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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Wayzer

  • Birthday 1997-09-06

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  • Personal Motto
    Can’t really say I have any

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Reformed Changeling

Reformed Changeling (13/23)


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  1. Well I'm back... for a short while!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wayzer


      meh it's not that she's too good for it. She's just really busy lately lives on her own and could really use the money. She has good reasons to do commissions.

    3. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Sorry if it seemed like I was whining about that...your a good friend and im sure she is too, you don't guys need to hear my problems.

    4. Wayzer


      Of course I'd like to help you pal, heck if you have problems I'd be more than willing to help you or at least listen to them and feel for ya. Just open up a pm if you want ok? *hugs*

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