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  1. be back in an hour! Off to singing bowls.

    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. AstralAmity


      To be able to see it you need to picture no sensory information at all. Technically I can't even say it's possible to see it... but you can in fact closely experience it by thinking of absolutely nothing. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to see the void, but you can in fact experience it. Because of this, there MUST be some sort of connection that the conscious mind can make to it.

    3. AstralAmity



      Sort of, it's more like the idea of being conscious and thinking of literally no idea and no thoughts.... the void. Hard to explain because you can't describe it nor see it. Only experience it.

    4. CharmingStallion


      When I think of the void I think of my senses and try to imagine shutting them off one by one. For example smell...if I cannot smell then to me there is no such thing as smell, sight..if I cannot see there is no such thing as color or seeing, and this goes on and on. Think of a kid born blind, they have no concept of anything visual because they have never experienced it. So their minds are de-void (see what i did there lol) of that sense.

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