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Status Updates posted by Wayzer

  1. How're you awesome ponies all doing this morning!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GrauWitz


      Fine, even though I only have two days until I go back to school -_-. How're you? :)

    3. Wayzer
    4. yeet
  2. Goodnight everypony!!! Canoed for 5 hours today :o totally exhausted

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wayzer


      Hehe not that me amd my sis utterly failed one time XD we managed to both get launched out of the boat when we hit two rocks from the side :P sight must have been quite hilarious

    3. Malinter
    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I'm glad you survived! ^^


      Hope you had a fun time too. Rest well.

  3. Hey o.O I've seen what you drawn for sugar in the mascot contest and it's awesomely cute!! ^_^ not horrible to me

    1. Plume


      Awwwww thanks! I do art because I get happy when people like it, so this means a lot :D

    2. Wayzer


      Haha well yep I certainly liked it! You've got some great talent!!!

  4. Bro o.O I've seen what you drawn for sugar in the mascot contest and it's awesomely cute man!! ^_^

  5. Oooowh me with my stupidiness o.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wayzer


      Mighta just ruined something with my friend :o hope not

    3. CadetGrey


      (Isn't it called 'stupidity'? :P) Nah, I'm sure you'll be fine. Friendships can handle a lot of stuff, if they're stable.

    4. Wayzer


      Haha it is! I thought it sounded eerm.. Funny? Xd

  6. I should really talk some more to ya man :o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lomk


      I don't have time to game anymore except on the weekend lol I'm too tired to do anything but watch TV during the workweek. Adulthood sucks, man .-.

    3. Wayzer


      Hha what's the difference with my school now XD 8:30 till 16 and after that homework till late evening.... Well that's if I choose to do my homework lol

    4. Wayzer


      Hah well hope it's not too bad

  7. Gooood morning everyone!

  8. HEEEY GOODNIGHT AWESOME PONES!! Imma gonna sleep early today!! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yeet


      Lel, I know that feel Wayzer.

    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Then go to sleep, and dream with equestria!


    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Kind of what I did a couple of nights ago. Felt horrible staggering into work. x)

  9. Big party starting soon here in France close by the town we stay in. Me and a few friends from the Netherlands gonna go together with some fun French girls. Heck this is gonna be fun!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      I hate parties....... except if is a private party.

    3. CadetGrey


      Whaaat? You're in France? Gosh, have fun! ^_^ I hope you guys have a blast! Kisses from the Netherlands! :3

    4. Wayzer


      Haha yep still got vacation kisses back from France!!!! Thanks all!! *squeedlehugs*

  10. Crysis is over! We've got coffee again! Praise the princesses!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      Your welcome eue Don't need to thank me. Didn't do anything sadly :S

    3. Wayzer


      Xd *rofls*

    4. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Now you just have the incomplete profile crisis :P

  11. Mmmhm.... We're out of coffee o.O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wayzer


      Worst possible thing!!! O.o *runs off to get new coffee*

    3. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Of all the worst things to happen... THIS...IS...THE...WORST...*rarity drama*

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I can think of no greater tragedy! D:

  12. Owh heavens..... My sis is contemplating to join mlpforums! :o

    1. Malinter


      double sun powah!!!

    2. Wayzer
  13. I'm going off to bed everyponeh!! Has been an amazing day!!! Goodnight!!!!

    1. GrauWitz


      Goodnight! *cuddles*

  14. Contemplates wearing luna gamer t-shirt when going to a restaurant in France

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeet


      It is not possible?

    3. yeet


      Also add "in" to the beginning of the sentence.

    4. Commander Tangent
  15. Yep the impossible just happened, I make more than one post a day now and I even replied to statusupdates!!! Wayzer is active again ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shayla (Cadance)

      Shayla (Cadance)


    3. Wayzer


      Haha thanks Shayla :)

    4. Shayla (Cadance)
  16. Gotta love that Dutch pony OC! :) you made it yourself?.... Don't ask why I didn't just ask this in Dutch XD ik spreek gwn Nederlands :P

    1. CadetGrey


      Hey, bedankt! Ik heb d'r zelf verzonnen en getekend. ^^ En, euh... De drang der gewoonte waarschijnlijk. :P 't is natuurlijk een Engels Forum.

    2. Wayzer


      Wel echt goed getekend ^_^ hah tja ik wou dat ik zo kon telenen :P

    3. CadetGrey


      Dankje! Met wat oefening kom je al een heel eind. :3

  17. It's really time for me to sleep now or I'll be zombified tomorrow XD see you all tomorrow awesome ponies!!!! GOODNIGHT AND SWEET DREAMS!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wayzer


      Naaah as a real Dutchman I sell doobies for insane prices never use them myself XD kiddin I seriously don't do zhe doobs *cuddles all*

    3. yeet


      Lel *is cuddled, smells of weed, gets high off of your fur*

    4. GrauWitz


      Wayzer is a drug?! *snorts Wayzer's fur*

  18. I just applied to be a mod! ^^ I don't wanna set my hope up too high but who knows what might happen!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wayzer


      Thanks both!! Luck to you too!

    3. yeet


      Yes. Now excuse me while I try to figure out how 8 games can take up 180 gb, when one of them takes up more than five of them put together. (The five take up around. 40gb)

    4. yeet


      Three games take up 140gb. Five take up 40gb. Just wow.

  19. Well I'm back from camp peeps! Currently chilling in southern France :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GrauWitz


      Hi Wayzer! *hugs*

    3. Wayzer


      *hugs both* So cool to see you all back!!!

    4. yeet
  20. Well people it's not that I'm online that much so I guess I won't be missed that much XD but I'll be gone for a week. Camp in Luxembourg! Hope to cya all soon!

  21. Just damm the Ukranian seperatists......

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wayzer


      Yeah... *hugs* everybody here is so sad

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i can imamgine :(

    4. Wayzer


      I knew of the crash but I only heard those two where on it a few hours ago


    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. GrauWitz


      But only because it might get too.... Let's say, "questionable"

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      yeah we all know hoe it ends with your current avatr ja?

    4. GrauWitz
  23. THE DOCTOR IS IN!!!!!

  24. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

    1. yeet


      Shouldn't it be thou shalt eat bread?

    2. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      Dat poetry~ *notes down to poke in case I need fancy poetry for a fanfic ¤OuO¤ *


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