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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wayzer

  1. It's way too late now O.o Lil Wayzer shsould get some sleep :P goodnight everypony have awesome dreams!

    1. DragonKing235


      not bud and don't let the bat pony's bite

    2. Seaweed-Headed Dragon
  2. Nevermind worrying is gone, I've got Flutters on my shouder now... yes really

    1. yeet
    2. Zenit


      you don't make sense

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      me want plushie :(

  3. *panicks for French test*

  4. Aaand I have to go for csi filming again O.o

  5. *yawns* too long since I posted a goodnight post, so I'll do it now, GOODNIGHT EVERYPONY AND SWEET DREAMS. And for the birthday people among us, make it an awesome day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeet



    3. FullMetalDash
    4. Wayzer


      Nighty all! :D may Luna be just as awesome to you all as well! *hugs*

  6. Goodmorning everypony! Big sports day coming along!

    1. yeet


      Sports day here isn't very good, dunno when it is either.

      Also good morning, and how are you


    2. yeet


      I meant to put a question mark at the end, bloody ipad and its shitty ways.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Good morning, although I'm about to go to bed. xD


      I hope you have a wonderful day though. ^^

  7. 10 pages of unread notifications... good job me

  8. Best dota round evah! owh and battlefield 3 is free for limited time

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr F

      Mr F

      He do not really get countered, but it is limited how good he is.

      For example he do not affect the game at all, compared to any other carry. (He do more damage than help)

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      a fed riki is a lot weaker than an equally fed anti-mage. The am can also join teamfights, unlike riki who have to go alone.

    4. Wayzer


      :P not exactly true riki can do a lot of damage when he;s backstabbing but doesn't get noticed
  9. Alors on danse!

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i hate that song

  10. Finally got to watching the Alien series, have seen the first 2 so far. Iz super cool!

    1. yeet


      The movies? I so I got the box set a couple months ago,

    2. Wayzer


      we've got m all too now

    3. yeet


      The quadrilogy with directors cut too?

  11. Archery contest all day long, short metric here I come!

    1. Malinter


      pew pew pew XD

  12. le sigh

    1. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      What's wrong sweetie? D:

    2. Wayzer


      ugh just plain boredom and my friends being sad *hugs*


    1. PurplePony


      Thank you my Wayo <3 made my day

  14. This day we're going to start filming for some csi project, sure excited ^^ forensic research ftw!

  15. listening to dubstep in class? not good idea whole class hears it XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Hehe, there was once a guy that did and everyone was like.. "What the fu** is listening to that crap". It was awkward, I put down my iPod since I had been planning on listening to some as well. lol

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i used to listen to tchaikovsky in class, the teacher approved of it

    4. Fluttershyfan94


      ^That's awesome. lol

  16. Ok I'll go off for this day everypony, was an awesome day for sure! You're all cool! ^^ GOODNIGHT EVERYPONY!!!

  17. I'm going off to bed all, I hope to talk to you all again soon! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT EVERYPONY AND SWEET DREAMS!

  18. Aaand getting back to work. Hope to be back soon!

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt


    2. Wayzer


      O_o I did

  19. I got a small break. Yay! :D

    1. Zenit


      Use it wisely

  20. work today = kablam + o

    1. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Arbeit macht frei!

    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      biggest lie of history XD

  21. Well goodnight everypony, work tomorrow so I'm going to catch some sleep

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wayzer


      omg night Purpy, hope that hand's going better?

    3. PurplePony


      It indeed is getting better. Working on a paper and saw you were going, thought I would say night and I miss you :( *big hugs*

    4. Wayzer


      *hugs back* :) luck with that paper though I think you already finished it

  22. Goodmorning friends! How're ya?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BastementSparkle


      I'm good. Getting ready for bed myself.

    3. Wayzer


      not tired at all, actually :P


      owh and goodnight

    4. yeet


      And I'm going to school now, just gotta take my tablets.

  23. European elections today :o

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      But that architecture <3


      But, Washington DC is awesome too. :P

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      But that architecture <3


      But, Washington DC is awesome too. :P

    4. Wayzer


      Rome is best, you can find everything you can find in Paris but then legitimate, like those arcs, only the eiffel tower but yeah who cares bout that when you've got the colosseum

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