So you do not accept the fact that america has killed thousands of innocent civillians? Or is it that its not ok for a game that has the killing of civies? If thats your problem than im guessing that you dont like a whole lot of games
Dont forget that EA also canceled Medal of honors taliban multiplayer team too
Why does no one ever mention the fact that you are an American that is killing innocents in order to hopefully stop a world war during this level?
Well its your right to not buy these games because of your beliefs, but it is against the first ammendment to call for bans on these items
I who was 12 when the shootings happened and lived very near by columbine had no problem with the existence of this game i knew one of the boys killed in the shooting but if someone wants to play that game its there right to
Mass effect is also one of the first games that comes to my mind that encourages an honest view of sexuality and relationships. The sex scenes are not graphic in any way and you can easily see more graphic sexuality on prime time telivision. I will not go into my views on the censored views of sex in this country which are quite rediulous
Another game that wasnt really all that bad. It was a slow brutal game with terrible graphics- Everyone was so upset by this, but what about condemned or dead space?
Mass effects sex scenes have been criticized many a time by asshole shit eating fox news: Fox news Your channel for Hating everything especially homosexuals, people that arent white, and poor people
Anypony konw of any? The two that come to mind are MW2's No Russian and Mass Effects Gay Characters. Both of these things i was nott bothered by at all due to the fact that i am a big advocate of gay rights and as for No Russian, i think its so hypocritical that hollywood have been making movie scenes like this for years and its considered ok but when Video games do it its just sooooo wrong?
Im pretty sure they already said November 13th, but im not buying im done with this bs activision imma give my money to Lollipop chainsaw, borderlands 2, assasins creed three, resident evil 6, GTAV, and of course Halo 4