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Everything posted by DukeofCanterlot

  1. This is looking pretty good.. background ponies galore! And the Breezies, wonder if they are going to have an evil/mischievous side to them.
  2. I don't know if it is true or not but it would be goddamn awesome if Discord turned out to be Star Swirl the Bearded.
  3. So, here's the story. Prince Blueblood needs to pick his wife. He is initially encouraged to only consider ponies from elite families by his mother. This requirement gets Lyra, from the elite Heartstrings family, as a top contender. She learns that she is one of Blueblood's top three choices. Lyra has a crush on Prince Blueblood and loves the idea of being "his princess". Bon-Bon decides to accompany Lyra for their first meeting to offer Lyra protection. Prince Blueblood falls in love with Bon-Bon and wants to make her his princess, something which Bon-Bon does not want to happen. Unlike many of the other young mares, Bon-Bon never saw what made Prince Blueblood so attractive. She always found him to be arrogant and full of himself. But despite all of that, Blueblood is going to be nicer to Bon-Bon than he is to other ponies...still flawed/selfish but at least he's going to try to be decent. Things become more awkward when Lyra becomes extremely jealous of Bon-Bon.. poor Bon-Bon actually has a crush on Lyra, her best friend. There is also Blueblood's mother who isn't keen on the idea of Blueblood marrying a "common pony from Ponyville". Cover Art: Basically, I am envisioning Prince Blueblood being smitten with Bon-Bon but she doesn't like him back. They could be on a date or something like that. If possible, you could have Lyra spying on them but make that kind of subtle. If somebody could do this, I would be grateful. The story is "The Blueblood of the Bon-Bon" and it will be on FimFiction.
  4. Scootalove, I like those better actually. Derpy as kindness. Doctor Whooves as loyalty. Leads the way for Lyra to take magic Derpy fits kindness very nicely.
  5. I have seen a lot of good stuff about the background mane six and what their own specific elements would be. However, which of the canon elements of harmony do you think they would have? My thoughts. I'll probably elaborate on explanations later today but am a little busy right now. Just wanted to get this out there. Magic: Doctor Whooves (time travel magic) Generosity: Octavia Honesty: Bon-Bon Laughter: Vinyl Scratch Kindness: Lyra Heartstrings Loyalty: Derpy Hooves The ones I'm least certain about are Derpy and Doctor Whooves.. can switch these two. Especially, if I want to do something like magic is friendship and in the heart etc... Thoughts? I might make a fanfic about this in the future. I might assign them their own special elements but think it would be interesting to have "copies" of the current Mane Six as well and see how the Mane Six react to that .. especially if Trollestia initiates it. Even though Lyra and Vinyl are the unicorns of the group, I think Kindness and Laughter work better for each one respectively than Magic.
  6. Thanks Brechard! I think the picture turned out great, That's how I pictured Number Cruncher looking in pegasus form.
  7. Something tells me that we're gonna see a lot of FlutterMac shippings on FimFiction than we have already.
  8. Perhaps Fluttershy could become a mistress of 1000 voices like Bon-Bon!
  9. The CMC did something right. Cheerilee is still in love with Big Mac.
  10. The return of Flutterguy! It was awesome. Wow - Rarity made Angel cry.
  11. This tournament is way less exciting for me now that Bon-Bon isn't in but still looking forward to it nevertheless. If you're a human, it's in your best interest to support Lyra
  12. It's official. In the World Cup, I shall root for Pinkie Pie and Lyra!! Dinky Doo over Bon-Bon!?!? Preposterous!! At least Lyra is in.
  13. C'mon Bon-Bon, you can win this!! It's really close..... Dinky Doo is alright but she's no Bon-Bon..
  14. Season 4 has been filled with pleasant surprises. "Simple Ways" is probably my second favorite episode this season.. behind "Pinkie Pride". For an episode to beat "Pinkie Pride" though at this point, it probably needs all of the following factors: 1.) Prominent roles from Lyra and/or Bon-Bon, I'd love both but I'll just take one of them. 2.) A strong focus on Pinkie Pie - breaking the 4th wall, being hilarious, essentially making all of us smile OR Pinkie transforming into Pinkamena like in "Party of One". 3.) Discord and his antics 4.) Top-notch songs 5.)A re-appearance of Cranky Doodle Donkey 6.) Princess Celestia trolling Twilight and her friends Yea... I guess what I'm trying to say is that "Simple Ways" was awesome but it takes a lot for any episode to beat "Pinkie Pride".
  15. Spike looks like he's already heard the Trenderhoof talk.
  16. Nah, Pinkie isn't jealous. She is just excited for what is to come. Wow, Spike is actually classy as Rarity's assistant.
  17. Pinkie Pie the balloon, it all makes sense now! If I was on the selection committee, I would have given the title to Pinkie.
  18. Nope, I don't think so, not at all. Pinkie's focus is on making other ponies smile. It's all part of that focus.
  19. I ended up voting for Fluttershy - everything about her is designed to be adorable.
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