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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wayzer

  1. So hoping I would be able to leave work early today :/

  2. Must keep myself to rp schedule with militaristic discipline.....

  3. Work work work, today I'll be at work T_T XD well guess I hope I'll cya all in the evening!

  4. Ok I'll be going to prepare for working all day again :/ might be on for just a few secs before I go, but I'm not sure :(

  5. Goodmorning all! ^^ *coughs and spills coffee all over his desk* WHY IS CUPCAKES IN MAH RECOMMENDED YOUTUBE VIEUWS! O_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      Oh, and there's some cupcakes I made just for you on the table.

    3. Polaris


      Good morning, bro! :-)

    4. Wayzer


      *hugs both of m* ^^ morning polly!

  6. Ok I'm going, if ya see this Aero, sorry for going off unexpectedly :/

  7. Actually managed to got a penta on LoL ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wayzer


      eeehm volt what are you doing?

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      what? just hugging my favourite mare! XD

    4. Wayzer


      -_- voooltyyy!

  8. Ok I'll need to be going. Once again I wanted to thank all you awesome people on here! Volty Sweet Pen Polaris AppleGear Blissy and way more people. You're the best friends I could wish for! :)

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Wayzer


      wow..... aside from being amazing my friends are also nuts :o

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      *rubs his hoof agains your cutie mark* isn't it so sexy? i mean.. the cutie mark...

    4. Wayzer
  9. Ok I'll be off early today everypony!!! cya all around!

    1. Serious Sam
    2. yeet


      titty sprinkles

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      See ya- wait what? o-o

  10. Ok I'll be off to archery ^^ cya all!

    1. yeet


      Lucky, bye.

    2. Lightwing


      G'Luck!!! ;3

      *throws banana*

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      See ya.

  11. Is it just me or is steam out

  12. Goodmorning all! how are you all doing!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Doing Great :D


      Beat my rival at chess :D

    3. Malinter


      grey start but doing alright :)

    4. CrimsonWeb
  13. Goodnight everypony!!!! May Luna guide your dreams and all! Sweet dreams too!

    1. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      GOOD NIGHT BRO! *Hugs*


      Hey, Question, can I draw your OC? The one that is an assassin?

    2. Wayzer


      Eeeh sure if ya want to ^^ cool

  14. That I am stricken and can't let you go When the heart is cold, there's no hope and we know That I am crippled by all that you've done Into the abyss will I run.

  15. Anybody else plays dota2?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      I'm a "Pirate" when it comes to buying games if you know what I mean.


    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      Yeah I play dota 2.

      I have almost 1000 hours on it. xD

    4. Mr F

      Mr F


      Dota 2 is free to play you know?

  16. Wayzy is baaack!!!!!!

    1. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      WAYZER!!! *Tackle hugs*

    2. Wayzer


      suprs *hugs*

  17. I'll get to bet now! Resting time is much appreciated XD cya all everypony!!! have a great Night day afternoon morning evening whatever! :P

    1. SkyStorm


      Night! See ya later zombpony :D

    2. Wayzer
    3. SkyStorm


      Hahahahaha! Perfect xD

  18. *insert hey listen here*

    1. SkyStorm


      *insert what? here*

  19. That banner is surely amazing! :P really I dunno why you think it isn't! :D


  21. Back from work. Actually did an interesting discovery, well to me it was it won't probably interest ya :P but I'll tell later anyway!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      I'm on Skype now, you can tell me there if you want.


      Also...welcome back! *Tackle hugs Wayzer*

    3. Commander Tangent
    4. Wayzer


      :P I will in next update (sorry btw was watching bond movie with dadz)


      It's wuite some typing work

  22. Ok I'll go to work now :C see you all everypony, if I wont get on during breaks then I'll be home in about 9 hours, maybe 10 if I'll need to work overtime

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CrimsonWeb


      Think of a good dare to give meeeeeeee

    3. Wayzer


      oowh eeehm I know one... heheh !

    4. CrimsonWeb
  23. IT'S KINGS DAY!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      but we are still the best show off XD skip at 4.00


    3. Wayzer


      Yep italians are showoffs XD

    4. KRAKELINGCATcarnage
  24. Goodnight everypony!!!! I'll get some sleep, see you all tomorrow though I've got to work!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Okay...mental scarring?

    3. CrimsonWeb


      More like fun scarring

    4. Wayzer


      I can't remember Luna to be in that room..... or was she

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