/is amazing.

  10. Changed my mind imma give it a try 8 more days
  11. Cant wait for coop bloodbath fiesta!
  12. Tropicthunder and the hangover i mean what the fuck am i supposed to be laughing at?!
  13. Do you love me, do you hate me do you wanna belive me? Do you think that you dont need me do you wanna decieve me? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZobdNXT0Za0&feature=plcp

    1. Bugz


      Tankian is very talented. But he is at hes best when he is with SOAD :)

    2. LunaShy


      Tankian is my generations John lennon, Morello is my generations hendrix. I can take him with soad or without, he also writes beautifull poetry

  14. This sight needs more batman

    1. Proctra Music

      Proctra Music

      Needs moar cowbell.

  15. Stupid. Yet another game made for people who can afford to keep their PC's running with the best technoligy. Bethesda DONT WASTE YOUR TIME I WANT FALLOUT 4!!!!!
  16. nah i cant stand that stuff it just seems boring and really meant for PC
  17. Nah it feels so off and im refering to the accuracy but i played halo and halo alone from when halo launched untill halo 2 came out. I understand some people not noticing those things but i was thinking about how terrible the soundtrack was and my buddy got on and started playing with me for about 5 min. when he goes- " What the fuck happened to the music" hahahah spot on bman spot on
  18. i voted but i cant believe back to the future/ toy story are wining
  19. not to defend him too much but i kinda feel like cea was a waste of time i hated the redone soundtrack and it felt like the hit accuracy was off when you had the new graphics on. I did enjoy getting nerdpoints though and it was ok once u take off soundtrack and new graphics
  20. LunaShy

    gaming Fable Hero's

    So anypony check it out yet? I have played for about 6 hours so far and am LOVING it. Very fable meets castle crashers. I would give it a 9 out of 10 and am looking forwrd to the ability to transfer my gold to fable: the journey. If u have any ?'s about this game hit me up!
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